similar to: Apache Server Tuning for Performance

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Apache Server Tuning for Performance"

2015 May 07
Apache 2.2 itk - 404 not found
Hi all, Freshly installed apache 2.2 with httpd-itk (from epel). When I try to access apache's document root from a browser on local network, it always serve me the Apache welcome page, even if I have a index.html and a phpinfo.php file in the /var/www/html folder. If point the browser specifically to http://server/index.html, I get a '404 Not found error'. I'm running CentOS
2015 May 07
Apache 2.2 itk - 404 not found
I forgot to mention it. All the files under /var/html are owned by apache:apache On 15-05-07 04:07 PM, Eric Lehmann wrote: > Have you checked the file rights under your document root ? > Your apache group need reading right. > Am 07.05.2015 21:42 schrieb "John" <tuxfed at>: > >> Hi all, Freshly installed apache 2.2 with httpd-itk (from epel). When I
2015 May 07
Apache 2.2 itk - 404 not found
Have you checked the file rights under your document root ? Your apache group need reading right. Am 07.05.2015 21:42 schrieb "John" <tuxfed at>: > Hi all, Freshly installed apache 2.2 with httpd-itk (from epel). When I > try to access apache's document root from a browser on local network, it > always serve me the Apache welcome page, even if I have a
2006 Jul 28
Apache/Mongrel Deployment Errors
I am having issues with setting up my apache/mongrel cluster. I am using FC5, and i currently have 3 mongrels running on port 8000,8001, 8002. I am just testing my apache/mongrel deployment on my development machine and not online. I have apache 2.2.2, and my httpd.conf is pretty much the exact default after i yum installed apache 2.2.2. in my /etc/httdp/conf.d , i have myapp.conf, which
2006 Jan 05
Apache issue
I know it is a configuration error. But i cannot figure it out. The server was working fine until a couple of days ago. it is now throwing: Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS) Server at BabyHydra.localdomain Port 80 Nothing
2010 Jul 13
Setting apache's maxclients higher than 256 in CentOS
Hi, I could not find any reference if the version of apache compiled for centos 5.x has support for more than 256 clients in apache's maxclients. If that is not the case how can I recompile the package with such support? Regards. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2015 Nov 03
prefork vs worker mpm in apache
Hey guys, We had to recompile apache 2.4.12 because we needed to disable thread safety in php (ZTS). Because for some reason when compiling php with the --disable-maintainer-zts with the worker mpm model and checking the php info page, it was saying that thread safety was still enabled. So when we recompiled apache to use the prefetch worker model instead of worker, the php info page was
2011 Dec 02
puppet master under passenger locks up completely
I came in this morning to find all the servers all locked up solid: # passenger-status ----------- General information ----------- max = 20 count = 20 active = 20 inactive = 0 Waiting on global queue: 236 ----------- Domains ----------- /etc/puppet/rack: PID: 2720 Sessions: 1 Processed: 939 Uptime: 9h 22m 18s PID: 1615 Sessions: 1 Processed: 947 Uptime: 9h 23m
2011 Dec 16
Puppet capacity with apache+passenger, server saturated
Hi everyone, I have a problem with my Puppet server, the server is overloaded and processes need to add half of my farm nodes yet! The server is hosted on a blade with the following characteristics: Processors: 8 cores Memory Ram: 12 Gb Operating System: Debian Squeeze Version of parcel: 2.7.1-1 ~ bpo60 puppet 1 puppet-common 2.7.1-1 ~ bpo60 1 2.7.1-1 ~ bpo60 1 puppetmaster puppetmaster 2.7.1-1 ~
2011 Feb 22
how to optimize CentOS XEN dom0?
Hi, I have a problematic CentOS XEN server and hope someone could point me in the right direction to optimize it a bit. The server runs on a Core2Quad 9300, with 8GB RAM (max motherboard can take, 1U chassis) on an Intel motherboard with a 1TB SATA HDD. dom0 is set to 512MB limit with a few small XEM VM''s running: root@zaxen01:[~]$ xm list Name ID
2013 Jan 31
The way Puppet installs things fail
Basically, the way puppet installs things things with /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install <package_name> fails due to authentication WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated But if I do it from an ssh console normally, using apt-get install <package_name> it works fine without issues. Is there a way to change how puppet uses the
2007 Nov 09
variables in templates
Here''s the problem I''m trying to solve. I use apache, for lots of things, some of those things are configured from a performance standpoint differently. In less vague terms I need to be able to change the MaxClients setting to different things based on the different purposes apache serves. (say proxy vs. app) Under previous CMS/templating engines I would have a httpd.conf that
2010 Jun 16
passenger and apache mpm's
Hi! Is it safe to run phusion passenger with all apache kinds of MPM? regards -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2009 Dec 22
Webserver throughput in xen-environment
Hi   I am running a web server in one of my xen guests. Using ab as a load generating tool i have collected some throughput data for different file sizes like 5KB, 10KB and 100KB. One thing that i have noticed strange here is throughput drops down in a virtual http server, it happends in case of 5KB and 10KB files. Also it takes longer to run tests in virtual environment. Doc Size
2009 Dec 22
Webserver throughput in xen-environment
Hi   I am running a web server in one of my xen guests. Using ab as a load generating tool i have collected some throughput data for different file sizes like 5KB, 10KB and 100KB. One thing that i have noticed strange here is throughput drops down in a virtual http server, it happends in case of 5KB and 10KB files. Also it takes longer to run tests in virtual environment. Doc Size
2006 Feb 03
Infinite loop running Mod_R/Rapache
I installed mod_r according to the specifications, and have been trying to get the demo script to work correctly. I am running debian, the latest build of R, apache 2 with prefork mpm, and the latest mod_r. Is anyone else using this module successfully? I added: LoadModule R_module <Location /test/hello> SetHandler r-handler Rsource /var/www/html/test.R RreqHandler
2013 Jul 22
wyrie/puppet-nagiosql -- anyone have experience with this module?
I made two decisions this afternoon that are now related to each other. 1. Use more of the modules that exist in the Forge 2. Rebuild my monitoring server As I perused the various modules that help with managing monitoring packages my eyes fell upon a module that reported to be able to manage nagiosql, a setup that I had been planning on migrating my nagios monitoring to. So I installed
2006 Mar 02
FastCGI vs. Simple CGI
I''ve seen several postings where FastCGI is being used with RoR projects, yet, most of the material I''ve read (Dave Thomas'' book, online articles, etc) recommend not using FastCGI anymore because it is a dormant project and hasn''t been updated since 2003 (I think???). So, I went out and got Simple CGI instead. It had to be compiled and installed from
2012 Oct 30
Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at '{'; expected '}' at
Hi, ppl, I m following the puppet cookbook tutorial. On page 167 to 169 Managing Apache Servers. When I add the: apache::snippet { "site-specific.conf": } I got the error of the title: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at ''{''; expected ''}'' at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:3. Here is my manifests node.pp
2010 Nov 26
Checking what's running inside a httpd process
I'm trying to fix a CentOS (5.5 x86_64) VM that we have where it become unstable due to swapping. But I did notice something: I have 10 httpd processes, and 5 of them are using 13 MB of resident memory, the other are using between 91 and 96 MB of RAM. I find it quite strange to see such differences in RAM usage. I ran a "lsof -P -p" on the processes, and I didn't see any major