similar to: Wish to contribute a Winki Article

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Wish to contribute a Winki Article"

2009 Nov 10
winki article contribution
Dave Fernandes I propose a much needed article on using cups from the command line.? This article, fully written and used by myself will automate the process of adding printers to any desktop or server just by running a script file.? It will teach you lpadmin, lpstat, how to setup and install drivers for printers and how to automate the process. I find this useful on client sites (who love linux
2004 Nov 29
Hello! I would like to know how do I citate R? I have used it during my Master thesis but I don’t know how to citate during the text and on the references. I’ve looked for it on the web page but only found how to citate the FAQ. Thank you in advance. Tatiana Fernandes Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Laboratório de Ciências Ambientais - CBB Av. Alberto Lamego, 2.000 - Campos dos
2017 Apr 17
I added a linux server to the Active Directory domain, I realized that the samba-winbind package uses the smb.conf file, but I also need to use the same linux server with shares, if I install the samba package, this package use the smb.conf file. Is there a solution? Then i have problem with 2 services. Example systemctl services: smb.service winbind.service My system is Centos 7. --
2018 May 04
Samba HOWTO wiki bug: chcon samba_share_t
In this wiki article: ?there is a command down in section 2 that gives an error here on CentOS 7: $ sudo semanage fcontext ?at samba_share_t /path/to/share ?noise noise noise? semanage: error: unrecognized arguments: samba_share_t /path/to/share That and the following restorecon command can be replaced by a single shorter command, which
2008 Sep 18
Rid generation
Hi, If i have smbpasswd with: user1:1416:803A317873C24BBDAAD3B435B51404EE:2DF2CB1538FE718DE034707A521AA893: [U ]:LCT-1221415636: and i do: pdbedit -i smbpasswd:file And SID for domain SERVER is: S-1-5-21-1454471165-2146950999-672003340 How does samba generate the rid part of that users sid? [root@server samba]# pdbedit -L -v user1 User SID:
2016 Dec 07
You have not permission to view content of this location
OS: CentosOS 7 I have installed samba + openldap + smbldap-tools + pam by: yum --enablerepo=extras install -y epel-release yum install -y smbldap-tools yum install -y samba openldap openldap-clients openldap-servers migrationtools yum install -y nss-pam* I know that smbldap-tools is a dead project, but I'm interested in it and would like research on it. I create users and
2009 Feb 25
No space left on device
Hi, We are using the latest ocfs with 11 nodes: OCFS2 Node Manager 1.4.1 Tue Dec 16 19:18:05 PST 2008 (build 0f78045c75c0174e50e4cf0934bf9eae) OCFS2 DLM 1.4.1 Tue Dec 16 19:18:05 PST 2008 (build 4ce8fae327880c466761f40fb7619490) OCFS2 DLMFS 1.4.1 Tue Dec 16 19:18:05 PST 2008 (build 4ce8fae327880c466761f40fb7619490) OCFS2 User DLM kernel interface loaded But we are unable to create files
2007 Oct 29
Fetch call
Hi, I have asterisk installed. When a connection comes from the outside one of our phones rings for about 45 seconds. Is it possible to another phone fetch the call while it's ringing on the first phone? I don't want to use ringgroups because the second phone would be ringing also. Thanks Nuno Fernandes -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
2017 Sep 29
Doubt with cups
Dears, when i add a printer in Cups, on share samba, don't update printers, only i try to restart or reload service. Do you have any idea? -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu
2017 Apr 17
Hi Luiz... I think you just misunderstood the concept of Samba... You can indeed you samba to make both task... Just join your samba box to AD and be happy. 2017-04-17 13:26 GMT-03:00 Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes via samba < samba at>: > Well, i need join 1 server Linux in Active Directory, i need too, create > one domain in samba for shared printers with cups.
2013 Oct 10
Detect dhclient leases file in centos
Hello, I''m using shorewall-4.5.16 with centos5. The dhclient stores the lease information on the /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-<DEVICE>.leases file. The /var/lib/shorewall/firewall script has the function detect_dynamic_gateway that detects the gateway based on the leases file. The code in the function is: detect_dynamic_gateway() { # $1 = interface local interface
2011 Feb 02
Ofcs2 Questions!
Hello, First of all, i am new at the list and i have several questions about ocfs2 performance. Where i am working i am having huge performance problens with ocfs2. Let me tell my envoriment. 3 Xen VirtualMachines withs ocfs2 mounting an LUN exported over iSCSI. ( acctualy 3 LUNS, 3 ocfs2 clusters ) I am not the one who configured the envoriment, but it is making the performance of my MAIL
2007 May 16
statistics and calc bandwidth traffic using tc -s qdisc show
2001 Nov 28
Problem uploading printer drivers
I'm running samba 2.2.2-6 on a redhat 7.2 box running 2.4.9-7 kernel... I'm trying to upload printer drivers from a Windows 2000 client. I've followed the instructions in the samba howto collection. I've created the print$ share, created the printer directory and subdirs, and made sure they are writeable by me. I put myself in the write list and the printer admin list.
2007 Apr 09
tc (CBQ) and UDP packets
2013 Sep 03
[LLVMdev] AttributeSet from Modules
Hello! clang defines some AttributeSet, for example: attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf"="true" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "unsafe-fp-math"="false"
2017 Apr 17
On Mon, 17 Apr 2017 14:57:45 -0300 Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes <narutospinal at> wrote: > Well, i dont have sssd installed. OK, now we know that ;-) > > With winbind i install this packages: > yum install realmd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir adcli samba-common > samba-common-tools krb5-workstation openldap-clients > policycoreutils-python samba-winbind-clients I
2010 Jun 11
R in Linux: problem with special characters
Hi, I’m working with the 64 bit version of R 2.11.0 for Linux. My session info is: R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base When I try to print words with special characters the result is that the expression printed has some kind of code substituting the special
2017 Apr 25
Well, i add new configuration in my smb.conf. I try connecting in shared backup, this work with authentication, in shared printers, It prints with anonymous users and when I insert one valid ad user, it prints and displays the following error: "Idle - "Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE" Another doubt, in directory /var/spool/samba/, no have files, This folder should not
2009 Aug 14
About sftp chroot dev!
I have an question, why you guys do not let chroot be owned by the user ? It would be a good way to chroot the users Cause like I want to chroot user in /chroot/%u But they can not write in this directory... i need to set another dir to them to be able to write, even when /chroot/ is onewd by root i want to be able to do this user1 be able to write in /chroot/user1 but not able to go