similar to: rsync fails with "Permission denied" errors on random files over NFS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "rsync fails with "Permission denied" errors on random files over NFS"

2009 Sep 17
rsync with danish chars in filename
Hi, I have a Qnap NAS-219 used for storage, i have a Ubuntu 9.04 server for backup. When rsync between them filenames containing ? have problemes, the danish chars ? ? does not have any problems eventhough its a special char like ? ? ?. The log files state following: file has vanished: "/M?deskabelon.doc" where ? should be ?, and the file is stil at the system, so its not vanished.
2007 Jan 05
permission problem samba share 2nd suse server
Dear all, I'm running a fileserver on Suse10. The purpose of this fileserver is to store only mailbackups. I also have backupserver running Suse10 with Dar&Sarab installed. backups will be done on HDD. This runs perfect. because I need to mount the samba share of the fileserver to the backupserver i did: mount -t smbfs -o username=root,password=xxx,debug=4 //ipaddress/mailbackup
2018 Nov 30
Fw: AD usres are not show in Domain Controller when apply setfacl command
Dear Rowland Penny  I follow your mentioned step still i am face the same problem I have 1 Domain Controller [sambadc] and 1 Domain member for Samba Share and backup [backupserver] 1.when try view the ACL rights is backup server i can able view the domain user name [root at backupserver Rishinox]# getfacl /ADHDD/Rishinox/ getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file:
2009 Mar 31
About multiple hosts with same hostname
Hello all I have a somewhat annoying problem with OpenSSH. Now, granted, it's certainly not a bug. I'm just wondering what the best course of action is. At work, we have multiple customers with machines named "fw0", "fs0", etc. This is all good, since it conforms to a standard naming scheme, so it's easier to administrate. However, when we go to our
2002 Dec 17
Still having trouble with copying large files
I had originally written about this problem last month ( Since then, our company has added another Windows Fileserver which I'm trying to back up, and they are both having the problem. Because it happens on both servers, this leads me to believe it really is a problem with my Samba server. I've upgraded to 2.2.7a, as the
2008 Sep 29
scp partition "not a regular file"
Hi list, should it be possible to scp a partition with this command: scp /dev/sda7 backupserver:/backup/sda7.img I always get "not a regular file" - which is a clear and understandable error, but my googling tells me that some people are doing this - and it seems to work - at least at their systems. I know that I can avoid this by simply doing dd if=/dev/sda7 | ssh backupserver dd
2008 Apr 16
how to handle a random password in a config file?
Hi I''m trying to configure bacula''s config file. The issue is everytime the script runs a new key gets generated for bacula. How can I have the config file update only run once with puppet, yet replace the default bacula-fd.conf file. script listed below: class bacula-client { # define which server to use case $datacenter { 1: { $backupserver
2004 Feb 26
remote files not being deleted
I've got an issue with remote files being deleted after the local file has been deleted. For some reason, this isn't happening. I'm running rsync 2.5.6 protocol 26 (yes, I know there are newer versions, but logistics dictates that I can't upgrade right now). I have used the --delete, --delete-after, and --ignore-errors options in all sorts of combinations. An example of the
2018 Nov 28
Fw: AD usres are not show in Domain Controller when apply setfacl command
Dear Team I show below my problem when try to apply setfacl to share directory in domain controller My Problem is: I have one Samba AD [4.1] it work fine. I create common share folder in domain controller when try to apply ACL permission it show the following message [root at sambadc ~]# setfacl -m "u:RISHI\Administrator:rwx" /ADD_Drive/Samplesetfacl: Option -m: Invalid argument near
2009 Feb 24
using perl regular expression
Hello everybody! I'm using Perl regular Expression for find pattern in my data set. The pattern is: NaQxy, where a=E, F, G or H and xy != 29. I have tried this: pattern <- "^N[E-H]Q[0-9]{2,2}" index <- grep(pattern, X, perl=T) #where X is my vector But the problem is the xy should not be 29. How can I solve this problem. Thanks!!! Regards, Katrine [[alternative
2018 Nov 30
Fw: AD usres are not show in Domain Controller when apply setfacl command
On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 09:06:34 +0000 Rowland Penny via samba <samba at> wrote: > On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 06:16:42 +0000 (UTC) > barani tharan <aru_barani at> wrote: > > > Dear Rowland Penny > >  I follow your mentioned step still i am face the same problem > > I have 1 Domain Controller [sambadc] and 1 Domain member for Samba > >
2007 Mar 15
Problem with shared xls file. Could it be blamed on rsync?
