similar to: question on using keys

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "question on using keys"

2002 May 20
Fwd: rsync backup hangs at boot
found that rsync 2.50 packaged as openPKG rsync-2.5.0-1.0.1.src.rpm had this problem when compiled with redhat gcc 2.96 ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: rsync backup hangs at boot Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 12:10:55 -0500 From: John Griessen <> To: <> rsync seems to work fine copying from the running system. Files match as far
2002 Apr 15
My motherboard/cpu/memory seems to hang when rsync runs...?
Is this just because rsync gives it a work out? I may drop using this motherboard, since the store will not replace it, and thinks it's a hard drive problem, and the board has no way to underclock even as a test. What about changing from 1300 MHz to 800Mhz AThlon processor... think that would help an AZZA KT3 ABX motherboard work easier? John G Austex
2016 Apr 17
Anyone using coreos?
I'd like to hear from anyone using coreos to run a container with tinc for purpose of connecting containers. Sounds almost like a chicken/egg problem:-) I'm thinking of running a container with alpine linux and tinc installed there. John Griessen
2013 May 07
Trouble writing authorized_keys2
I''ve got a situation where a manifest fails when writing one particular key for a user. What I have is a manifest that looks like this: class my::accounts () { Ssh_authorized_key { ensure => present, type => ssh-dss, } Then, after making sure the user, group, and authorized_keys2 file exist: ssh_authorized_key { "key-name-1": key
2003 Jul 09
OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 ON SCO 3.2v4.2 + STRICTMODES -->yes
Greetings, I have compiled OpenSSH-3.6.1p2 on SCO 3.2v4.2 and the following problem occurs: I am unable to login as root using when strictmode is set to yes. output of debug: Failed none for root from port 1199 ssh2 debug1: userauth-request for user root service ssh-connection method publickey debug1: attempt 1 failures 1 debug2: input_userauth_request: try method publickey debug1:
2009 Oct 31
authorized_keys command=""
Hello, as I have read manual, if I use in file authorized_keys option command="" with some command, no other commands will be permitted. I have tried it, created authorized_keys2 for root and added there command="rdiff-backup --server" and after that tried to login. Thit command was executed, but I was normally able to supply other comand as root. Can you tell me why? Thank
2006 Apr 05
rsync, ssh and DSA key
hi all I have generated the key in the source server( ssh-keygen -t dsa -C "root@" I have added this key to authorized_keys2 of the destination server( cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 but when I execute rsync -avz -e ssh root@ /var/mail in the destination server I asck me for the password How to avoid this in
2001 Sep 17
making openssh work with chroot()'ed accounts?
I've been trying to get openssh to play nicely with chroot()'ed accounts (on Red Hat Linux 7.1), but so far, I haven't had much success. I can stick this line in /etc/pam.d/sshd: session required /lib/security/ debug onerr=fail For slogin, this works great. But scp and sftp don't apply the chroot, because they don't invoke do_pam_session(). Even worse, I
2011 May 09
backdoor by authorized_keys2 leftovers
Hi devs, recently I had to replace authorized_keys on several systems to enforce an access policy change. I was badly surprised that authorized_keys2(!) was still processed, which allowed some old keys to enter the systems again, because I wasn't aware of the file's existance on the server and use by sshd, since this "backward compatibility" isn't documented, not even a
2014 Apr 01
How can I have the same ssh key for dual boot (ssh-keygen)
I use: ssh-keygen -t rsa to generate a key file ( which I copy into authorized_keys2 on other machines in order to permit ssh to these machines without being asked for a password. The thing is that I have dual boot on this machine: one for fedora and one for ubuntu. The two key files which were generated on these machine are different. Is there a way so that I will have the same key
2008 Apr 16
Hi, I am trying to set up an automatic connection between CentOS 4 system (server) and a CentOS 5 DomU VM (client) via ssh to enable my to back up development files on the server to the client with a cron process. I generate they key pair without a pass phrase on the client and copy the public key to the same user's .ssh directory on the server as authorized_keys2. When I try to ssh to
2009 Aug 27
Using rsync to backup remote server as root
Hi there, I use this rsync command to backup "/" of a remote server: rsync -Hav --delete --exclude-from=backup.excludes --delete-excluded -e "ssh -p 45658" root at samwise:/ /mnt/backup/samwise/backup Where: samwise: is the name of the server (yes yes, I know, naming computer after Hobbits may be considered bad form) 45685 is the port samwise is listening on for ssh. I
2002 Apr 18
OpenSSH 3.1 Not really a bug, but an "undocumented feature". The default sshd_config file show the default setting for AuthorizedKeysFile as being: AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys If you uncomment that default, it changes the "undocumented" setting for "AuthorizedKeysFile2", which is by default: AuthorizedKeysFile2 .ssh/authorized_keys2
2001 Sep 26
OpenSSH 2.9.9
OpenSSH 2.9.9 has just been uploaded. It will be available from the mirrors listed at shortly. OpenSSH 2.9.9 fixes a weakness in the key file option handling, including source IP based access control. OpenSSH is a 100% complete SSH protocol version 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0 implementation and includes sftp client and server support. This release contains many portability
2000 Jun 27
DSA Auth Key Support
This appears to be rather poorly supported compared to the rsa key equivalent... The man page implies that ~/.ssh/authorized_keys & ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 are similar format. In fact the code will only read DSA keys from the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file - the options entries are not supported, and putting options in causes key recognition to fail. I guess ideally the key reader needs
2007 Oct 02
Push /home/* directories recursively to clients
Hi I am trying to push populate /home & subdirectories from the puppet server to all the Linux clients. I managed this with cfengine using rsync. But I am not sure how do I achieve this in puppet, do we have any inbuilt function for this. Also, is there a function for userdel like for useradd (user) groupadd(group). Any suggestion is appreciated. -- Deepak
2003 Jun 23
connection problem
Hi, I have created a certificate, and i execute the following command rsync -arvz /root/.ssh/ technique_ftp@sinternet:/home/technique_ftp/.ssh/authorized_keys2 <mailto:technique_ftp@sinternet:/home/technique_ftp/.ssh/authorized_keys 2> but I have this problem : sinternet: Connection refused rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes read so far) rsync error: error in rsync
2001 Jun 28
Adding 'name' key types
Playing around with the [wonderful] GSS-API patches for OpenSSH [1] I noticed that there is a bit of functionality missing from OpenSSH/GSS-API, namely that authorized_keys2 has no meaning when using GSS authentication. Yes, ~/.k5login can be used to grant access to an account for applications that support Kerberos, as does OpenSSH with those GSS patches, but .k5login does not and cannot provide
2006 Jan 10
2 SSH questions
I am away from my office for the week. In Sacramento for the IEEE 802.1 interim meeting (for anyone in the neighborhood...). And I am working on SSH with my Centos install(s). 1) For right now I am using my XP drive with Tectia client. I have SSHed into my Centos server using password method and uploaded my public key and such. I see everything there. I think. I then delete all
2000 Jun 28
SSH-2.2.0 (for Windows) and OpenSSH-2.1.1p1
I just upgraded my Windows SSH client from the 2.1.x version (whatever it was) to 2.2.0 and am now experiencing difficulties connecting to my OpenSSH-2.1.1p1 Linux servers. I'm not as up-to-speed as I should be on the inner workings of the handshakes that go on, but from the debug logs and from trying different connection methods, it seems to be isolated to using publickeys. This