similar to: Why the switch to SMTP

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Why the switch to SMTP"

2008 Jan 18
Query All Worker
What does the method query_all_workers() do? There is no documentation on what this method returns (1.0.1 version). Orion -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Dec 14
Error when loading backgroundrb
I''m getting the following error (when doing script/backgroundrb start) on my local machine, which is running os x 10.4.11. However, it works just fine on my linux server. RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/lib/../framework/nbio.rb:64:in `dump_object'': undefined method `write_nonblock'' for #<UNIXSocket: 0x135b5f4> (NoMethodError) I just grabbed the
2008 Jan 16
Backgroundrb 1.0.1: uninitialized constant Packet::ClassHelpers (NameError)
Hi, just updated backgroundrb to release 1.0.1 and am getting this error when trying to start backgroundrb. vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/framework/core.rb:18: uninitialized constant Packet::ClassHelpers (NameError) Just updated from r298 where everything was working fine. If I comment out the offending line then backgroundrb starts but I can''t connect to it from my app. Anyone have any
2007 Dec 17
BackgrounDRb release 1.0 available now
Hi Folks, I am glad to announce 1.0 release of BackgrounDRb. This would be a major release since 0.2 release of BackgrounDRb. Here is a brief summary of changes: - BackgrounDRb is DRb no longer. It makes use of EventDriven network programming library packet ( ). - Since we moved to packet, many nasty thread issues, result hash corruption issues are totally
2008 Jan 02
disabling backgroundrb_debug.log
is there an easy way to disable logging to backgroundrb_debug.log? Regards - reynard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jun 27
Tests failing when using ''reload_on_schedule true''
Hi All, When I add the line ''reload_on_schedule true'' to my worker, my tests will no longer run with the following exception: Starting ferret DRb server.../Users/revelation/projects/revelation-project/config/../lib/workers/alert_worker.rb:3: undefined method `reload_on_schedule'' for AlertWorker:Class (NoMethodError) class AlertWorker < BackgrounDRb::MetaWorker
2008 Jan 09
[PATCH] x 2 - Fix for "null pointer exception" when ask_status is called before worker is run, and docfixes
Sorry for attaching patches in emails to the mailing list, but I''m still unable to login to Devjavu for Backgroundrb (I''m able to login just fine for Merb''s Devjavu and submitted a ticket successfully). Anyway, I encountered a bug when trying to #ask_status of a worker before it''s run (or rather, before its result_hash has been set to something). Not sure why
2007 Dec 17
wday not honored in cron trigger
Hey guys, I was playing with the cron trigger, and I noticed that wday is not honored. Looking at the code confirms this. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks Adam -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 31
How you want BackgrounDrb to behave
Hi, Ok, As i promised.. I am working on new version of BackgrounDRB, which is getting close and will be out soon. I need some feedback from you guys. So, please reply back. The code has changed significantly and its no longer using DRB. But I will keep the name BackgroundRb. Ok, in new API, a worker looks like this: require "net/smtp" require "guid" class NewsletterWorker
2007 Dec 17
Get "some read error" on calls to worker
I''m running the latest from svn (rev 285). I''ve been having a problem launching a process repeatedly. What happens is that I get a debug message "some read error" and then the worker refuses to run again. I''ve stripped my worker down to just doing a puts and it still happens. Like the other threads I want to launch my workers as needed, however I get the
2008 Apr 09
Hello, Does reload_on_schedule force the worker to be reloaded even if it is already running? Or does it just load the worker if its not running when the schedule fires? I want to load the worker at the scheduled time if its not running, but I don''t want to reload the worker if its already running. Make sense? Thanks, Scott
2007 Nov 02
pre-release version of backgroundrb available now from svn
Hi, A pre-release version of backgroundrb is available now from svn. Download it from here: Since this release marks significant migration from existing practices, i intend to keep trunk untouched for a while. There are no install scripts, but you should copy "backgroundrb" file from script directory of plugin to script
2008 May 20
Problems sending large results with backgroundrb
I''m working on an application that does extensive database searching. These searches can take a long time, so we have been working on moving the searches to a backgroundrb worker task so we can provide a sexy AJAX progress bar, and populate the search results as they are available. All of this seems to work fine until the size of the search results gets sufficiently large, when we start
2007 Dec 23
Minor warnings since 296
Since moving to r296, I get warnings (" warning: already initialized constant...") for many of my class constants. This did not happen before, and I do not get the same warnings when loading my application normally. They are only warnings, so everything still runs, but I thought I would provide the FYI. -- Dave Dupre -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2008 May 28
version yml file
Hi, I am trying to get the scheduling to work with my RoR application. How do I determine what version of backgroundrb I have configured? When I try to invoke??? rake backgroundrb:setup? , it fails. Thanks for the help. Linda
2008 Jan 03
backgroundrb and rspec Stories
Hi, I would like to use backgroundrb inside a story, been trying to set this up for a while, but I think the only solution is to use fixture files and unit testing. The problem is that every time I call a new worker, the test database gets wiped out, and only has available the records in fixture files. Instead, it would be great if the test database maintains its state throughout the
2007 Dec 13
Some fixes and updates
Hi , If you are following commits, I have pushed following changes: 1. Now, you can specify :environment option in config file to load production environment and stuff. 2. Exeptions that were exposed to the user has been changed to BdrbConnError if rails is not able to connect to bdrb server. 3. loading mechanism has been changed, so remove backgroundrb script from your backgroundrb directory
2007 Nov 07
workers cleanup
Hi, I''m using backgroundrb 0.2.1 and having problem with worker processes staying around when the rails application does not explicitly delete them. Is there a way to automatically delete the worker processes when it has completed the job? Also does killing the process manually (using kill command) harm the backgroundrb server? I have some occasions where the backgroundrb server just
2007 Nov 14
BackgrounDRb version 1.0RC1 available now
Hi Folks, BackgrounDRb is a Ruby job server and scheduler. Its main intent is to be used with Ruby on Rails applications for offloading long-running tasks. Since a Rails application blocks while serving a request it is best to move long-running tasks off into a background process that is divorced from http request/response cycle. This new release of BackgrounDRb is also modular and can be used
2007 Dec 12
BDRB, new version questions
Hi, we are trying to use BDRB for background processing of long-running reports, and have two issues - one is that worker does not see our Report class from Rails, throws a: /var/apps/ror_trunk/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/master_worker.rb:22:in `load'': undefined class/module Report (ArgumentError) from