Hi all! I recently had a problem with a shared excel file which was rsynced from the file- to the backupserver. The backups of this file went wrong and I can't figure out why. The whole rsync and dump to tapes works like charm for a few month now. The situation was as followed. That xls lived (and was backuped) happily for 5 days. Then the users startet to share this file among 4 or 5 people.
2003 Apr 05
WARNING: rsync mirror is erased when remote HD-dies
Hello, I faced a problem with rsync-ing like this server blue 3-HD's as Linux Sofware-RAID 0 (striping) - Webserver EXT3 server green 3-HD's as Linux Sofware-RAID 0 (striping) - Backupserver EXT3 During the rsync-2.4.6-13 process one of the HD's on blue died. Though rsync decided to remove the mirrored directories from green (the backup-server). This process resulted in a partial
2008 Aug 13
Symlinks in source path with --relative
Dear Experts, I have a fairly straightforward backup script that does something like this: cd / rsync -a --delete --relative home/phil/important backupserver:/backup/foo/ This was working fine and, for example, /home/phil/important/file1 was copied to /backup/foo/home/phil/important/file1 on the backup server. But then I changed the disk partition arrangement on the source machine. Before,
2011 Nov 09
Please advise on very fast search
Hello, I try to create some kind of mail backup system. What I need is system that will store mail for the whole domain, and allow me to restore messages from/to specified email at that domain. The scheme is pretty simple: on our main mail server the SMTP server itself has a rule to send a copy of every message to 'backup at', and the domain is
2012 Aug 15
iscsi storage, LACP or Multipathing | Migration or rebuild?
Hi, I do have one iscsi storage with 4 GBit nics of which currently only one is configured with an ip and which is in productive use by one cent os 6.3 server. Doing some research brought me to the idea to use some nic bonding or multipathing for that storage, but multipathing I did about four or five years ago only once :) Furthormore I can't find the ultimate answer (may be there is not
2005 Oct 12
Vanished Files issue/enhancement
Hi Rsync/Samba team, First of all, cudos on rsync 2.6.6! It is running exceptionally well. I'm using a script executed by cron to keep warm-backup servers in sync with the primary server. The execution is set to run every 5 minutes. Like any good programmer, this process is *very* paranoid and uses 'wall' to notify the users if any error occurs during the transmissions. This is
2002 May 04
Send Password with RSYNC_PASSWORD ore --password-file
Hallo, i am verry sorry about my bad engllish. But i trie my best... I trie to setup an Backupserver. If i use this rsync -varpog -e ssh /home/www/web6 the Server is asking me fore Password. If i use this rsync -varpog -e ssh --stats /home/www/web6 --password-file=host1.pwd the Server is asking me too fore Passwort. How i can bring
2013 Sep 23
Howto: Extremely tight security rsync shell for backups
We've been using rsync since forever to back up all our servers and it's worked without a problem. But in a recent security review, we noted that our specific rsync backup host is using root keys to access the server, meaning that if the keys on the backup server were leaked/compromised in any fashion, that would provide r00t access to the servers being backed up. Since this
2020 Mar 21
CentOS 8.1 cron does not send mail
On 27 Feb 2020, at 14:42, Jonathan Billings wrote: > On Feb 27, 2020, at 08:01, Tobias Kirchhofer <collect at> > wrote: >> >> ?Hi, >> >> we experience difficulties with crond behaviour sending mail since >> CentOS 8.1. The cron job is the same like we used in CentOS 7. >> >> crontab -l >> /usr/bin/python3 -c 'import