Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "[Bridge] SAS: a new security tool patch for bridge"
2011 Dec 04
Complex multiple t tests in a data frame with several id factors
I have assayed the concentrations of various metal elements in
different anatomic regions of two strains of mice. Now, for each
element, in each region, I want to do a t test to find whether there
is any difference between the two strains.
Here is what I did (using simulated data as an example):
# create the data frame
> elemconc = data.frame(expand.grid(id=1:3, geno=c('exp',
2005 May 04
selecting maximum values
Sorry for disturbing you with another newbie question!
I have a data frame about coastal waters quality
parameters: for some parameters (e.g. NH3) I have only
1 observation for each sampling station and each
sampling date, while in other cases (chlorophyll) I
have 1 obs for each meter-depth for each station and
date. How can I select only the max chlorophyll value
for each station/date?
2006 May 15
adding line to spinogram
Dear all,
I wonder what's special about spinograms {vcd} that prevents me from using
it the way I do with other plots.
I do:
> spine(f.speaker.identity ~ x.log.lengthening,
> data=ms,breaks=45,gp=gpar(fill=c("red","green")),xlab="length difference
> (log ms)",ylab="speaker")
> curve(0*x,add=T)
Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type =
2024 May 29
add only the 1st of May with POSIXct
Thank you Rui for your code.
I basically understood all your suggestions.
I am using an old version of R (version 3.6.3, installed in a server I am not allowed to control), and the new pipe operator does not work.
I tried to run your code without the "|>" operator, but I get an error when I use apply.
Could you please expand your code without the pipe operator?
Thank you again
2017 Nov 23
How to produce rainfall maps
Thank you Sarah and Mike for your explanations.
My final objective is to produce maps (png image or any kind of extension I can import in LaTeX) where rainfall data are interpolated, using the Inverse Distance method or Kriging.
My input file (pointfile.csv in the reported example) reports the station code, lat and long of the meteorological station and the rainfall value (which might be the
2018 Mar 21
Sum of columns of a data frame equal to NA when all the elements are NA
On 21/03/2018 11:44 AM, Stefano Sofia wrote:
> Dear list users,
> let me ask you this trivial question. I worked on that for a long time, by now.
> Suppose to have a data frame with NAs and to sum some columns with rowSums:
> df <- data.frame(A = runif(10), B = runif(10), C = rnorm(10))
> df[1, ] <- NA
> rowSums(df[ , which(names(df) %in%
2005 Oct 20
vcd package 0.9-5 released
Dear useRs,
a new version of the vcd package (0.9-5) is now available from CRAN.
Apart from (a lot of) bug fixes, it includes the following new features
(some of them have 'silently' been included in previous bug fix
* Improved documentation:
- an introductory vignette on the strucplot framework (including
mosaic, association and sieve plots)
- special vignettes on
2005 Oct 20
vcd package 0.9-5 released
Dear useRs,
a new version of the vcd package (0.9-5) is now available from CRAN.
Apart from (a lot of) bug fixes, it includes the following new features
(some of them have 'silently' been included in previous bug fix
* Improved documentation:
- an introductory vignette on the strucplot framework (including
mosaic, association and sieve plots)
- special vignettes on
2018 Mar 21
Sum of columns of a data frame equal to NA when all the elements are NA
Should not the result be NULL if you have removed the NA with na.rm=TRUE ?
> On Mar 21, 2018, at 11:44 AM, Stefano Sofia <stefano.sofia at regione.marche.it> wrote:
> Dear list users,
> let me ask you this trivial question. I worked on that for a long time, by now.
> Suppose to have a data frame with NAs and to sum some columns with rowSums:
> df <-
2017 Nov 21
How to produce rainfall maps
You might get more help from the R-sig-geo list, which is devoted to
spatial topics.
The *.asc file is an ArcGIS raster export format. You should use
whatever the appropriate import commands are for your own gridded
rainfall data. If you have a different format, you might or might not
be able to import it directly with raster.
?raster will tell you more about the kinds of formats
2017 Nov 17
How to produce rainfall maps
Dear R users,
I need to produce rainfall maps using R.
