Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "stats glm Response Format Ambiguity"
2010 Jun 02
glmnet strange error message
Hello fellow R users,
I have been getting a strange error message when using the cv.glmnet
function in the glmnet package. I am attempting to fit a multinomial
regression using the lasso. covars is a matrix with 80 rows and roughly 4000
columns, all the covariates are binary. resp is an eight level factor. I can
fit the model with no errors but when I try to cross-validate after about 30
2011 Feb 17
cv.glmnet errors
I am trying to do multinomial regression using the glmnet package, but the
following gives me an error (for no reason apparent to me):
The error i get is:
Error in if (outlist$msg != "Unknown error") return(outlist) :
argument is of
2013 Mar 02
glmnet 1.9-3 uploaded to CRAN (with intercept option)
This update adds an intercept option (by popular request) - now one can fit a model without an intercept
Glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for a number of generalized linear models, with with "elastic net"
regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). Glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
The current list of models covered are:
2013 Mar 02
glmnet 1.9-3 uploaded to CRAN (with intercept option)
This update adds an intercept option (by popular request) - now one can fit a model without an intercept
Glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for a number of generalized linear models, with with "elastic net"
regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2 penalties). Glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
The current list of models covered are:
2010 Apr 04
Major glmnet upgrade on CRAN
glmnet_1.2 has been uploaded to CRAN.
This is a major upgrade, with the following additional features:
* poisson family, with dense or sparse x
* Cox proportional hazards family, for dense x
* wide range of cross-validation features. All models have several criteria for cross-validation.
These include deviance, mean absolute error, misclassification error and "auc" for logistic or
2010 Apr 04
Major glmnet upgrade on CRAN
glmnet_1.2 has been uploaded to CRAN.
This is a major upgrade, with the following additional features:
* poisson family, with dense or sparse x
* Cox proportional hazards family, for dense x
* wide range of cross-validation features. All models have several criteria for cross-validation.
These include deviance, mean absolute error, misclassification error and "auc" for logistic or
2011 Dec 13
bug in glmnet 1.7.1 for multinomal when alpha=0?
Dear all,
If I am not mistaken, I think that I have found a bug in glmnet 1.7.1 (latest version) for multinomial when alpha=0. Here is the code
> library(glmnet)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
Loaded glmnet 1.7.1
> x=matrix(rnorm(40*500),40,500)
> g4=sample(1:7,40,replace=TRUE)
> fit=glmnet(x,g4,family="multinomial",alpha=0)
2010 Nov 04
glmnet_1.5 uploaded to CRAN
This is a new version of glmnet, that incorporates some bug fixes and
* a new convergence criterion which which offers 10x or more speedups for
saturated fits (mainly effects logistic, Poisson and Cox)
* one can now predict directly from a cv.object - see the help files for cv.glmnet
and predict.cv.glmnet
* other new methods are deviance() for "glmnet" and coef() for
2008 Jun 02
New glmnet package on CRAN
glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for linear, two-
and multi-class logistic regression
models with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2
glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
Some of the features of glmnet:
* by default it computes the path at 100 uniformly spaced (on the log
scale) values of the
2008 Jun 02
New glmnet package on CRAN
glmnet is a package that fits the regularization path for linear, two-
and multi-class logistic regression
models with "elastic net" regularization (tunable mixture of L1 and L2
glmnet uses pathwise coordinate descent, and is very fast.
Some of the features of glmnet:
* by default it computes the path at 100 uniformly spaced (on the log
scale) values of the
2012 Aug 16
Big Data reading subsample csv
I'm most grateful for your time to read this.
I have a uber size 30GB file of 6 million records and 3000 (mostly
categorical data) columns in csv format. I want to bootstrap subsamples for
multinomial regression, but it's proving difficult even with my 64GB RAM
in my machine and twice that swap file , the process becomes super slow
and halts.
I'm thinking about generating
2011 Dec 27
differences between 1.7 and 1.7.1 glmnet versions
Dear All,
I have found differences between glmnet versions 1.7 and 1.7.1 which, in
my opinion, are not cosmetic and do not appear in the ChangeLog. If I am
not mistaken, glmnet appears to return different number of selected
input variables, i.e. nonzeroCoef(fit$beta[[1]]) differes between
versions. The code below is the same for 1.7.1 and 1.7, but you can see
that outputs differ. I would
2018 Jul 25
Library lib.loc Option Ignored for Dependencies
On 25.07.2018 04:00, Dario Strbenac wrote:
> Good day,
> A self-contained example which reproduces the problem is
> packagesFolder <- tempdir()
> latestFolder <- file.path(packagesFolder, "latest")
> dir.create(latestFolder)
> devtools::create(file.path(latestFolder, "statistics"), description = list(Version = "1.1.0", Depends
2016 Feb 20
R Package Installation Ignores libPaths Setting
Good day,
I believe from the documentation that folders in R_LIBS should appear in the output of .libPaths, but they do not. The documentation contains "The library search path is initialized at startup from the environment variable R_LIBS ..."
$ export R_LIBS=/users/stgrad/dario/tmp/
$ Rscript -e ".libPaths()"
[1] "/dskh/nobackup/biostat/Bioconductor"
2016 Feb 18
R Package Installation Ignores libPaths Setting
Good day,
If the library path is changed with .libPaths, the command
install.packages("/nb/dario/Biostrings_2.39.9.tar.gz", repos=NULL)
fails with
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error : package ?S4Vectors? required by ?Biostrings? could not be found
running library(S4Vectors) followed by sessionInfo() after the error shows that the package can indeed be
2018 Sep 20
A different error in sample()
Good day,
The use of "rounding" also doesn't make sense. If The number is halfway between two integers, it is rounded to the nearest even integer.
> round(2.5)
[1] 2
Dario Strbenac
University of Sydney
Camperdown NSW 2050
2020 Mar 23
Grid pmax Unusual Result In Alpha Version
Sorry, I was dragging the laptop's cursor towards the Discard button but it activated on Send instead. Please ignore or delete from mailing archive.
From: Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Monday, 23 March 2020 11:10 PM
To: Dario Strbenac
Subject: Re: [Rd] Grid pmax Unusual Result In Alpha Version
>>>>> Dario
2011 Aug 10
Hi All,
I have been trying to use glmnet package to do LASSO linear regression. my x data is a matrix n_row by n_col and y is a vector of size n_row corresponding to the vector data. The number of n_col is much more larger than the number of n_row. I do the following:
fits = glmnet(x, y, family="multinomial")I have been following this
2018 Jun 14
makeCluster Stall on 32-bit Windows
Good day,
I'm trying the example cl <- makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK") from the makeCluster documentation and the R command prompt never returns. I am using a 32-bit Windows 10 computer. The problem doesn't happen on another 64-bit Windows 10 computer but does happen on another 32-bit Windows 7 computer. Can anyone reproduce it? Are there any other options that can be passed to
2018 Feb 01
as.list method for by Objects
>>>>> Michael Lawrence <lawrence.michael at gene.com>
>>>>> on Tue, 30 Jan 2018 10:37:38 -0800 writes:
> I agree that it would make sense for the object to have c("by", "list") as
> its class attribute, since the object is known to behave as a list.
Well, but that (list behavior) applies to most non-simple S3