similar to: Compiz "core" repository

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Compiz "core" repository"

2009 Jan 28
Minutes of the Compiz Conference Call, 2009-01-28
Greetings ! Here are the minutes of today's Compiz Conference Call. The next one will take place next week, time and date aren't frozen yet, we'll keep you up to date about this. Feel free to comment and stack new questions for next week. Regards, Guillaume ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Call 2009-01-28 Discussing the
2009 Jan 21
Minutes of the Compiz Conference Call, 2009-01-21
Greetings everyone, Here are the minutes of the very first Compiz Conference Call, which took place today 2009-01-21. This was a combined IRC & phone meeting, huge thanks to Novell and Michael Meeks for setting up the conference call. The next Conference Call will take place on 2009-01-28. Feel free to comment these minutes and ask questions to be sorted out during the next meeting.
2006 Apr 17
Compiz on AIGLX
Last night I reworked compiz-aiglx patch from Kristian H?gsberg to get it working (i.e. patching and running) with latest compiz cvs. Most plugins and features are working again now : wobbly, minimize, resize, cube, rotate, move, fade, scale, place, zoom. However the last two plugins, switcher and decoration are broken. Decoration just draws nothing, I found that the problematic function call is
2009 Oct 14
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.8.4
Compiz 0.8.4 is released! This is the second stable release of Compiz 0.8 series. This release brings two new plugins, translation updates, many bug fixes, improved stability, and better screen resolution change handling. Also included is additional integration work for KDE 4. In particular, window thumbnails are now supported in Plasma window tooltips with the new KDE compatibility plugin, the
2009 Feb 03
Minutes of the Compiz Conference Call, 2009-02-02
Greetings ! Here are the minutes of the third Compiz Conference Call, which took place yesterday, 2009-02-02 : About Compiz++ : -------------- Drops multiscreen support, moves rendering out to the plugins side About the merger : ---------------- We're already one project, we just need to fix the confusion and settle on a single name : Compiz Get DNS access to both and
2007 Jun 20
CompComm has a real name!
Our previous attempts to select a project name for CompComm have not gone well. We tried a poll but the names in the poll were not pre-qualified to determine if they were usable and the ?winning? name was also a strongly disliked name. Kristian and I each proposed a plan to select a name, but that effort got sidetracked by a massive flame war on the mailing list. While our community has some
2009 Feb 05
Release plans for Compiz 0.8.0
The Compiz 0.8.0 release will be the first release to include what was formerly known as Compiz Fusion. A complete feature and string freeze for Compiz 0.8 is in effect from Friday 5th of February, 23:59 GMT. I urge anyone with patches to submit them ASAP, regardless of their state. During most of Saturday, possibly spilling into Sunday, Compiz 0.8 will be branched and made ready for release.
2008 Dec 24
[Annoucement] Compiz feature branch compiz++
Hi, I've currently pushed a new branch called "compiz++" to the freedesktop repository, with some features I've been working on during last months. Because most of the features also require (BIG) changes to the plugins, I've decided to put them all together. - No direct access to member variables: Everything is now done with getter and setter functions. This helps with the
2008 Dec 24
[ANNOUNCE] Compiz feature branch compiz++
Hi, I've currently pushed a new branch called "compiz++" to the freedesktop repository, with some features I've been working on during last months. Because most of the features also require (BIG) changes to the plugins, I've decided to put them all together. - No direct access to member variables: Everything is now done with getter and setter functions. This helps with
2008 Dec 31
The future of Compiz
Where are we going? It's time to start thinking ahead and really figure out how to make Compiz survive, specially in lieu of Dennis' suggestion. The reality is that there has been the equivalent of no progress since the merge. We've basically only been in maintenance mode. The reason for this, from my point of view, is a complete lack of direction and leadership. We've
2014 Nov 18
Previously, on the Compiz Saga.. Pending Response!
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 09:19:41AM +0800, Sam Spilsbury wrote: >> So I was looking forward to starting my day on a positive note until I >> scroll through the commit logs and see this: >> >> /plugins/ezoom/commit/?id=aec55753c2b99764dbad6cd77832f0725b62ddcd >> >> Is this seriously how we can expect the project to function? > >
2009 Mar 10
Compiz Key binding and application key bindings
Hi, Suppose I have a compiz key-binding (let's say Ctrl and +) that performs a particular action (let's say maximization) and the current active application (say xterm) also does something with the same key-binding (zoom in xterm) - compiz handles the event and does not pass it on to the application. Is this desired behavior? Is the behavior configurable? Shouldn't compiz handle it
2008 May 29
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.7.6
A new compiz release 0.7.6 is now available from: which can be verified with: be55dada77dc0716a040c2b9e2d16a0fbc736180 compiz-0.7.6.tar.gz
2009 Feb 20
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.8.0
A new compiz release 0.8.0 is now available from: which can be verified with: 52c30ac2ca0dfe2ba2d027d80ee6be038a844958 compiz-0.8.0.tar.gz (signed by ) Additionally, a git clone
2006 Jun 24
Patchs criterias
Greetings everyone! During the 5 months since Compiz was released lots of work has been done outside of the official team by the new Compiz community in order to improve Compiz's features and usability. These unofficial developers are mainly using the boards, #xgl or #compiz-dev IRC channels on Freenode to get in touch, discuss ideas, features, patches and bugs... Most patches
2009 Feb 25
Compiz++ repos
I've been working on compiz++ ports during last weeks and I'm here to ask access to compiz++ plugins. I've already ported maximumize, put(+putplus) and grid. Can I get access? P.S.: Sorry for bad english. -- Eduardo Gurgel Pinho (GELSoL-UFC) (Gentoo) Linux User #415930 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2007 Mar 25
Beryl and Compiz Merge: What's actually going on?
Compiz and Beryl merge: What's really going on? Recently Quinns post to the beryl-dev mailing list entitled 'Merge on' has led to a lot of discussion, some of which has been good and some of which has led to a lot of misinformation, to clear things up I'd like to give the story of the merge, and the justification for some of the more peculiar aspects. Basically lets try to avoid
2006 Apr 18
compiz-aiglx patch
hi, a small patch inspired from Kristian H?gsberg compiz-aiglx patch, to use compiz with xorg aiglx with tftp_damage patch and gl-include-inferior patch. this patch add command-line option to force bind and release whenever the texture is used. to use it you must start xorg in 16 depth mode, and start compiz with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT environnement variable PS : sorry for my bad english
2008 Feb 07
[ANNOUNCE] compiz-0.7.0
A new compiz release 0.7.0 is now available from: which can be verified with: 59b019b6cd627140f44006876ee2b0c3ab92f150 compiz-0.7.0.tar.gz
2009 Feb 25
[PATCH] CompRect more intuitive
Hi, Compiz++ uses CompRegion instead of XRectangle, right? This patch tries to improve CompRect usability *First* I was using CompRect, but I've found that the only way to modify a CompRect is using setGeometry function: void CompOutput::setGeometry (int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2); So I created setX1, setY1, setX2, setY2 functions *Second* As you can see above, setGeometry uses: