similar to: rspec 1.2.0 Released

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "rspec 1.2.0 Released"

2006 Dec 21
heres how to get color output in rspec_autotest with rspec 0.7.5
In case anyone else is trying to make this work, here is what I did (Before 0.7.4 I had patched the regex in zentest redgreen, but that is not used any more) To use directly, it is very simple. In rspec_autotest/lib/ rspec_autotest.rb, add a -c to the spec_command in the initializer function: @spec_command = "spec -c --diff unified" This won''t help however if you want
2007 Dec 09
[rspec-devel] rspec_on_rails (trunk - r3070) works with Rails 2.0.1
I figured most of it out. The Spec::Rails stuff was something in the code which has been fixed by revision 3099. The test methods partially make sense. Since the test/unit code has been integrated, methods with test in them are automatically turned into specs. However, the test? method is in a lib file that isn''t directly loaded into the specs. It is a convenience method: def
2008 Dec 06
Autospec does not work w/ cucumber features?
Hi! And now for the second part of the subject of my previous mails :) $ cat cucumber.yml default: . autotest: -v . autotest-all: -v -f progress . $ cucumber -i . -f progress PP Pending Scenarios: 1) enlightenment (meditation) $ AUTOFEATURE=true autospec # bug! prompt returns immediately, ZenTest gem not a dependency? a warning that autotest was not found would be nice. $ sudo gem
2009 May 14
[Rspec] Problems with autospec
Hi guys, I am having a problem with autospec. I upgraded to rspec-1.2.6, then I tried to run my specs with autospec. All my specs passes (green), until here, that''s all ok. The problem is that after all my specs have passed, the autospec stops, I mean, it doesn''t continue to run on background. The same behavior happened if one of my specs fails too. Is this the current default
2009 Oct 08
autospec cannont find gems
I am trying to install rspec for rails and have the following gems install C:\INSTAN~3.0-W\rails_apps\katai>gem list --local *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.3.4, 2.0.2) actionpack (2.3.4, 2.0.2) activerecord (2.3.4, 2.0.2) activeresource (2.3.4, 2.0.2) activesupport (2.3.4, 2.0.2) authlogic (2.1.2) autotest-rails (4.1.0) builder (2.1.2) capistrano (2.5.9, 2.1.0) cgi_multipart_eof_fix
2008 Oct 10
Solution for autospec not working
Hello, I have noticed that, since version 1.1.4, autotest/autospec does not run any of my specs. After getting a hint from, I dove a bit deeper into the code and found that spec is no longer being run by ruby. I monkey-patched Autotest::Rspec in my .autotest file so that spec is again executed (using code taken from version 1.1.4). autospec is now
2007 Apr 13
ZenTest 3.5 & RSpec 0.9
The latest release of Autotest, bundled in ZenTest 3.5, now has support for running specs! No longer do we need to use the rspec_autotest plugin, now it-just-works. The only problem is that the script is assuming you have the rspec gem installed. If you''re keeping up with Edge RSpec on your Rails project you''ve probably just included rspec and rspec_on_rails into your
2010 Aug 14
[rspec] Installation Problem
Hi friends, I have installed and used RSpec many times before. After a long time, I am back to RSpec and I tried installing this gem. But am not able to install it. Following are the details: $ gem install rspec ************************************************** Thank you for installing rspec-1.3.0 Please be sure to read History.rdoc and Upgrade.rdoc for useful information about this
2007 Apr 04
ANN: RSpec 0.9.0 beta-1 available for download.
We''d like to get some feedback on RSpec 0.9 before we start pushing out releases via Rubyforge''s gem server and update the website. We have therefore made the first beta of 0.9 available - both prepackaged and tagged in subversion (see below). RSpec 0.9 introduces a new API for expectations, which essentially means that your underscores go away (there has been other discussions
2007 Jan 15
heckle and rspec on rails
Now that I''m developing a big suite of specs, I really want to run Heckle and see how well I''ve done. Using r1359, when I run: spec spec/models/metadata_report_spec.rb --heckle MetadataReport the result is just to run the specs once and then exit, as though I hadn''t mentioned Heckle. I started looking though rspec to figure out why, but it''s late, so I should
2010 Jul 15
Heckle & RSpec 2
How do I run Heckle with RSpec? I''ve tried rake spec --heckle but get no output. I''ve tried just -heckle too, as mentioned in the docs, but that isn''t accepted as a valid option and the help out is displayed. I have both the heckle and rspec-rails gems in my Gemfile, and running Rails 3, and have the latest beta version (at the time 17) installed. Thanks.
2012 Feb 21
Search of multiple columns
I am currently writing a search method for my rails applications and at the moment it works fine. I have the following in my game.rb: def if search find(:all, :conditions => [''game_name LIKE ? OR genre LIKE ? OR console LIKE ?'', "%#{search}%", "#{search}", "#{search}"]) else find(:all) end end No that searches
2007 Oct 31
Am I missing something with Heckle?
Hi I can''t get heckle working. In fact, I''ve built an example so simple that it either shows a bug, or I am being really, REALLY stupid. Heckle does not appear to support RSpec directly, so I''m trying to use spec --heckle (RSpec trunk as of 10 mins ago, Heckle 1.4.1). I''ve constructed this pair of sample files: 18> ~/Desktop/heckle_test % cat
2007 Nov 01
Heckle rake task
Fellow hecklers, Just spent a while getting this working. Turns out heckle will heckle a whole module and sub-modules with one call, so with a bit of string matching, you can build a nice tool to heckle your whole app and report any failures. Was going to post to the list, as the first version was about 4 lines long, but I''ve embellished it slightly (I got carried away), so
2007 Jul 12
Promoting options to heckle?
Hi, I''m trying out RSpec with the heckle option (for mutation testing). Problem is that heckle goes into an infinite loop when running it on an example. I want to send a "--verbose" to heckle but can''t find a way to do that through the spec binary. Since this is not an uncommon situation when using heckle I would like this to be supported in some way by RSpec.
2007 Mar 20
submitting a patch
I''ve created a short patch so that spec.opts can use a single line (or multiple lines for backwards compatibility) for options. I''ve run the specs against spec:trunk I have two questions: 1. I''ve run rake pre_commit, but after the specs are done running, I get this error: rake aborted! ERROR while running webgen: /opt/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/
2007 Aug 15
Extra Options to Heckle
I''ve tried running Heckle with rspec on some of my classes, but keep getting (what I believe to be) an infinite recursion. Is there some way to supply extra options to heckle via. rspec? Scott
2007 Nov 10
autometric gem
I''m working on tool to automatically run code metrics in the same way as autotest. It''s runs rcov, flog, and saikuro right now, and works with rspec and rails. It''s hosted at rubyforge: I''ve got a post on how to configure it with growl: I''m hoping
2012 Nov 27
[LLVMdev] Paris LLVM Social - December 4
On Tuesday next week (December 4) the next LLVM social will take place in Paris. Everyone interested in LLVM, clang, Polly, ... is invited to join in. Those not interested can come along and heckle the rest of us if they like! This is a casual meeting to get to know people working on LLVM or to learn something about LLVM. There is no fixed schedule. We just meet to get to know each other and
2012 Dec 04
[LLVMdev] Paris LLVM Social tonight
Tonight (December 4) the next LLVM social will take place in Paris. Everyone interested in LLVM, clang, Polly, ... is invited to join in. Those not interested can come along and heckle the rest of us if they like! This is a casual meeting to get to know people working on LLVM or to learn something about LLVM. There is no fixed schedule. We just meet to get to know each other and to discuss.