similar to: [Cucumber, Webrat] Error backtraces shown as HTML in console

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2008 Sep 09
Cucumber and fixtures/FixtureReplacement
Hey guys, I''d never used RSpec Stories before, so I decided to follow the apparent direction of the wind and just jump right into cucumber. I''m dabbling with/using Cucumber and really like it. Good job, aslak! Where i''m struggling right now is using either fixtures or a model factory methodology like the FixtureReplacement. In both cases, I''m not
2009 Feb 05
[Cucumber] Progress Bar
Inspired by Nick Evans'' RSpec progress bar[1], I had a little crack at implementing the progress bar for cucumber, ''cause I want to know how long a break I can take while the features are running :) It''s in my fork, in the coverage_formatter branch: It will dump failing feature, scenario, step and the exception as
2009 Apr 02
Problem with Custom matcher and Blocks
Hi, I''m trying to write my first custom matcher. Here''s a bit of my example group. describe "/contact/index" do include FormMatchers before(:each) do render ''contact/index'' end it "should show the contact form" do response.should have_a_contact_form end describe "the contact form" do context
2008 Sep 26
BDD / cucumber thought - chaining ''Then'' steps with Which
Going back to the debate about keeping state between steps, I found myself with the mild urge to be able to write this today: Given there is a user And the user has 20 friends Then I should see a thumbnail of each of the users''s friends Which should be a link to the user profile page for that friend NB: An idiom in this which may be songkick-only but was inspired by what
2008 Sep 09
cucumber - mark a step as pending
I love the way I can throw a call to pending() in the top of an unfinished RSpec example and stop it from failing the build. Is there a similar way to do such a thing with good ole'' cucumber? cheers, Matt ---- In case you wondered: The opinions expressed in this email are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any former,
2009 Feb 06
RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
Hello, I have a controller action that raises a RecordNotFound exception if you''re not allowed to see something. In my global application controller (application.rb), I catch these and render the 404 template. But when I run cucumber (using webrat), it''s getting the full stacktrace (the step blows up). Any ideas why? I have consider_all_requests_local turned off in my test.rb.
2009 Apr 16
Cucumber - step negating another expecting step
On 16 Apr 2009, at 11:22, Joaquin Rivera Padron wrote: > at the moment I do it this way, hiding the complexity out of the > steps: > > Then /^I should see the people search form$/ do > people_search_form_exists > end > > Then /^I should not see the people search form$/ do > people_search_form_exists "not" > end > > and then the method: > >
2008 Dec 13
Reuse of Cucumber Features
What''s the best way to handle a requirement that shows up as a sub-requirement requirement in other features? For example let''s say users can enter dates in various forms throughout my application. There is one set of global rules specifying the formats in which dates may be entered, and how they are interpreted. I put that in one feature. In various other features, like
2009 Apr 27
[cucumber] Setting a constant in step definition
On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Andrew Premdas <apremdas at> wrote: > Currently I have a very simple constants implementation being loaded as a > Rails initialiser > > module MVOR > ? module Postage > ??? THRESHOLD =''6.99'') > ??? RATE =''30.00'') > ? end > end > > > My scenarios
2008 Nov 05
rake features and cucumber feature/name not producing same result
Hi all. If I run rake features or cucumber features/* I get one failing FIT scenario in one of my features. If I then run that feature that contains the FIT table with the failing scenario manually, it passes. I run it again with rake features or cucumber features/* it fails, run individually, it passes. Obviously some state is carrying over between the features. Any idea where i would start
2009 Jan 28
[Cucumber, TextMate Bundle] Call for help
Hey all, As some of you may know I created the Cucumber TextMate bundle: What most of you probably don''t know is that I stopped using TextMate (in favor of Vim) several months ago. Since then the Cucumber bundle has been somewhat neglected by me and I''ve mostly pulled in patches and regenerated the syntax for new
2009 Feb 17
[Cucumber] Level of features / Feature dependent steps
Forgive the long post, just looking for input/advice/alternate opinions.. Like many I think that going through the exercise of framing user requests in Cucumber terms(Features, Scenarios..) really helps facilitate necessary conversations and avoid time wasted implementing the wrong thing(e.g. as a requirement/specification tool). However, I''m a bit confused when it comes to
2008 Aug 15
Autotest and subclasses / namespaces
I am writing a controller admin/cities_controller.rb it inherits from AdminController, so it''s defined like class Admin::CitiesController > AdminController Whenever I save the controller file, autotest freaks out: uninitialized constant Admin::AdminController (NameError) I''m pretty used to just hitting CTRL-C to get autotest to re-load all the files, or flicking to
2008 Aug 27
I found myself having to write this today: class ArrayMatcher def initialize(array_to_match) @array_to_match = array_to_match end def ==(other) ok = true @array_to_match.each do |item| ok = ok and other.include?(item) end ok end end def array_including(array_to_match) end Is there already something in the
2011 Oct 18
rspec 1.3.2, Rails 2.3.14 - plugins not loading
Hi there I have a weird situation. I have inherited a project in Rails 1.2.3 that has been upgraded to Rails 2.3.14 (and is running). I have installed Cucumber and Rspec to start to write features/tests for the new code that needs to be written. In my Gemfile, these Gems are loaded: group :test do gem ''rspec-rails'', ''~> 1.3.4'', :require =>
2012 Jun 14
response.should have_content("1 movie") does not seem to work for me
Hey everybody I have worked quite to near the end of The RSpec Book, but now I''m having some troubles. I''m trying to get the last few Cucumber steps to work, which are: Then /^Caddyshack should be in the Comedy genre$/ do visit genres_path click_link "Comedy" save_and_open_page response.should have_content("1 movie") response.should
2009 Jan 13
Cucumber newbie gets Webrat::Se ssion (LoadError)
Just trying to get cucumber/webrat going and so after following the installation process here i wrote a quick feature and when I rake features, I get the following in the console: c:/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.2/lib/acti ve_support/dependencies.rb:262:in `load_missing_constant'': Expected
2008 Sep 24
How to define request.domain in when testing
Hi, My application relies on request.domain for doing its job. The problem I am encountering, is that when running tests, request.domain returns "", how can I change that so that it returns ""? Thanks in advance. -- Posted via
2009 Mar 05
Can I construct the controller myself in a controller spec?
Hi I am experimenting with Constructor based dependency injection for rails controllers. So I have something like this class LoginSessionsController < ApplicationController def initialize(authenticator = TheRealAuthenticator) @authenticator = authenticator end .... end The plan was to override the authenticator used when testing with something like describe
2008 Sep 13
RCov / RSpec segfaults on Ubuntu
Hi all, I appreciate that this is not an RSpec question, but I wondered if anyone out there can offer some pointers. We''re using the latest versions of RSpec and RCov, and ruby --version says this (on the Ubuntu build server): ruby 1.8.6 (2008-07-17 patchlevel 279) [x86_64-linux] We''re getting intermittent (yes, intermittent!) segfaults from the build when running