similar to: Ajax "Waiting..." flash while round-tripping

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Ajax "Waiting..." flash while round-tripping"

2006 Apr 14
Nested AJAX remote_form in form?
I''d like to achieve something that is better described by the following code: <%= start_form_tag :action => ''create'' %> <%= text_area ''place'', ''description'', :cols => 100, :rows => 4 %> <div id="categories"> <%= form_remote_tag :update => ''categories'',
2006 May 10
Redirect whole page from AJAX action that updates a div
Hi, I am calling an action via AJAX to update a div. The action needs to redirect the page in under certain circumstances. However, if I just use "redirect_to" in the action then of course what happens is that the page I want to redirect to replaces only the div, not the entire page, and I get messy nested layouts. Is there a way around this? Can I redirect the entire document from
2006 Jun 28
Assign CSS class to Link to Remote
I''m trying to get link_to_remote to assign a CSS class to the link it generates. My code is as follows: <%= link_to_remote "Show Full Info", :update => "fullcontact" + reparray.last.to_s, :url => "/cm/full_contact/" + reparray.last.to_s, :classname => "contactlink" %> Which produces this HTML: <a href="#"
2006 May 31
Best way to render stuff inside a div and pass variables?
For example, I want to click a button or a link, then without leaving the page, i want the content of a <div> to change accordingly if I click the link1 I want the content1 to show up inside the <div>here</div> I made it possible by using: <%= render :partial => "icons", :collection => @packages, :locals => { :@icon_name => "-add-black-" }
2006 May 13
Ajax Checkbox using Rails
Hi, I''m trying to have a checkbox, that when clickes sends an update to the server and in turn modify the UI with feedback on the success of the operation. The main difficulty I''m encountering is that I can''t pass the checkbox value if I use the standard PrototypeHelpers. I''m using remote_function to build the function call, but it doesn''t allow
2006 Apr 04
How to add CSS tips to link_to_remote?
The following code of tag clouds implementation: <%= link_to(h("<#{tag}>"), "tags/listmytag/#{tag}", { :style => "font-size: #{font_size}" } ) -%> I want to change it to ajax style: <%= link_to_remote "<#{tag}>", { :url => { :controller => ''tags'', :action => ''listmytag'', :id =>
2006 Apr 28
Sharing RJS Templates
Hello All, I''m enjoying the simplicity and power of RJS templates in Rails 1.1, but am perplexed about sharing them. I have several templates that I would like to access in various controllers, but if I moved them to views/shared/whatever.rjs, my app can''t seem to find them. I changed the name to _whatever.rjs and referenced them as "shared/whatever", but no luck.
2006 Jun 01
link_to_remote show then hide
Hi, I have a link_to_remote and it update a div. After the first click the div is opened with the information. Now I want to be able to close hide the div . How should I do it. Someone at the IRC told me to use toggle. But what I want is a bit odd. I want that it will not do again link_to_remote but toggle. Tnx Kfir
2006 Apr 03
Q: periodically_call_remote ( how to make it execute just once? )
I posted this ealier on the web forums but noticed a similar question about this function and one user responded to try this list instead. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate your suggestions. Q: Is there a way to use periodically_call_remote to run just one time instead of every '':frequency'' seconds? I tried putting the call inside the div container thinking it
2006 Apr 07
RJS removing content of div, but not div itself
Hi, I''m creating a list of ingredients on a page. When the user clicks the ''Add Ingredient'' button a record gets added to the db and the ingredient gets added to the page. On the page, each record is represented by a <div> with three <span>s inside. One of the <span>s has a link_to_remote to ''delete'' the ingredient. When the link
2006 Oct 17
back-translation and round-tripping
i'll be doing some experiments myself, but i thought i'd ask here first about back-translation and round-tripping with markdown and its xhtml output. the object is to take markdown output, reduce it back to a markdown text-file, then regenerate the output again and compare it with the "original" output, repeating if necessary until there exists a pair of files that give perfect
2007 Mar 23
Is there such a thing as button_to_remote?
I''ve changed my destructive link_to statements in favor of button_to. But what if I want to make an .rjs call with that button? Seems like we need something equivalent to link_to_remote, so that the button can make an ajax request instead submitting the form. Or am I missing the point entirely? Jeff --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2010 Jan 30
passing multiple objects with remote_function
Hey, I can successfully pass a single object from any form field to my controller via: Select Year: <%= collection_select("vehicle", "year", @availableYears, "year", "year", {:prompt => "Select a year"}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => {:action =>
2006 Jul 14
DRY Javascript Degredation
Hi, It seems there must be a better way to do this than what I am currently doing. I have a simple app that collects a users thoughts along with their email address and their first an last name. On a page that lists all the users thoughts they can click on a link to "add a thought" which then displays a form with ajax. My current methodology for this is not very dry. If js is
2006 Jul 14
Accessing the Model class from Controller
Hi, I wonder if there''s an easy way to access the associated Model class from its Controller. Something that would allow me to write snippets like the following: class PeopleController < ApplicationController def some_method person_model_class = self.some_method_to_retrieve_the_person_model_class() end end Cheers, Marco -- Posted via
2006 May 08
How to get difference between two dates in days???
Hi, I want to calculate difference between Current date & previous date (stored in database). The difference should be in days. Hhow to do that?? PLs tell me. Thanx in advance. Prash -- Posted via
2006 Apr 27
Execute controller function from RJS
Hi all, I wonder if it is somehow possible to execture or redirect to a controller function from RJS? Right now I do: def foo() render :partial => ''executeagain'' end _executeagain.rhtml <script> new Ajax.Updater(''elmntID'', ''/test/foo/'', {evalScripts:true}); </script> This will loop I know :) How can I achieve the same
2006 Jul 23
some question about ''observer_field''
Is the observe_field (ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper ) can be apply to any html tag? (such as div) I tried to apply ''observe_field'' to observe the content of <div> tag, but, as the observed <div>''s content was changed, there was nothing happend. for example (in test.rhtml): <%= link_to_remote "test", :update=>"content1",
2006 Aug 16
error with edge rails
I''ve started an app with rails 1.1.6 then ran freeze_edge. My app will not run with rails in the vendor folder. Have I forgot to do something? I"ve been without the internet for the last two months. Has something changed?
2006 Jul 24
Injecting actions into controllers
Hi, I''m trying to write a plugin that should inject an action into the controller. Please note, not just an instance method, but also an _action_, one of those that are listable by running ControllerClassName.action_methods. I wrote the following code: def render_field_search(name, object, controller, options = {}) controller.class.class_eval do