similar to: FYI: TB 2.0.0 + DC 1.0.0 = OK so far

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "FYI: TB 2.0.0 + DC 1.0.0 = OK so far"

2007 Apr 16
Maildir, INDEX, and folders
I'm reading the wiki et el. regarding indexes, but can't come up with a coherent answer to the setup and what will happen. I want to take the indexes and move them off of NFS (~/Maildir) and place in /var/spool/dovecot/indexes, but not have to hand create everything (user homes, mail folders) So, I create a parent folder /var/spool/dovecot/indexes that has the appropriate permissions
2005 Feb 24
4 Final, RC1 -> Final?
Build team -- what's our current outlook on the 4 Final release shaping up to be (ie, this week, next week, a month..)? Should it be further out, would it be relatively painless to 'upgrade' (so to speak) from the current RC1 to Final when it rolls around? thanks! -te (I have a new project server waiting in limbo, would like to at least get started - nonproduction) -- Troy
2005 Feb 09
RE: CentOS Digest, Vol 2, Issue 13
>>> I have ecommerce stores on my server who use the same instantssl certificate without any problems. These particular certificates were migrated over from one plesk system to my new server with centOS 3.4 and plesk 7.5.1 reloaded. >>> We got it working. It was a custom config problem for that one site. Sincerely, Melinda Odom 479-471-0891
2005 Aug 26
portsentry and proftpd RPMs available
Just dropping a note, I've built CentOS4 friendly RPMs (as well as RHEL4 and FC4) of two of my favourite tools, PortSentry and ProFTPd: PortSentry is built using the last known (RedHat 9 based) SPEC/patches from FreshRPMS, updated to apply
2005 Jan 13
CentOS4 + Subversion?
Hey all - does RHES4/CentOS4 beta contain a recent integration of Subversion? I've been holding off trying to retro-fit CentOS 3.x on our CVS server, hoping that the official channels aready had it in store for the future. Not that you *can't* retrofit, I was just uncomfortable upgrading so many stock packages. Anyone have it installed, can take a look for me? thx, -te -- Troy
2008 May 23
Multiple private namespace question
(apologies if this has been covered, can't find it on the Wiki/FAQ, etc.) We have a stellar, fantastic, hard working Dovecot 1.0.5 (yes, I need to upgrade) installation running in Courier-IMAP compatibility mode: mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir:INDEX=/var/spool/dovecot/indexes/%1u/%u namespace private { separator = . prefix = INBOX. inbox = yes } A user purchased
2007 Feb 17
LDAP auth load? (looking for advice)
One of the changes my beta testers are testing is switching from NIS to LDAP for login/auth/homedir lookups; all is working perfectly, Dovecot + PAM/nss_ldap is A-OK. No issues here, we've been using LDAP lookups on other servers for years. I'm wondering about load, specifically if when I switch the entire company over, will the new authentication load stress my LDAP server to the
2006 Jul 30
Hi, I tried these and none of them worked: Add this you your rsync command --exclude=**/cache --exclude **/download --exclude**/pub, and see if it gives you the required result. If not then please be more specific. On 7/27/06, Troy Engel <tengel at> wrote: > > Melinda Odom wrote: > > > > I have also read the man pages but am not understanding. > > What
2007 May 09
Thunderbird or Dovecot bug? (multiple keywords)
Here's a strange one. I have a user who's using Thunderbird 2.0.0 and assigning multiple tags (keywords) to emails, which are getting "lost" (I'll explain) when he leaves the folder and comes back. I can reproduce this on *his* account myself, but cannot reproduce it on *my* account (separate new TBird 2.0.0 profiles on Windows XP). Use the two TBird default tags
2007 Mar 23
idxview: Fatal: file hdr read() 41984 != 1170103198
Playing with the new idxview I got this error running against my INBOX dovecot.index.cache file. What exactly does it mean? Full output: # /usr/libexec/dovecot/idxview dovecot.index.cache -- INDEX: dovecot.index.cache version = 1.8 base header size = 0 header size = 1170103198 record size = 1170103283 compat flags = 7 index id = 0 flags = 26512 uid validity = 0 next uid = 2460778624 messages
2004 Sep 14
RHN-like system for CentOS?
