similar to: Rspec and EventMachine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Rspec and EventMachine"

2007 Nov 09
EventMachine::run - How can I ensure that this
Friends, I am writing an event system which has an interface on a web site which can create events. The creation of events opens up EventMachine::run and connects to the event server, and sends messages. The problem comes if this is run inside of say, event driven mongrel, where it will crash fatally, the same as: EventMachine::run { EventMachine::run { } } The only solution that
2006 Dec 15
Testing event driven Socket classes
Ok, here is the class, I want to Unit Test, its part of a large app and is based on EventMachine library. I want to mock the class TickServer ( i.e not stub it) . Since in actual scenario, you can''t do this on this class: @server = # will toss an exception at your face you must initialize the server like this: {
2008 Apr 23
Status of EventMachine.fork
Hi All, I''m currently looking into doing a bit of evented network programming in ruby and i''m currently looking into packet, eventmachine and rev. The problem is that I need to be able to fork and start a new reactor within the forked child (it also should open a socket and write status information back to the main process). I have not been able to do this with EventMachine.
2011 Sep 26
undefined method `options' for #<EventMachine::HttpClien
Hi , I am writing a rake task to consume twitter stream API. The task contains the following code: consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET, :site => '''') access_token =,ACCESS_TOKEN,ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) oauth_params = {:consumer => consumer, :token => access_token} do # now,
2007 Feb 25
Crash occurs where EventMachine.connect is
Hi everyone, If you subclass EventMachine::Connection and call it outside an EventMachine::run event loop, EventMachine crashes! Example: class Put < EventMachine::Connection include EventMachine::Deferrable HOST="localhost" PORT=8080 def self.request(data) EventMachine.connect(HOST, PORT, self) {|c| c.instance_eval { @data = data } } end #
2008 Jan 14
Using EventMachine to listen from non-network
I''ve actually found a way to make EventMachine listen to events from a serial port, but only by using the pure Ruby version, using Guilliame Pierronnet''s Ruby/SerialPort library. It turned out to be simpler than I thought it would be: require ''serialport'' $eventmachine_library = :pure_ruby require ''eventmachine'' module EventMachine class
2007 Nov 07
Gracefully stopping EventMachine?
Hello all, I''ve been learning Ruby and playing with a chat server I built using GServer. After into an issue I found with GServer, that no one else seemed to notice (actually, similar to this question, GServer is hard to kill nicely, especially when you want to.), I found references to EventMachine, and rebuilt my server using it. I much prefer EventMachine''s model. The
2008 Aug 22
EventMachine website down?
Hi all Is the EventMachine website ( down? I can''t access it from South Africa, and have tried using tor as well with no luck. I''m kinda new to EventMachine, so I first have a lot of examples to work through and reading to do before I start pestering the mailing list with questions. Thanks to everyone who partook in creating the library, so far
2008 Mar 18
Eventmachine utils
I''m working on StrokeDB* right now and put pieces of networking stuff into a separate repository "Eventmachine utils". There are 3 useful libs already: protocol chaining, messaging protocol and marshalled messaging protocol. Check them out :-) Overview: Files:
2007 May 08
help with rspec''ing controller
Hi, I''m a rspec newbie. I''m having trouble with rspec''ing a simple controller to Create a record. I''ve tried a couple of approaches and still get errors: Mock ''remedy'' expected :save! with (any args) once, but received it 0 times -or- Mock ''Remedy'' received unexpected message :save with (no args). Here are my two
2008 Jan 31
RSpec and the Basecamp API
I realise that this is kind of a basic question but I''m new to rspec and still trying to work out how to do things. I''m working on a rails project that requires basecamp integration via the api, which is fairly trivial to use via the basecamp.rb wrapper: Connection: basecamp =[''api_host''], APP_CONFIG[''api_username''],
2010 Jul 13
[Rspec] Difference between stub and message expectation with any_number_of_times
I''m wondering what''s the difference between stub and message expectation with any_number_of_times, for example: myMock = mock("mymock") myMock.stub!(:is_a?).with(MyClass).and_return(false) and myMock = mock("mymock") myMock.should_receive(:is_a?).with(MyClass).any_number_of_times.and_return(false) because is_a? may not be called at all, it just like a
2006 Oct 25
Mocha, Stubba and RSpec
Hi, I''ve been reading with interest the threads trying to integrate Mocha and Stubba with RSpec. So far, I''ve made the two changes in spec_helper.rb suggested, but discovered another one that neither of the archives mentions: If you use traditional mocking: object = mock or the stub shortcut : object = stub(:method => :result), you run into namespace conflicts with
2007 Sep 18
rSpec / Nested Routes / Mocks
I''m having a terrible time trying to test a nested route with rSpec. I can''t seem to tell rSpec to expect the call @item.user. The following error message plagues me not matter how I try to fuss with the mock: Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ''ItemsController handling POST / items should redirect to the new course on successful save'' Mock
2006 Sep 11
Using rspec and mocha
I prefer to use rspec than test::unit for developing my apps. However I''ve found its mocking library to be pretty inflexible compared to Mocha. This isn''t really a surprise since rspec isn''t intended as a mocking framework, whereas Mocha is. So I''d like to play to both of their strengths and use rspec as my testing/specification framework and Mocha do to
2006 Sep 11
Using rspec and mocha
I prefer to use rspec than test::unit for developing my apps. However I''ve found its mocking library to be pretty inflexible compared to Mocha. This isn''t really a surprise since rspec isn''t intended as a mocking framework, whereas Mocha is. So I''d like to play to both of their strengths and use rspec as my testing/specification framework and Mocha do to
2008 Dec 04
The RSpec way of doing this? Need help on validating block
Hello, I''m back again with more questions about mocks and how to do good testing in general. Let''s say I''m writing this EmailSender class and I want to make it totally awesomely tested with RSpec. Here''s how far I''ve gotten so far: require ''net/smtp'' class EmailSender def send_email
2007 Jul 16
RSpec - concerns about mocking
I''m getting into RSpec more after getting the awesome Peepcode screencast about it. So far I love it, but coming form Test::Unit with Rails, I have some concerns about the recommendation to mock models and database calls in controller and view specs. Lets say you have a method on your User model called User.find_activated, and you have models specs for it. Then in your controller specs
2007 Dec 13
RSpec and Mock Tutorial/Cheatsheet
I wrote a simple summary of Mocks with RSpec as an answer to a discussion on our local Ruby users group. I was wondering if people here could review it, adding comments for any corrections or other important ideas regarding mocks and RSpec. You can find the article here: Thanks
2009 Jan 27
[RSpec] Error when returning multiple values from a stub
Hey guys. I''ve just found some odd behaviour within RSpec 1.1.12 , and would like to know whether this is a bug, or I''m doing something wrong. When I give multiple return values to a stub, like this: SubtitleFile.stub!(:new).and_return @sf1, @sf2 RSpec complains: Mock ''SubtitleFile_1001'' received unexpected message :size with (no args) However, if I