similar to: Memory usage issues

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Memory usage issues"

2006 Oct 31
Problems with mongrel dying
Hi One of the two mongrel processes has died in the middle of the night four times in the past 9 days, and I need help debugging this. Each time the symptoms are the same: * Each time I can restart the process via cap -a restart_app. * Before the restart, there is nothing unusual in production.log or mongrel.log. * During the restart, about 100 repetitions of an error message are generated in
2006 Aug 01
strange bugs while using mongrel, while running in development (and also sometimes in production mode)
Following errors are taken from monrgrel running in development mode. It complained routes.rb, no such file or directory and then sometimes i get application.rb, no such file or directory.Doesn''t seem correct to me. Though not so often, but even production servers throw these errors sometimes, and i have no special routes setup or something.Its pretty much default one, except few changes
2006 Jul 10
Rails app in a subdirectory via Mongrel
I''m trying to make Mongrel the default web server for Typo, but I''m running into a problem. Is there an easy way to run a Rails app in a subdirectory ( http://foo/blog instead of http://foo/) with Mongrel? For most apps, I''d just change routes.rb to include the prefix that I wanted, but that won''t really work with Typo--I''d rather not require a few
2006 Aug 12
Help mongrel keeps crashing...
Alright, it seems that I am having a bit of a problem with mongrel. My mongrel processes have been crashing pretty often and twice last night. I''m really not sure why, but I really need to fix it. I am running Here is the mongrel.log file. Any ideas, things to look at, etc... is appreciated. Thanks, Carl PS, do all the broken pipe lines mean Mongrel is serving the static
2006 Jul 10
crashing mongrel
Newbie question here: I''m hitting my rails app and killing mongrel. Any ideas? Here''s the error: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `accept'': Software caused connection abort (Errno::ECONNABORTED) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `join'' from
2006 Aug 16
Mongrel Pre-Release -- QUERY_STRING Fixed
Hello Everyone, I just posted another pre-release of Mongrel that fixes a bug which caused Mongrel to claim it was getting parsing errors because the QUERY_STRINGs were too long. In actuality it was shift in the parser that made empty queries (/test?) become negative. This is fixed up now. Here''s the full list of changes: * It has a couple of fixes for win32, but I still have to
2006 May 20
Mongrel 0.3.13 Update -- Code Review, Code Coverage
Hey Folks, I''ve been holding off the official 0.3.13 release so that Luis can get the win32 side very nice and clean. We fixed a major problem last night so it''s only a short time before we get it out. Luis is working really hard on it, so just be patient. In the meantime, I''ve been doing a code audit of the Mongrel code as it is now and fixing any little things I
2006 Jun 29
Mongrel Console..
Hello all, new convert to Mongrel here and am trying to get things going. Right now I can start mongrel up just fine and it seems to work great, but I''m trying to use the nifty console I heard about and can''t seem to get it going. `mongrel_rails console` Cannot run the console script: unititialized constant RailsConfigurator Any ideas? I just installed everything yesterday
2007 Mar 20
Another mongrel_cluster prerelease
Hi all... Hopefully this is the last prelease. If people on non-linux systems could post back any problems with cluster::status, I''d appreciate it. Install with: gem install mongrel_cluster --source Note: This is only an update to mongrel_cluster and not Mongrel or other gems. Details about what''s new (if you missed the first
2006 Aug 08
Mongrel error on start
Hello, I''m trying to get a new application running with mongrel. I''ve been running a number of applications already using it and it''s been working fine, however now I can''t get mongrel to start. The only difference I can think of is that I''m using postgresql for this and not mysql. However, I am able to run the application using webrick. When
2006 Jun 30
Mongrel -- Ruby Licensed Release
Hello Everyone, This is the official release of Mongrel. Mongrel is now released under the *Ruby license* instead of the LGPL. I''m hoping this increases the adoption of Mongrel even further and hopefully I can start pushing to get Mongrel included in Ruby directly. INSTALL As usual, you install it with your friendly gem install method of choice: gem install mongrel Or
2006 Jun 29
Mongrel Needs Debuggers
Hi Everyone, I have a small pre-release for Mongrel that will eventually be the release, but it needs some quick testing before I make it official. There''s a bug for only some folks and I need to find out what''s causing it. The bug is that the object_id method gets the signature: def object_id(param) end Which is incredibly evil. Normally this does nothing to
2006 Jul 27
suspicious memory usages
Following is the output of top command at my server and i find the high usage very much alarming. We are basically a team of three developers working on same machine(remotely), so we run mongrel_rails servers from out ~/public/app directories. We also run a cluster of mongrel servers using apache2.2. Is this much memory use normal? PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+
2006 Sep 26
Clustering - Avoiding "dead" processes?
I have Mongrel Cluster setup with Apache a mod_proxy_balancer. I''ve seen (from time to time) mongrel instances become non-responsive. Is there anyway to configure the balancer so that it "knows" which processes are no longer good and stops trying to use them? _______________________________________________________ The FREE service that prevents junk email
2006 Aug 10
Error on Solaris
Hi everyone, I''m having a problem starting rails on solaris. I have made the changes suggested in the joyeur article but it doesn''t make any difference. The error is below. Does anyone have any idea? /opt/csw/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `register'': undefined method `resolve'' for nil:Mongrel::URIClassifier (NoMethodError)
2006 Aug 10
Mongrel proxied through Apache won''t serve images
I followed the tutorial from Coda Hale[1] on setting up Mongrel/Mongrel_cluster and Apache to move away from my current Apache+FastCGI setup. The mongrels are all working fine, and Apache is proxying all dynamic requests through to the cluster using proxy balance. Strange thing is now, that all my images in public/images aren''t loading at all, if I access them directly I just get a
2006 Jun 30
Time To Pick the Mongrel BUGS Mascot!
Bradley Taylor shot me this *goldmine* of ugly ugly ugly dogs: I *have* to use one of these for the Mongrel BUGS Mascot. He''ll go on our bug list page and replace the little beetles on the left. Pick the dog you think best represents a lovable but defective pooch and reply to this with your +1. Let the voting begin! -- Zed A. Shaw
2006 May 11
Mongrel 0.3.13 Pre-Release -- Out of Hibernation
Hello Mongrel Fans, After about a Month of busy work, bad computers, moving half my house across the country, and other dramas, I''m finally pushing out the next release of Mongrel. This pre-release has lots of little goodies and the start of some documentation that should get everyone primed for the big "Mongrel 0.4 Enterprisey Edition 1.2" coming real soon now. INSTALLING
2006 Oct 18
Segmentation bug - file_column?
Hi there everybody, We''re having mongrel processes slowly die on us, with a segmentation fault. I''ve seen a few other people mention similar issues. Any info or suggestions would be nice: Error: /var/www/apps/heritage/current/config/../vendor/plugins/file_column/ lib/magick_file_column.rb:7: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-linux] Server:
2006 Feb 22
Mongrel 0.3.6 -- Win32 Service/Rails Real Good
Hello Folks, This release of Mongrel should make the win32 folks go crazy. Thanks to Luis Lavena it supports a full service system for installing any Rails app as a service. This lets you start your rails apps from either the command line or the Service console. Stopping is still a bit problematic but we hope to have that solved in the next release. You win32 folks should probably send Luis