I know that this is possible, I looked though the web, I found the example below reported (the author is Andrew Tredennick).
I would ask you if this is the most performing way to make rainfall maps; if yes would someone be able to give me an example of how file.asc and pointfile.csv should be? If no would somebody please show me another way
2009 Apr 02
CMAN: Cluster membership rejected
Several machine cannot joint the cluster after a reboot.
Here is a example of the error :
caserta kernel: CMAN: Join request from como.dmz.lexum.pri rejected,
node ID 3 already in use by ancona.dmz.lexum.pri
All cluster.conf are the same (checked with md5sum)
I googled this but did find nothing
Any ideas?
2023 May 13
aggregate wind direction data with wind speed required
Dear list users,
I have to aggregate wind direction data (wd) using a function that requires also a second input variable, wind speed (ws).
This is the function that I need to use:
my_fun <- function(wd1, ws1){
u_component <- -ws1*sin(2*pi*wd1/360)
v_component <- -ws1*cos(2*pi*wd1/360)
mean_u <- mean(u_component, na.rm=T)
mean_v <- mean(v_component, na.rm=T)
2024 May 28
add only the 1st of May with POSIXct
Dear R-list users,
>From an initial and a final date I create a sequence of days using POSIXct.
If this interval covers all or only in part the months from May to October, I need to get rid of the days from the 2nd of May to the 31st of October:
a <- as.POSIXct("2002-11-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d", tz="Etc/GMT-1")
b <- as.POSIXct("2004-06-01",
2024 May 28
add only the 1st of May with POSIXct
?s 16:23 de 28/05/2024, Stefano Sofia escreveu:
> Dear R-list users,
> From an initial and a final date I create a sequence of days using POSIXct.
> If this interval covers all or only in part the months from May to October, I need to get rid of the days from the 2nd of May to the 31st of October:
> a <- as.POSIXct("2002-11-01", format =
2023 May 13
aggregate wind direction data with wind speed required
?s 15:51 de 13/05/2023, Stefano Sofia escreveu:
> Dear list users,
> I have to aggregate wind direction data (wd) using a function that requires also a second input variable, wind speed (ws).
> This is the function that I need to use:
> my_fun <- function(wd1, ws1){
> u_component <- -ws1*sin(2*pi*wd1/360)
> v_component <-
2018 Mar 21
Sum of columns of a data frame equal to NA when all the elements are NA
Surely the result of summation of non-existent values is not defined, is it not? And since the NA values have been _removed_, there's nothing left to sum over. In fact, pretending the the result in that case is zero would appear audacious, no?
> On Mar 21, 2018, at 12:58 PM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> What do you mean by
2007 May 21
comparing fit of cubic spline
I want to compare the fit of a quadratic model to continuous data, with that
of a cubic spline fit. Is there a way of computing AIC from for e.g. a GAM
with a smoothing spine, and comparing this to AIC from a quadratic model?
Tom Reed
PhD Student
Institute of Evolutionary Biology
102 Ashworth Laboratories
Kings Buildings
University of
2018 Mar 21
Sum of columns of a data frame equal to NA when all the elements are NA
Dear list users,
let me ask you this trivial question. I worked on that for a long time, by now.
Suppose to have a data frame with NAs and to sum some columns with rowSums:
df <- data.frame(A = runif(10), B = runif(10), C = rnorm(10))
df[1, ] <- NA
rowSums(df[ , which(names(df) %in% c("A","B"))], na.rm=T)
If all the elements of the selected columns are NA, rowSums
2013 May 28
Nueva consulta
Hola buenas tardes:
Vuelvo a solicitar su ayuda porque no puedo saber que pasa. Estoy usando el
documento 'Regresión Logística Categor/Tema 4 Cate.pdf como guía y el
ejemplo que ustedes conocen de los cangrejos (crab.txt).
Cargo los datos, los guardo en un data frame llamado tabla; al pedir
tabla[1:5,] obtengo:
color spine width satell weight
1 3 3 28.3 8 3050
2 4