similar to: [Bug 1549] New: change in remote command execution behavior

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "[Bug 1549] New: change in remote command execution behavior"

2008 Dec 11
5.0 vs 5.1 remote command execution
Hello, I am experiencing some strange behaviour that I am hoping someone can shed some light on. OS and kernel: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5) Linux host135 2.6.9-67.9hp.7sp.XCsmp #1 SMP Thu Jul 3 18:55:59 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux built both openssh-5.0p1 and openssh-5.1p1 with the following options: ./configure --prefix=/usr
2008 Feb 07
Centos 5.1 ext3 filesystem limit
Centos 5.1 documentation states that the supported ext3 filesystem limit is 16TB, yet I have a 9.5TB partition that is claimed to be too large: mke2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006) mke2fs: Filesystem too large. No more than 2**31-1 blocks (8TB using a blocksize of 4k) are currently supported. Am I missing something? > uname -a Linux 2.6.18-53.1.6.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan
2007 Dec 13
MPI-Blast + Lustre
Anyone have any experience with MpiBlast and Lustre. We have MpiBlast-1.4.0-pio and lustre-1.6.3 and we are seeing some pretty poor performance with most of the mpiblast threads spending 20% to 50% of their time in disk wait. We have the genbank nt database split into 24 fragments (one for each of our OSTs, 3 per OSS). The individual fragments are not striped due to the
2010 Aug 27
Samba and file locking
Are their issues with Samba and Lustre working together? I remember something about turning oplocks off in samba, and while testing samba I noticed this [2010/08/27 17:30:59, 3] lib/util.c:fcntl_getlock(2064) fcntl_getlock: lock request failed at offset 75694080 count 65536 type 1 (Function not implemented) But I also found out about the flock option for lustre. Should I set flock on all
2010 Jun 22
lnet infiniband config
Hi all, I''m getting my feet wet in the infiniband lake and of course I run into some problems. It would seem I got the compilation part of sles11 kernel 2.6.27 + Lustre 1.8.3 + ofed 1.4.2 right, because it allows me to see and use the infiniband fabric, and because ko2iblnd loads without any complaints. In /etc/modprobe.d/lustre (this is a Debian system, hence this subdir of
2009 Nov 03
CESA-2009:1549 Moderate CentOS 3 i386 wget - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2009:1549 wget security update for CentOS 3 i386: The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to the mirrors: i386: updates/i386/RPMS/wget-1.10.2-0.30E.1.i386.rpm source: updates/SRPMS/wget-1.10.2-0.30E.1.src.rpm You may update your CentOS-3 i386 installations by running the
2009 Nov 03
CESA-2009:1549 Moderate CentOS 3 x86_64 wget - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2009:1549 wget security update for CentOS 3 x86_64: The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to the mirrors: x86_64: updates/x86_64/RPMS/wget-1.10.2-0.30E.1.x86_64.rpm source: updates/SRPMS/wget-1.10.2-0.30E.1.src.rpm You may update your CentOS-3 x86_64 installations by
2009 Nov 09
CESA-2009:1549 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 wget - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2009:1549 wget security update for CentOS 4 i386: The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to the mirrors: i386: updates/i386/RPMS/wget-1.10.2-1.el4_8.1.i386.rpm source: updates/SRPMS/wget-1.10.2-1.el4_8.1.src.rpm You may update your CentOS-4 i386 installations by running
2009 Nov 09
CESA-2009:1549 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 wget - security update
CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2009:1549 wget security update for CentOS 4 x86_64: The following updated file has been uploaded and is currently syncing to the mirrors: x86_64: updates/x86_64/RPMS/wget-1.10.2-1.el4_8.1.x86_64.rpm source: updates/SRPMS/wget-1.10.2-1.el4_8.1.src.rpm You may update your CentOS-4 x86_64 installations by
2003 Jan 15
A lot of errors
First... Hi. Im new in the list and I want to say Hello Second. Apologies because my english writing is too bad. I haven't problem to read. But the verbs and syntaxis when I write is too bad. I will try to read the list without write. I write now because I have a big problem. In this right moment Im downloading the entire archive lists and I will try to ask less. I have a samba server and the