Team, Is anyone aware of a Red Hat Network alike system of server package update status that could be adapted for CentOS3? I'm not interested in the complete management aspect (channels, scheduling remote updates, etc) but merely the ability to see your list of systems and determine which are out of date with XXX packages. If you happen to manage a large-ish number of RHES3 systems, you
2007 Mar 06
Public kudos to Timo
I'm sitting here working away on various unrelated projects and watching patch after patch after patch flow in from Timo to fix all sorts of problems people are reporting. A coding madman on fire. Thanks Timo, you rock. I appreciate the time you spend on this software, I'm sure everyone else does as well. :) -te -- Troy Engel | Systems Engineer Fluid, Inc |
2005 Feb 01
gcc, libkrb4 problem
I'm trying to recompile the source RPM from the FC3 version of cvs (, as the version shipped on RHEL/CentOS/etc has a known bug (version 1.11.2-unix "cvs watch on" doesn't work). The initial configure is failing with this obscure error: configure:2257: checking for C compiler default output file
2005 Jan 21
centos4/rhes4 - mysql4?
The recent thread about the mysql/postgres RPMS had me wonder -- is Redhat (ergo CentOS) moving to MySQL 4.x in the new RHES4 release? You folks with the beta, what's on the CD/ISOs? thx, -te -- Troy Engel | Systems Engineer Fluid, Inc |
2005 Feb 15
Poll: what features are you lusting for in v4
While we're waiting on the keebler elves to make the new CentOS 4, what feature(s) are you most lusting after in RHEL/CentOS 4? For me: - official Mysql 4!!! (man does this make me happy) - official Subversion ..are my top two, they will make me a happy camper for so many projects. :) Sure sure the 2.6 kernel is nice, but that super-patched 2.4 kernel on v3 seems to work quite well
2007 Jan 31
Automatic Folder Expiry (plugin?)
Greetings, I'm migrating an existing Courier IMAP installation to Dovecot (1.0rc19 right now) on a new server; there's one feature I'm not sure if Dovecot supports - but it might and I'm missing it, so I'll ask. In Courier there's an option to expire a folder after a given time period; ostensibly it's to keep a Trash folder clean, but we use it to keep the Junk
2004 Apr 12
fresh install - resolv.conf error?
Before I submit as a bug, has anyone else encountered -- doing a fresh, clean install of CentOS-3 results in a resolv.conf with only my secondary nameserver listed and the search domain. The install works fine, the eth0 and eth1 (onboard e100's) are detected, all the right info entered, etc -- typical by the book textmode (not GUI) install that I'd normally do with RH9/RHEL3. Static
2007 Mar 14
Courier keywords - anyone even tried?
I do realize from the Wiki that the formats are incompatible, and am looking at the Courier spec ( and the Dovecot spec ( trying to see if there's any sane way I could try and write a shellscript. The pain here is the Courier spec, I think I lost a few brain cells trying to understand
2006 Mar 23
Is the unsupported kernel considered stable-ish?
I have a need to use the unsupported kernel for one feature only (AFP/Appletalk support). Never having had to use it before, I''m unsure of what''s all in it other than reading it''s config file. From those that do use it -- is it considered stable enough to use in lightweight production? I''m debating the use of it versus wasting my time rebuilding the normal
2004 Apr 05
GPG key not installed?
Just installed v3.1, bringing it up to date to work with. It doesn't appear that RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-3 was installed anywhere on the system? (easy to find on a CD/google sure, but I'd think it should be installed for easy import?) -te -- Troy Engel | Systems Engineer Fluid, Inc |