similar to: Test network under wine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Test network under wine"

2009 May 13
Football Manager Live with Wine
Hi ! First of all I have to advise you that I don't speak english as well as I whish. So, be lenient. I installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop one month ago. I didn't make any changes, I used it with default settings. I managed to install Football Manager Live (FML) and it worked perfectly ! I installed wine (by apt-get - didn't make any changes either) and then ran the setup.exe from
2006 Aug 16
bwplot in loop doesn't produce any output
Hi, running the following code by itself runs as expected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- k <- 1 i <- 2 j <- 3 NumName <- varnames[num.cols[k]] FacNames <- varnames[fac.cols[c(i,j)]] tmp <- paste(FacNames[1],NumName,sep="~") fml <- formula(paste(tmp,FacNames[2],sep="|")) bwplot(fml, data
2008 Nov 20
binomial glm???
Hi everyone, newbee query! I've installed R 2.8.0 and tried to run this simple glm - x is no of cars in a given year, y is the number voted in an election that year while n is the population 18+: votes <- data.frame(x = c(0.62,0.77,0.71,0.74,0.77,0.86,1.13,1.44), + y=c(502,542,711,653,771,806,934,1123), n=
2009 Jun 19
a difficulty in boot package
Hi, I have a problem in programming for bootstrapping. I don't know why it show the error message. Please see my code below: #'st' is my original dataset. #functions of 'fml.mlogl','pcopula.fam4','ltd','invltd' are already defined boot.OR<-function(data,i) { E=data[i,] ml1<-glm(c_VAsex90_bf ~ trt,family=binomial,data=E) ml2<-glm(c_VAsex90_bm ~
2009 Feb 15
Debian repos and apt key helpfully points out that and not should be used as the source for wine packages for Debian. However, there are some problems. First the page provides less useful information than is provided by, which still exists and unhelpfully recommends The other problem
2009 Aug 20
Installation problem on Debian Lenny (libfontconfig).
On Debian Lenny 5.0.2 with standard distros: Code: debian# cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb lenny main contrib non-free deb lenny/updates main contrib deb-src lenny/updates main contrib deb lenny/volatile main contrib deb-src
2016 May 13
A question about AArch64 Cortex-A57 subtarget definition
Hello everybody, I'm reading the .td files defining the Cortex-A57 processor, which is a subtarget of AArch64 target, and there is something confusing me in the `` file. In the top of ``, various processor resource are defined, as follows ``` def A57UnitB : ProcResource<1>; // Type B micro-ops def A57UnitI : ProcResource<2>; // Type
2008 Apr 18
swig 1.3.35 & R - is the R wrapper still maintained and of interest?
Dear all, I was trying to use the R swig wrapper with R 2.7 and shogun ( ) but it fails completely, as in doesn't even compile and even after patching then though compiling - crashes... So I asked on swig-users/swig-devel CC'ing the potential R maintainer but I never received a reply. I now wonder if anyone here could help or would be willing to maintain
2010 Jun 19
Latest Wine package for Debian?
Hello, Just out of curiosity, I see the latest wine is 1.2-rc4. I actually use Debian squeeze and the lastest wine available is 1.1.42. Ubuntu is laways up to date....Why? Thanks
2011 Apr 12
Installing latest Wine on Debian
I installed Wine using the Lamaresh repo for Debian, but unlike openSUSE's repos, I found out that it installs and old version: 1.1.42. Is there some repo for Debian where I can install latest version from? Or should I better try building it from source? Sorry if it's a silly question. Thanks.
2002 Mar 21
Small typo in An Introduction to R (PR#1402)
At a snail's pace I keep on translating an introduction to R into italian; I have reached the section describing the glm() function, in which some example code is presented. The very last line of code, before the beginning of the section on Poisson models is: ldp <- ld50(coef(fmp)); ldl <- ld50(coef(fmp)); c(ldp, ldl) which of course gives results 43.663 and 43.663; the correct code
2002 Mar 21
Small typo in An Introduction to R (PR#1402)
At a snail's pace I keep on translating an introduction to R into italian; I have reached the section describing the glm() function, in which some example code is presented. The very last line of code, before the beginning of the section on Poisson models is: ldp <- ld50(coef(fmp)); ldl <- ld50(coef(fmp)); c(ldp, ldl) which of course gives results 43.663 and 43.663; the correct code
2010 Jul 28
Hide cursor in wine window
Hello, I have wine 1.1.42 version, for running a windows game client (football manager live). It works well, except the mouse cursor, it is hide ... When I move my cursor to wine window, it disappears. The cursor works well in winecfg. I'm using "Emulate virtual desktop", I need a resolution different to the my host. Someone knows if I can fix this? Thanks beforehand. Cheers...
2009 Jun 22
Problem with storing a sequence of lmer() model fit into a list
Dear R-helpers: May I ask a question related to storing a number of lmer model fit into a list. Basically, I have a for-loop (see towards the bottom of this email) in the loop, I am very sure that the i-th model fit (i.e.,fit_i) is successfully generated and the character string (i.e., tmp_i) is created correctly. The problem stems from the following line in the for-loop #trouble making line
2009 Aug 30
Debian 5: cant install wine
Hello I uninstalled wine 1.01 and tried to install wine 1.1.6 with GDebi package installer. but after clicking on install package nothing happens. Wine doesnt appear in applications -> system tools. on side note, i couldn't install 1.1.27, because of libfontconfig error.
2011 Mar 24
Cannot log into Steam
Hi, I just wanted to try Steam using wine and it doesn't work. I get to the login prompt and it tells me to enter my username and password. I do that but Steam tells me that it failed to login because the account could not be found or the username/password combination is wrong. However I can actually login on Windows and on the Steam website so the username and password are definitely right.
2003 Aug 05
Net rpc vampire + LDAP broken?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi all, I tried to migrate a NT4 domain to Samba. There was no problem joining the domain and the SID was imported. But when I execute "net rpc vampire - -S MYNT4PDC -U Administrator%passwd" I get the following result: Fetching DOMAIN database SAM_DELTA_DOMAIN_INFO not handled Creating unix group: 'DomCreating unix group:
2006 Nov 22
Probit analysis
Respected Sir/Madam, I have a question regarding calculation of LD50 (Lethal Dose) and IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) of an antimicrobial experiment. I have used a compound isolated from a plant and observed its effect on the fungus *Fusarium oxysporum* by the food poisoning method. Solutions of the compound at concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250µg/ ml were added to
2009 Feb 16
Using eval in multinom argument
Hi, I am having difficulty entering a 'programmable' argument into the multinom function from the nnet package. Interactively, I can get the function to work fine by calling it this way: z1=multinom(formula = class.ind(grp[-outgroup])~ (PC1 + PC2 + PC3), data=data.frame(scores)) However I need to be able to change the number of variables I am looking for in 'scores' and so am
2009 Jan 08
Problem getting subpixel AA font rendering to work
Hi... I'm running Debian 5 (Lenny) and using wine packages from lenny main, which contains wine version 1.1.12. I've installed MS Office 2003 without problems, but when I start up word the fonts are choppy/blocky/what-have-you, but certainly not being AA. I came across a thread on this forum that suggested adding a file to the registry. I can do that on