similar to: looking for superlifter souce code and related information

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "looking for superlifter souce code and related information"

2002 Jun 26
Latest rZync release: 0.06
For the small number of people who are checking this out, I released version 0.05 a couple days ago (and only mentioned it on my new-protocol web page) followed today by 0.06. Some highlights of the two releases: - We handle symlinks now in our recursive synchronization mode. - Directory scanning is no longer limited to one active directory at a time (which was sorely needed when all the
2002 Jul 23
superlifter - Backup v.s. file distribution.
I would like to suggest that different programs be used for backups than for file distribution. While the two applications have a lot in common, and could probably share a common library, there are some significant differences in what they need to do. These differences can add needless complexity to the design if a single program is used to do both. A backup program is mainly concerned with
2002 Jul 27
superlifter design notes (was Re: ...
> From: jw schultz <> > > On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 09:03:32AM -0400, Bennett Todd wrote: > >>2002-07-26-03:37:51 jw schultz: >> >>>All that matters is that we can represent the timestamps in >>>a way that allows consistent comparison, restoration and >>>transfer. >> >>A very good statement indeed. There are
2002 Jul 21
superlifter design notes (OpenVMS perspective)
> Qualities > > 1. Be reasonably portable: at least in principle, it should be > possible to port to Windows, OS X, and various Unixes without major > changes. In general, I would like to see OpenVMS in that list. > Principles > > 1. Clean design rather than micro-optimization. A clean design allows optimization to be done by the compiler, and tight optimization
2002 Jun 21
Release 3 of "rzync" new-protocol test
For anyone who'd like to check out the latest release of my "rzync" [sic] test release, I've just released a new version. For those that might not have time to look at the code but could provide some feedback based on a rough description, I've created the following simple web page: Here's the tar file of the new
2008 Feb 11
Need ideas for project
Hey everyone, I am a final semester MCA student. I've chosen rsync as the subject of my project for my graduation. Hence I would appreciate it if someone could guide me with some ideas on how I can contribute to rsync. I will work hard to implement whatever suggestions that you can all give me. I would definitely like to know what are some of the issues concerning rsync. May be I can then
2008 May 26
RcppTemplate find example C++ souce code without Rtools ??
Dear R users, I would like to call R from C++ and Rcpp class library already compiled are a big advantage !! I have already read the doc/PDF in the installed package 5.0 and all the posts in this forum It's possible to get the source code (RcppExample.cpp) whitout Rtools ?? (i'm not familiar whit Rtools) many thanks in advance Roberto Iacopetti win XP sp 2.2600 Dev-C++ R
2004 Jun 18
Help:how to generate different packets?souce code explanation?
Hi,All I setup traffic control configuration with HTB this way: 1: root HTB qdisc | 1:1 HTB class rate 1024kbit | /-----+-----+-----+------+-----\ 1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50 1:60 EF AF41 AF31 AF21 AF11 BE and alloct different bandwidth to these PHBs(queues).So which tool would I use to generate these packets at the same to for
2004 Sep 10
1.0 souce released
OK, I did the last few patches and made the source release. Hope I got everything. I'll send out the standard announcement now. Thanks everyone. Josh __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
2004 Sep 10
Re: 1.0 souce released
On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 12:15:46AM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote: > m4 eats the brackets. I guess they could be quoted somehow, but > the system always shows up as "i386" anyway. FYI, they can be quoted by doubling them ("[[3-6]]"). Even if config.guess always gives i386, It might be nice to allow the user to specify a system type manually (for instance, if the
2016 Nov 16
Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) is Looking for Information Technology-related Job Opportunities World Wide
Dear Sir/Madam, My academic and educational qualifications are now reflected in my email signature. I am an entry level/junior/beginner Information Technology (IT) Specialist/Systems Engineer/Linux Server Administrator/Helpdesk Support/Computer Technician available for hire anywhere in the world!!! Prospective employers, businesses and companies in any part of the world please feel free to
2002 Jun 13
2nd release of my new-protocol testing app
I've been having a lot of fun improving my new-protocol testing app. It's seems to be in pretty good shape (for test code), so I figured I'd announce another release for those brave souls that may want to help me in my thinking about a (potential) new rsync protocol. It's a tar.gz file this time because I broke up the code into multiple files. I named it "rzync" just
2002 Oct 11
rsync kioslave - future direction
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I have it very roughly working, in that I can browse some directories and download at least some files to view in konqueror. Obligatory screen shot at It is a basic wrapper around the rsync binary. So I'm not yet getting any real benefit from rsync - I'm effectively always in --whole-file mode. This
2002 Oct 30
hundreds of thousands files
I am rsyncing several hunderds of thousands of files in several directories. The way I got rsync to work for me was I wrote a script which NFS mounts the directory I am rsyncing first before starting, and then it goes through the directories and rsyncs them in bite sizeable chunks by going a few directories deep and starting there.. Is there any way to have this as an option inside rsync
2002 Dec 17
rsync protocol description
Hello, I'm currently evaluating the possibility of implementing a rsync client in a project for my company. The platform used is currently not supported and implementing the client from scratch currently seems to be the most feasible approach. For that I'd be very much interested in a description of the protocol that rsync talks on port 873. Is such a description available somewhere? I
2008 Nov 28
Rsync & parallelizing it for files in same directory
Hi there, I haven't yet delved into the rsync source code, and thus would need to ask a few questions first before going into the wrong direction. We have not, one but several cases[1] of doing Disaster Recovery type backup/synchronization with typically 1 to 2 million of files. Now yes, I know I can go and write a perl/python/<flavour_of_the_year> script to recursively do the
2009 Jul 15
What happened to librsync?
Hi. It seems that librsync got left by the roadside ... is there anything similar for rsync 3.x.x? Or, is there any easy way to use the library routines in the rsync 3.x.x source independantly? The only other open source software I've found that looks similar is xdelta, and it's still beta for v3.x Thanks, Sam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
2009 Feb 27
rsync --files-from
Hi, I am working on a replication tool for lustre filesystems. We have introduced a mechanism for getting the changes that have been made to a lustre filesystem - similar to inotify. We call this mechanism, changelogs. For performing replication, we open the source file using its 'file identifier' or FID (think of it an inode that is unique cluster wide) instead of its path. The file is
2005 Jul 28
Need help with the rsync library and the communication protocol
Hey, I'm currently adding rsync to pacman ( A static version of the program is used for rescue operations. Because of this it is impossible to use the rsync client programm via an execve call and we need a version implemented in C. So I started implementing it. But the rsync source isn't beautiful or structured - it's just a big hunk of code. I spent
2002 Jul 18
rsync anti-FUD
I'm working on a commercial project that would benefit immensely from the use of rsync. However, I cannot convince management that rsync is a worthy tool due to the rote "it's shareware, it's not supported" FUD. Are there any documented, corportate users of rsync? Testimonials? In short, how do I drag this risk-averse group out of the FTP age into the rsync present? /p