similar to: Daemonizing Mongrel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90000 matches similar to: "Daemonizing Mongrel"

2006 Aug 03
Mongrel processes
Whilst monitoring my host I noticed that there were three mongrel_rails processes running for a single (non mongrel_clustered) application. Is this normal? Do the processes share the memory top indicates they''re each using? Cheers, -- Dave Murphy (Schwuk)
2006 Oct 20
win32-service weirdness
I''ve got my application running under Windows with mongrel perfectly, so it was time to convert it to a service. service::install works fine, but service:start gives me some "One moment, start pending" and then lots of "One moment, stopped". After a bit of digging I found this in the service.log: ** Starting Mongrel in production mode at :3000 ** Starting Rails in
2006 Jul 31
Mongrel and Apache docs?
Any news on the Apache Best Practice Deployment instructions? I''m getting ready to set up a production server, and would prefer to use Apache and Mongrel/Cluster. Don''t think I''ll be able to get the latest Apache though. Do I have to proxy through Pound or something to handle multiple mongrel instances? Any pointers? Any help appreciated, Brett
2006 Jul 07
Mongrel Debian packages
Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I built some Debian (Sarge) packages to allow an apt-get only installation of Mongrel, Ruby and friends. Also contained is an init script that is capable of managing multiple applications. Support for the Pen load balancer is also included. More info can be found there:
2006 Jul 10
ubuntu & mongrel
I''m getting the following error. Which apt-get install <some missing package> do I need to run? looks like some build tools. Building native extensions. This could take a while... extconf.rb:1:in `require'': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError) from extconf.rb:1 ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
2006 Aug 31
Rails Deployment Book
I''ve been mulling over an idea for a book covering Ruby on Rails application deployment. Obvious topics include using Mongrel by itself and with Apache/Lighttpd, load balancers, memcached, and Capistrano. What other topics would you like to see covered in such a book? Cheers, -- Dave Murphy (Schwuk)
2006 Aug 05
Apache 2.2 + Mod Proxy Balancer + Mongrel - Hot Linking Protection?
Hey guys, Ok, basically I coded a ruby on rails CMS to manage a bunch of media files. I am finding that a lot of people are "hot linking" to these media files and would like to prevent this to save bandwidth. Usually in the past, it hasn''t been a problem, I would add something like the following to my .htaccess file RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
2007 Jun 26
mongrel not daemonizing for me..
Hey All, I''m setting up some mongrel servers.. can''t get it to daemonize. here is my configurator block:: config = => OPTIONS[:ip]) do #debug(''/gateway.rb'',[:access,:threads]) listener :port => OPTIONS[:port] do uri("/gateway.rb", :handler =>, :num_processors =>
2006 Aug 03
Finding out on which port mongrel is running
Hi *, What''s the best way to find out on which port mongrel is running from within Rails? I have a cluster of mongrels behind a balancer (Pen) behind a webserver (Apache). In Rails, request.port return 80 and request.env[''SERVER_PORT''] returns 3000 (the port of Pen) Any ideas? Cheers, Max
2006 Aug 04
Mongrel Cluster Compatibility
Is anyone using ferret with Mongrel/Mongrel-cluster? The first one or two times I access the ferret index it works fine, but then it throws a write lock error StandardError (: Error occured at <index_rw.c>:703 Error: exception 6 not handled: Could not obtain write lock when trying to write index ): I need to do more testing on this to narrow down the problem/solution but just wanted to
2006 Jul 10
Deploying Rails with Pound in Front of Mongrel, Lighttpd, and Apache
Fyi, here''s a write-up I just posted on deploying Rails with Mongrel(s) behind Pound: pound-in-front-of-mongrel-lighttpd-and-apache Rob
2006 Apr 04
Mongrel Web Server -- Iron Mongrel
Hello All Mongrel Users, For the unintiated, Mongrel is a web server that runs Ruby web applications really fast. Read to get find out more about it. This is the Iron Mongrel release. It is the result of trying to trash Mongrel until it can''t move and then fixing anything that comes up. The work was done on EastMedia''s and VeriSign''s
2009 Sep 04
Mongrel Timeout for System Calls
I''ve got a problem with timing out a C RFC call. Essentially, I''ve got code that initializes and executes an RFC to a remote server that, depending on the server, could take a significant amount of time to return a response. To minimize end-user impact, I wrapped the call with a timeout of 20 seconds. When I executed a test, it didn''t appear to do anything as the
2006 Mar 06
Apache 2.x: Use fcgid or Mongrel?
Hi, There''s lots of stuff going on currently with choices of production deployment environments. But I''m not clear on a few things as I need to decide on a production setup where Apache is a given. A recent thread ( seemed to favor Apache 2 with mod_fcgid. And this is supported in articles such as:
2007 Mar 13
Daemonizing a camping server
I''m having no luck trying to daemonize mongrel running a camping server. When mongrel daemonizes, I get: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.0.1/lib/mongrel.rb:723:in `accept'': closed stream (IOError) from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.0.1/lib/mongrel/configurator.rb:293:in `join'' ... (This was after I disabled the unhandled exception catchall in the
2006 Jun 29
Memory usage issues
Hello all, I''m new to Mongrel and am very impressed with what I see so far. This thing beats FastCGI hands down, and is even simpler to use than SCGI. Great job Zed! Thanks for all the hard work. I am a bit surprised at the memory usage patterns though. I''m not sure if I''m doing something wrong (most likely I am), or if this is a problem with the app I''m
2006 Apr 21
Scaling Rails with Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer and Mongrel
Cheers, I''ve just published a blog post about scaling Rails with Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer and Mongrel. This way you do not need another proxy server or load balancer for Mongrel. Just use Apache 2.2 and mod_proxy balancer. Jonathan -- Jonathan Weiss
2006 Aug 02
capistrano+mongrel struggles
Hello, I am trying to deploy on to OS X Server with capistrano+mongrel+apache2, etc. I''m trying to do a "cap cold_deploy" as recommended here: I had a devil of a time getting cap to find the mongrel_rails command (which is in /opt/local/bin) on the server. I set the
2006 Dec 27
no log/mongrel.log file on win32, looking for sugge stions...
Hi Luis, answers in CAPS. -----Original Message----- From: Luis Lavena [mailto:luislavena at] Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 5:39 PM To: mongrel-users at Subject: [Mongrel] no log/mongrel.log file on win32, looking for suggestions... Hello Mongrels around the world! Been thinking a way to unify the issue I described in the subject. For those who aren''t
2008 May 23
can''t get mongrel to work as daemon
I''m a mongrel newbie and a linux newbie. I have two CENTOS 5 servers. On server A, my app works fine, with mongrel in daemon mode. On server B, it works fine if I just say mongrel_rails start, but if I add -d, it doesn''t run. Suggestions? -- Posted via