similar to: excel 2000: "File Error data may have been lost"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "excel 2000: "File Error data may have been lost""

2010 Jan 03
Problem with downloading a generated Excel sheet
Hello, I''m using the spreadsheet/excel gem to generate an excel sheet that I want user to be able to download it once it''s generated. Please take a look on the below code: @contacts=Contact.find(:all) if @contacts.size>0 file="#{}_Report.xls""#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/reports/#{file}")
2007 Jul 08
Writing Excel (.xls) files on non-Windows OSs using Perl
Hi all, There have been quite a few threads in the recent months pertaining to the ability to directly write native Excel (.xls) files from R. For example, exporting R matrices and/or data frames to an Excel file, with perhaps the ability to create multiple tabs (worksheets) within a single file, with one tab/sheet per R object. There exists the xlsReadWrite package on CRAN by Hans-Peter Suter,
2011 Jun 14
Read in from multiple Excel wksheets
I?ve got an Excel workbook with about 30 worksheets. Each worksheet has 10000 rows of data over 30 columns. I?d like to read the data from each worksheet into a dataframe or matrix in R for processing. Normally, I use read.csv when interacting with Excel but I?d rather manipulate a multisheet workbook directly than set about splitting the original workbook and saving down each part as a csv.
2013 Feb 11
Putting an array from excel into R Studio
Dear All, I have been using RExcel for some time and find two features especially useful: i) The ability to select part of a worksheet and put it into R ii) The way of viewing the code, the output and the alerts in separate panes. The rest of R Excel I don't really use. The major benefit for me is i) as I can use the excel as a sort of fast access database which is convenient to edit. I can
2004 Feb 16
1 Script to translate Excel files into CSV
I've created a Perl script that translates Microsoft Excel (.xls) files into comma-delimited text files (.csv) using the Perl Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module. Usage ----- perl <excel file> [<output file>] [<worksheet number>] Translate the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file contained in <excel file> into comma separated value format (CSV) and store in
2010 Oct 13
Read Particular Cells within Excel
Hello all, I have a business user who generates monthly reports in MS Excel in a particular format. The data I need is present in different portions of this excel file. Is there a way to read different cells from a particular excel worksheet? i.e., cells b50:d100 in the Inputs worksheet. I am investigating odbcConnectExcel but did not yet see such capability. Appreciate your help. Jeevan
2004 Mar 02
Import range of cells from Excel
Dear all, I would like to import a range of cells (e.g. F10:K234) from an Excel worksheet to R. I have looked for documentation on RODBC and RDCOMClient but I was not able to find enough information to solve my problem and all the examples I have seen were dealing with an entire worksheet, not a range of cells. Thanks, Jean-Noel Jean-Noel Candau INRA - Unit? de Recherches Foresti?res
2005 Jun 30
Trouble with Excel table connection
Hello, I've been using odbcConnectExcel to connect to a spreadsheet database containing a single worksheet. Unfortunately when I try to access the data R cannot see the table. When I run sqlTables it shows the worksheet as a SYSTEM TABLE instead of as a TABLE that I can access. I am fairly certain that I am do all of the same things I've done in the past when it worked just fine.
2007 Feb 09
newline with cell of Excel worksheet created with write.xls
As part of my project to put different types of results into worksheets, I would like to be able to put an auto-generated methods section. If I compose in RWinEdt, read into R, and use write.table with a .txt file extension, what I get out has line-breaks that correspond to those I put in in the first place. If I do the same thing but write.xls with .xls extention, I get an Excel worksheet
2007 Feb 08
xlsReadWrite Pro and embedding objects and files in Excel worksheets
Hans-Peter and other R developers, How are you? Have you made any progess with embedding Url's in Excel? Well, I have been busy thinking of more things for you to do;) My colleagues in the lab are not R literate, and some are barely computer literate, so I give them everything in Excel workbooks. I have gradually evolved a system such that these workbooks have become compendia of my
2011 Jun 24
extract worksheet names from an Excel file
Hi list, Is there a R function I can use to extract the worksheet names from an Excel file?? If no, any other automatic ways (not using R) to do this? thanks! ...Tao
2005 Jan 11
Excel "file may have been modified by another user since" with Samba 3.0.10
Hello list, I am encountering a problem with Excel 2003 on Samba shares. If I open an Excel file, edit a cell and then try to save it, I get a dialog box with a "file may have been modified by another user since" message, with the option to save a new copy, or overwrite the current file. Subsequent saves don't exhibit this behaviour, it occurs only on the first save after opening a
2008 Mar 20
I need help integrating ggplot2 into Excel
Dear all I use ggplot2 extensively for my plotting routines and rexcel to have the best of two worlds. (RExcel v 1.75 and R (D)Com v. 2.5) I can run my ggplot functions, such as qplot(...), in scratchpad mode, but not in Macro nor Worksheet functions mode. I have tried the following in Macro mode: Call RInterface.RRun("library(ggplot2)") ... Call
2008 Sep 25
Problem reading excel sheets
> Hi, > > I am new to ruby on rails.I am having problem reading excel files. I > tried using gem ''parseexcel'' but still the error is coming. > Could you please help me with the code and how to use this gem? Is > there any better way to read excel sheets. > > Snippet of Code: > > require ''rubygems'' > require_gem
2000 Dec 07
Re: Importing Excel .xls into R
One can import data from Excel ODBC source, but of course it is user's responsibility to ensure that the data are consistent. Each worksheet in the Excel workbook can be accessed as a table (for example, for Sheet1, you should type "select * from [Sheet1$]". The worksheet should have first row containing the column names, and the data rows should follow (the
2010 Jul 13
export tables to excel files on multiple sheets with titles for each table
Hello R-users, Checking the archives, I recently came across this topic: "export tables to Excel files" (, and the following interesting references have been proposed:
2012 Sep 26
Simple Question About Exporting Back to Excel
All, Relatively new R user so this is probably an easy question to answer. I am able to generate a cluster for my dataset using hclust() then ploting the data with plot(). This results in an image with a dendrogram with my sample names along the bottom. Great! However, I now need a way to get that sample order from the image into excel. i.e. sample 7 was on the far left, sample 19 was in
2006 Jun 29
RCOM Package
Hi list, I just installed the rcom package and tried to read/give out some values from/to Excel. Altogether it works great... but nevertheless I don't know how the syntax works or in other words: "Which command needs which parameters?" Is there somwhere a manual about this package with good examples? I've read the Package description... but there are not really good
2005 Jun 16
Excel files first row not being read
hi, i am using the RODBC package to read excel files using odbcConnectExcel and susequently sqlFetch to read the contents of the file. the file that i use is just a matrix of numbers thats all. no headers and column names. what happens is that the sqlFetch is not reading my first row of numbers. i have tried different combinations of colnames and rownames logical values but that first row is not
2006 Jan 10
"Missing value representation in Excel before
I reproduce from memory my exhaustive look into this issue. RODBC uses the Microsoft ODBC DLL's developed by Microsoft. These DLL's perform an automatic determination of column type based on the contents of the first N rows of cells in each column, where N [0,16]. N may be set in the Windows system registry, and there are a few other things that may be set in the system registry which