similar to: memcache-client working for anyone?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "memcache-client working for anyone?"

2006 Apr 20
memcache, sessions, fragments, oh my!
Hi all - I am trying to get rails to use memcache for sessions and fragment caching. I''d also like to use the same connection for general caching of this and that. I''m following the instructions here: and hitting a brick wall. I''m using the new memcache-client since from what I''ve read
2006 Jan 17
ActiveRecord + memcache = cached_model
Courtesy of The Robot Co-op. $ yes | sudo gem install cached_model Or, you can download cached_model and memcache-client (our zippy-fast memcache library, required) from: I don''t have the README posted for making cached_model work online yet, so here it is: = CachedModel Rubyforge Project: == About
2007 Sep 07
memcached and fragment storage, session storage with a mongrel cluster
Greetings, I posted this not on the Rails mailing list and didn''t get a definitive response so I thought I''d post it here, since I figure lots of you are using mongrel with Rails apps. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I''ve been using file-based fragment caching and DB-based session caching quite extensively. I decided to try out memcached for both to
2005 Dec 16
mysql mem-tables vs. memcached
Could someone please elaborate on the technical differences and practical impact of whether choosing memory-based tables in MySQL or using memcached. I got this far on my own: It seems that MySQL uses the NDB engine for transaction-safe memory access in a cluster. the memory storage engine seems to be faster but not synchronizable by any means in a cluster. memcached seems to be ultimately fast
2008 Jul 15
sex expire time for Sessions in memcached
Hi all, I have a problem with expiring sessions in the case with using mem_cache_store. I''ve been using ActiveRecord session store till now and expired them with SQL query. Yesterday I switched to memcache for storing sessions, however I can''t set an expireation period. My current config is this: ======================== memcache_options = { :c_threshold => 10_000,
2005 Dec 25
How to use mem_cache_store?
Hi, I''m trying to use mem_cache_store for sessions. I have installed the server and the gem and have added the following to my config/environment.rb: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memcache_options = { :c_threshold => 10_000, :compression => true, :debug => false, :namespace =>
2007 Aug 20
byte-range requests
Hello everyone, I did some initial tests and it seems that mongrel does not support byte-range requests. Is this correct? The reason I ask is that the iPhone requires byte-range requests to work in order to stream audio or video from a web server. Thanks in advance, alan
2006 Jan 21
Fragment caching with Memcached slow?
Hi, I am trying to do fragment caching using :mem_cache_store. However, when I compare it to fragment caching using :file_store, it seems to be a lot slower. Here are the results: uncache Completed in 2.20246 (0 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 2.19891 (99%) | DB: 0.00017(0%) | 200 OK [] using file_store Completed in 0.00952 (105 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00702 (73%) | DB: 0.00000(0%)
2010 May 29
User Error during memcached integration
Hello, I hope all is well. I am hoping someone can help me with a problem that I am certain is user error? The configuration details below work in all my other environments including integration, development and qa. However, the production servers give the following error: unable to find server during initialization. When I telnet to the memcached box from the server having the problem and run
2006 Jan 30
cached_model-1.0.1 ActiveRecords + memcache
The new version of cached_model features bug fixes and tests! Bugs fixed: Updating a model no longer stores associations into the cache. This could cause strange, hard-to-debug bugs when an invalid set of assocations was retrieved along with a cached model. Reloading a model refreshes the cache. When CachedModel::find can''t understand query params and a single result is
2009 May 26
memcache for variables
hey, for performance reasons i want to cache (template) variables using memcache, making access to data easy in templates by using a simple syntax like <%=users(2).name%>. this actually should tell the view to load the field ''name'' from the model/table ''users'' with id=2. it first tries memcache and if not found, loads the data from the and stores it in
2006 Feb 12
memcache-client/cached_model help
Hi - Just downloaded and installed the memcache-client and cached_model gems and am trying to test it out on a development setup. I added this to my environment/development.rb CACHE = :c_threshold => 10_000, :compression => true, :debug => true, :namespace => ''eztrip'',
2007 Jan 30
No reaction from memcached
I''ve been following the instructions here articles/read/716 on how to get started with memcached. Starting up ./script/console production I get at couple of deprecation warnings: <snip> ./script/console production Loading production environment. DEPRECATION WARNING: model is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 2.0 See
2009 Apr 13
Memcached 1.6.5 (Rails 2.3) 10x slower
The move to memcached_client 1.6.5 in Rails 2.3 seems to have made the Rails cache about 10x slower. Since that''s the opposite effect I would expect, I was hoping somebody would explain where I''m misreading these numbers? I noticed my fragment caching was slow -- it shouldn''t take 2ms just to read a 2k string from a localhost memcached server: Cached fragment hit:
2006 May 14
session memcache expire
hi all how to expire session in memcache session_store regards -- Posted via
2006 Jul 21
mongrel, memcache and sessions
Hi, I''m using mongrel- with memcache-client-1.0.3 for storing sessions. It was working fine with actionpack-1.12.0, but when I upgraded to actionpack-1.12.3, I started getting a "can''t convert String into Hash" error from memcache.rb from memcache-client. I was able to fix it by changing the way the MemCache object was created in
2009 Feb 18
expire_fragment with memcached
Hello all, We know that memcached or memcached-client doesn''t support regex... But It seems it doesn''t support expire_fragment either :/ I''m trying to use expire_fragment with memcached as following : expire_fragment(:controller => ''home'', :action => :list_posts) But apparently it''s not supported by memcached : RuntimeError (Not
2010 Mar 03
Memcached: "no such file to load -- memcache-client" when running script/console
Hi folks. I''ve started down the memcached path and everything was running grand until I decided to start up my console. I have manually installed libevent 1.4.13 and memcached 1.4.4 into /usr/local, following which I sudo gem installed memcache-client and SystemTimer. development.rb has been modified to do caching with the mem_cache_store. The memcached process seems to work and my
2012 Aug 08
Memcache and Rails - Storing String as values.
Hello all, I have been using Memcache with my rails application to store certain key value pair.... I am using Dalli gem for the same... So Here''s what i do from console: require ''dalli'' dc =''remoteserver:11211'') dc.set(''example_link'', "") => true value =
2006 Jan 13
rails bug ? metadata lost between page invocation ?
Ok, so I posted this on the ''ruby on rails'' newsgroup ( but didn''t get very far. Hopefully this community will be able to help or let me know whether this is a genuine rails bug. This is a lengthy post, but please bear with me. So, I am trying to cache