2010 May 18
The npRmpi package (parallel np package for multi-core environments)
Dear R users, A parallel implementation of the np package titled `npRmpi' is now available on CRAN. This package can take advantage of multiple core computing environments to reduce the run time associated with the methods contained in the np package. Kindly see the vignette for details and examples on modifying np code and running it in a parallel environment. You are requested to seek
2010 May 18
The npRmpi package (parallel np package for multi-core environments)
Dear R users, A parallel implementation of the np package titled `npRmpi' is now available on CRAN. This package can take advantage of multiple core computing environments to reduce the run time associated with the methods contained in the np package. Kindly see the vignette for details and examples on modifying np code and running it in a parallel environment. You are requested to seek
2008 Jul 25
Package np version 0.20-0 released to CRAN
Dear R users, An updated version of the np package has recently been uploaded to CRAN (version 0.20-0). Version 0.20-0 is documented in Tristen Hayfield and Jeffrey S. Racine (2008). Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package. Journal of Statistical Software 27(5). URL and also in a vignette (vignette("np",package="np")). There is also a FAQ
2008 Jul 25
Package np version 0.20-0 released to CRAN
Dear R users, An updated version of the np package has recently been uploaded to CRAN (version 0.20-0). Version 0.20-0 is documented in Tristen Hayfield and Jeffrey S. Racine (2008). Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package. Journal of Statistical Software 27(5). URL and also in a vignette (vignette("np",package="np")). There is also a FAQ
2003 Jul 31
winbind on Solaris 2.5.1 not working.
Ok folks, Here is the deal. I have posted to the news groups several times and gotten not a single thing. I have been trying since march to get 2.2.8a working on sol2.5.1 with winbind to do the authentication but it has failed miserably. Winbindd starts but fails to create the /tmp/.winbindd/pipe file and bombs like a daisycutter. But if I run winbindd like this " truss -aefo /tmp/file
2007 Dec 18
Update of the np package (version 0.14-1)
Dear R users, An updated version of the np package has recently been uploaded to CRAN (version 0.14-1). The package is briefly described in a recent issue of Rnews (October, 2007, for those who might be interested. A somewhat more detailed paper that describes the np package is forthcoming in the Journal of Statistical Software
2007 Dec 18
Update of the np package (version 0.14-1)
Dear R users, An updated version of the np package has recently been uploaded to CRAN (version 0.14-1). The package is briefly described in a recent issue of Rnews (October, 2007, for those who might be interested. A somewhat more detailed paper that describes the np package is forthcoming in the Journal of Statistical Software
2009 Feb 22
Can't add machines to domain after Debian-Update
Guten Tag Samba-List, after updating my Linux-Server from Debian Etch to Lenny, some of my workstations (W2kSP4) couln't log into the domain. I removed the machines from the domain, changed the name, created a new machine-account, but I still can't add the machine to the domain. My /etc/smb.conf (see below the logfile) is unchanged since Debian Etch. Perhaps someone
2009 Feb 05
Samba and NetAPP filers, the PDC problem...
Hello Is there any hope one day a Samba PDC will work with NetAPP filer ??? I mean will it be possible to register a filer as a machine in a Samba PDC ? I fails since years and I never had any clear explainations about it. Couls someone ( Mr Bartlett ? ) tell me why it had never be possible ? Thanks a lot.
2009 Jan 29
np 0.30-1 (nonparametric kernel smoothing methods for mixed data types) is available on CRAN...
Dear R users, Version 0.30-1 of the np package has been released and uploaded to CRAN. The np package provides nonparametric kernel smoothing methods for mixed data types. We encourage anyone using the package to upgrade to the latest version. Description: This package provides a variety of nonparametric (and semiparametric) kernel methods that seamlessly handle a mix of continuous, unordered,