similar to: 2-column select lists (Available/Selected)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "2-column select lists (Available/Selected)"

2006 Mar 17
Design / Pattern / Scaffold for has-and-belongs-to-many ?
Is there a standard practice for providing a UI into HBTM relationships? I have a model User, and a model Training, and I need to manage both relationships -- show me all the people that have training X, but also show me all trainings user U has. And, of course, "Lookup this user and then add/remove trainings for this person" or "Lookup this training and add/remove
2006 Aug 14
Testing fails with fixtures not when invoked directly
I have three files organization.rb, company.rb, and department.rb. I want to ensure the department always has a company require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class OrganizationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :organizations def setup @smo = organizations(:smo) end def test_department_company_defaults_to_parent org = =>
2006 Jul 26
yhtml plugin
I have released a yhtml plugin, which is available at http:// You can also get my other plugins, specificlly: the pre-alpha administrative console (AJAX-based scaffolding engine), acts_as_automatic, which allows you to define associations in a single yaml file, and not need to define has_many, has_one,
2006 Jul 26
How to Install Engines?
I am trying to get this enginer to work....and I am not sure how to install the engine? could someone please give me some instructions with regards to this.... for example in the website above The Engines plugin or the EdgeEngines plugin * Engines 1.0 script/plugin install *
2006 May 02
Writing tests for plugins
I''ve been googling around trying to find some tips on creating tests for plugins. Am I correct in assuming that I''d have to have the tests as part of a rails app in order to test the plugin? I''d like to find a way to do standalone tests for the plugin. -- Posted via
2006 Jan 09
file_column content type
is there a way using the file_column plugin to enforce a certain content type based on regex (, /^image/) and/or filesize (150k) ? thanks adam
2005 Dec 29
Login plugin
All- I am new to Ruby; following are my two questions: 1. Which is the best login plugin? I keep hearing about SALT and loginengine. 2. For installing loginengine; I see the two following steps - Both these does not work for me. : $ script/plugin install login_engine ==I am getting "script/plugin is not a internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
2006 Aug 05
acl_system2 undefined method `access_control''
I''ve installed acts_as_authenticated and have that working like a charm and now would like to add the acl_system2 plugin so I can do some role based authorization stuff. I went ahead and installed the plugin like this: >ruby script\plugin source Then I installed the lib and test >ruby script\plugin install lib >ruby
2006 Mar 22
Problem with ACL plugin system
Don''t know if anyone else has experienced this but I''m having a problem with the access_denied method in Ezra''s ACL access control plugin. It''s working fine (in conjunction with acts_as_authenticated) until it comes across a user it denies access to, in which case it throws the following error: NoMethodError in Admin#index protected method
2006 Jan 30
Modules, controllers and inheritance
Hi! I was trying to cleanup my app and I runned into quite a problem. My controllers in submodule do not seem to inherit things from base class. I have following setup: app/controllers/ application.rb: class ApplicationController admin/ admin_controller.rb: class Admin::AdminController < ApplicationController include LoginEngine include UserEngine
2006 Feb 24
need help with form layout
Is there some way to format the layout of the fields within a form? I''ve got about 10 fields that I''d like to lay out in a couple of columns. Tried putting them in a table and that didn''t work too good. Any pointers will be very much appreciated. Thanks, Bill -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jan 11
User Engine/General Engine issues
I''m trying to get the login/user engine combo up and working and am having difficulties. I got the login engine up and running fine, no problems. Now, on to the user engine. After fixing the needed stuff in the bootstrap task so it loads I''m able to login as the default admin ok. BUT none of the views/controllers that are in login/user_controller are being overridden by the
2006 Mar 20
Hello, I''m having trouble getting login_engine to work properly. I get the standard login/registration views, but whenever I try to register I get: NoMethodError in User#signup undefined method `password_confirmation='' for #<User:0x408b2f9c> I have login_engine, and engines installed from cvs: anyone else had anything
2006 May 15
BackgrounDRb background task runner and Application Wide Context Store
Friends- I''m happy to annouce the first alpa release of BackgrounDRb. This is a small framework for managing long running background tasks that allows for ajax progress bars and more. It also serves as an Application wide cache and context store for when you need something like sessions but shared between users and multiple backend processes like fcgi''s or mongrels.
2005 Dec 29
help with installing login_engine
Hello, I did a script/plugin discover then script/plugin engine then script/plugin login_engine The discover worked, but I get engine and login_engine not found. I am using a Mac Thanks Frank
2006 Feb 01
Need clarification for Rails Engines SVN repository
Hi all ! Could someone tell me what''s what in the Rails Engines Subversion repository ? There are many folders where the Rails Engine is located, and from the folder names alone, I can''t really guess what''s what. For example, the rails engine plugin is situated at: plugins/engine engines/trunk branches/engines branches/edge_engines From the log, I gather
2006 Jul 07
link_to: link is missing id
I''m using a legacy table, where the unique id is not ''id'' I have a Model class like the following: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "ARTICLE_ID" end however, using a link_to like the following (modified scaffolding), the link has no id value: <% for article in @articles %> <tr> <% for column in
2006 Jul 07
Fwd: installing backgroundrb
I''m trying to use BackgrounDRb to do image processing on large uploaded zip files of images, but $script/plugin install svn:// gives me this: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:88:in `initialize'': No such file or directory - svn:// (Errno::ENOENT) I can install the old version with $script/plugin install
2006 May 15
Anyone got a copy of File_Column trunk
Anyone able to post a copy of the svn trunk of file_column? The website''s been down for the past few days, and I''ve only got the last release (0.31, I think), which is missing a whole load of goodies. Tx
2006 May 18
acts_as_classifiable plugin
Hello, I am pleased to announce the availability of the plugin acts_as_classifier which allows using the ''classifier'' gem in a Rails application. This plugin can be downloaded from This plugin is useful in scenarios where you want to distinguish between spam or non-spam comments, Or maybe you want to track the