similar to: Dependent nullify doesn''t use save?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Dependent nullify doesn''t use save?"

2006 Aug 24
ActionMailer doesn''t work in backgroundrb
I am pretty confident that mailers do not work in backgroundrb. Can anyone confirm this? Because when I try to do Notifier.deliver_some_method I get an error saying it cant find the templates for my email. The funny thing is that when I run script/ runner Notifier.deliver_some_method it works just fine. Any ideas? Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at O: 800-341-6826 M:
2006 Jul 31
delete_worker doesn''t kill the thread?
I made a worker that run an infinite loop and does the following: while true @logger << "logging #{}" sleep 2 end In my secong console I did: tail log/backgroundrb.log -f This is so I could see the line getting added to the log every 2 seconds. Then in my other console I started script/console and created a new worker. Then killed it with
2006 Jul 11
Determine if attributes changed?
Is there a way to determine if attributes were changed? Let''s say in the before_save or after_save method? Thanks for your help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 07
#5209 patch: :dependent => :nullify deletes child records
Hi everyone, A couple of weeks ago I noticed a bug with :dependent => :nullify on a has_many or has_one. When you delete the parent, the children''s foreign keys are nullified, as expected. But when you do parent.child.delete or parent.children.clear, ActiveRecord actually deletes the child records, rather than just nullifying them. In my eyes, if you''ve set
2007 Jun 25
has_many with :dependent => :nullify
Hi all, There is something confusing with has_many in the current API : When deleting a record with association.delete, the corresponding association''s foreign key is nullified. However, if has_many has the :dependent option set (to any value), the association''s destroy method is called instead. This is awfully inconsistent with the behavior expected when setting :dependent to
2006 Jul 21
ActiveRecorod observers don''t work in mongrel?
Am i wrong or do ActiveRecord observers not work in mongrel? Is there a work around for this? I am 100% sure of this because in my observer i put raise "whatever". Whenever I try update the model using the mongrel server I get a successful save. If I do it in webrick I get an exception raised. Any ideas what I should do? Because webrick is pretty annoying to work with. Thank
2006 Jul 22
Accessing the controller name in your views?
I need to know what controller and action the user is currently in to do various things in my layouts/application.rhtml file. Isn''t there is a better way than: <% if params[:controller] == "whatever" && params[:action] == "whatever" %>some html<% end %> I know in the controllers you can just use controller_name, but that is not provided
2006 Jul 31
Creating workers on server startup?
I have workers that need to be created when I run rake backgroundrb:start. Where do I put this code? Thanks for your help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 06
Debugging a worker?
If there is an exception raised in my worker I rescue it and throw it into the log. This is decent, but it would really help to find out more information. Like the line number, the stack trace, etc. Is this possible? Thanks for your help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jul 19
How to add validation to in_place_editor
I have a simple question, but can''t seem to figure this out. I added an in place editor field and didn''t like how it didn''t use the save method. It uses the update_attribute method which does not run validation, etc. So I just added the method in my controller myself: def set_event_url begin @event = Event.find params[:id] @event.url =
2006 Jul 22
How to use variables in your layout views?
Let''s say I wanted to find 3 products from my database and put them in the layouts/application.rhtml view. Where do I find these 3 products? Do I just do it in application.rhtml? <% for product in Product.find(:all, :limit => 3) %> Because I was under the impression that you really don''t want to do this in your views. You should do this in your controllers and
2006 Aug 19
Setting the process priority?
Is it possible to make the process priority higher for backgroundrb? Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jul 07
Problems installing, please help
I am in my rails project directory and I ran the following command: script/plugin install svn:// and I get this: sh: svn: command not found Any idea how I can install backgroundrb or what the problem is? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at O: 800-341-6826 M: 817-229-4258 -------------- next part
2006 Jul 07
uninitialized constant MiddleMan
I just updated backgroundrb to the latest version, and now I get this: uninitialized constant MiddleMan /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:123:in `const_missing'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.3.1/lib/ active_support/dependencies.rb:131:in `const_missing''
2006 Jul 19
Passing objects to drb, does it keep the existing db connection?
I have a simple question. Let''s say I do this in one of my models: after_save drb_conn.some_method(self) end When that object gets over to the background process is it the exact same as?.... Model.find some_id #in the background process As far as my background process is concerned passing the object is not any different than passing the id and using the find method? Because
2006 Jul 31
Please help, if @jobs[key].respond_to? :thread is returning false
I noticed in the BackgroundRB class in the delete_worker method there is a line: if @jobs[key].respond_to? :thread For some reason this is returning false for me, it gets down to this line and returns false, not killing the thread. Any idea why this is returning false? Thanks for your help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at -------------- next part -------------- An
2006 Jul 09
Drop down menu in rails?
Does rails have a nifty utility for creating javascript drop down menus? Thanks for the help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: O: 800-341-6826 M: 817-229-4258 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jul 15
Is there a huge performance difference between using multiple periodically_call_remote functions or one?
My application has multiple things on the interface that need to be updated periodically. Some things every second, others not so much. Some of these things are global, meaning they are on the interface at all times, and some of these things are view specific. So what I figured I would do is add the periodically_call_remote function for the global elements and another one for the view
2006 Jul 17
after_save deletes is an exception is raised?
Does after_save in a model delete if an exception is raised in there? I simply did def after_save raise ''hmmm'' end and it raised the exception but there was nothing in the database. I removed that entire method and its in the database. Is this correct? Thank You, Ben Johnson E: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2006 Aug 01
Creating workers from workers?
Since MiddleMan is an uninitialized constant in a worker how do you create new workers inside a worker? Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at O: 800-341-6826 M: 817-229-4258 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: