similar to: How much disk can fail after a catastrophic failure occur?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "How much disk can fail after a catastrophic failure occur?"

2024 Oct 20
How much disk can fail after a catastrophic failure occur?
If it's replica 2, you can loose up to 1 replica per distribution group.For example, if you have a volume TEST with such setup: server1:/brick1 server2:/brick1 server1:/brick2 server2:/brick2 You can loose any brick of the replica "/brick1" and any brick in the replica "/brick2". So if you loose server1:/brick1 and server2:/brick2 -> no data loss will be experienced.
2018 May 22
split brain? but where?
Hi, Which version of gluster you are using? You can find which file is that using the following command find <brickpath> -samefile <brickpath/.glusterfs/<first two bits of gfid>/<next 2 bits of gfid>/<full gfid> Please provide the getfatr output of the file which is in split brain. The steps to recover from split-brain can be found here,
2018 May 21
split brain? but where?
Hi, I seem to have a split brain issue, but I cannot figure out where this is and what it is, can someone help me pls, I cant find what to fix here. ========== root at salt-001:~# salt gluster* 'df -h' Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/centos-root
2018 May 22
split brain? but where?
I tried this already. 8><--- [root at glusterp2 fb]# find /bricks/brick1/gv0 -samefile /bricks/brick1/gv0/.glusterfs/ea/fb/eafb8799-4e7a-4264-9213-26997c5a4693 /bricks/brick1/gv0/.glusterfs/ea/fb/eafb8799-4e7a-4264-9213-26997c5a4693 [root at glusterp2 fb]# 8><--- gluster 4 Centos 7.4 8><--- df -h [root at glusterp2 fb]# df -h Filesystem
2018 May 22
split brain? but where?
I tried looking for a file of the same size and the gfid doesnt show up, 8><--- [root at glusterp2 fb]# pwd /bricks/brick1/gv0/.glusterfs/ea/fb [root at glusterp2 fb]# ls -al total 3130892 drwx------. 2 root root 64 May 22 13:01 . drwx------. 4 root root 24 May 8 14:27 .. -rw-------. 1 root root 3294887936 May 4 11:07 eafb8799-4e7a-4264-9213-26997c5a4693 -rw-r--r--. 1 root
2018 May 21
split brain? but where?
How do I find what "eafb8799-4e7a-4264-9213-26997c5a4693" is? On May 21, 2018 3:22:01 PM PDT, Thing <thing.thing at> wrote: >Hi, > >I seem to have a split brain issue, but I cannot figure out where this >is >and what it is, can someone help me pls, I cant find what to fix here. >
2010 Jan 12
Hi. Somehow I do not see any out put using multipath -l or multipath -ll . But I can see using dry run ie multipath -d. Also I do not see /dev/dm-* It was there before. How do I re claim it. Thanks! Paras. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Mar 09
samba reporting wrong space
hello everybody! i have a samba (3.0.24) running on a gentoo (alpha) box. i connect to a share using cifs and when i then run df -h, i get the following ahuemer@xeon distfiles % df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 34G 31G 3.3G 91% / udev 759M 2.8M 756M 1% /dev shm 759M 20K 759M 1% /dev/shm
2004 Aug 02
Vonage catastrophic failure..., we don't wish them ill, but Vonage seems to have been out of commission for quite a little while. Website is excruciatingly slow, log-in fails, hard-line and soft-line are out (alert-tone or "subscriber not in service") -- even "Network failover" is failing. Outgoing calls return fast-busy. 866-support number is busy. Let's see how they deal with that in
2014 Dec 07
Permission issues
Hi there ? I've installed a test-VM with Debian Wheezy (7.7) and used this tutorial to set up a test-lab for samba4: ? Its working for now, but the part with the home-share (just a simple share for profiles etc.) is not working. I cant even browse with the administrator at domain
2009 Sep 17
multipath using defaults rather than multipath.conf contents for some devices (?) - why ?
hi all We have a rh linux server connected to two HP SAN controllers, one an HSV200 (on the way out), the other an HSV400 (on the way in). (Via a Qlogic HBA). /etc/multipath.conf contains this : device { vendor "(COMPAQ|HP)" product "HSV1[01]1|HSV2[01]0|HSV300|HSV4[05]0" getuid_callout "/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/%n"
2013 Jul 30
lxc-enter-namespace error: security model cannot be entered.
Hi Guys, I started a lxc container with libvit in ubuntu Operating system, and succeed using lxc-enter-namespace to enter the namespaces and security context of the container. But when I do the same thing in debian OS, It reported an error, with details as following: root@debian:/etc# vir list Id Name State ---------------------------------------------------- 4424
2013 Feb 12
Lost folders after changing MDS
OK, so our old MDS had hardware issues so I configured a new MGS / MDS on a VM (this is a backup lustre filesystem and I wanted to separate the MGS / MDS from OSS of the previous), and then did this: For example: mount -t ldiskfs /dev/old /mnt/ost_old mount -t ldiskfs /dev/new /mnt/ost_new rsync -aSv /mnt/ost_old/ /mnt/ost_new # note trailing slash on ost_old/ If you are unable to connect both
2018 May 08
mount failing client to gluster cluster.
Hi, On a debian 9 client, ======== root at kvm01:/var/lib/libvirt# dpkg -l glusterfs-client 8><--- ii glusterfs-client 3.8.8-1 amd64 clustered file-system (client package) root at kvm01:/var/lib/libvirt# ======= I am trying to to do a mount to a Centos 7 gluster setup, ======= [root at glustep1 libvirt]# rpm -q glusterfs glusterfs-4.0.2-1.el7.x86_64
2017 Mar 29
Mixed bonding and vlan on plain adapter possible?
Hello, I have a CentOS 7.3 + updates server where my configuration arises from the need to connect via iSCSI to a Dell PS Series storage array and Dell not supporting bonding. So that I need to use 2 nics on the same vlan to connect to iSCSI portal IP and then use multipath. Also, the iSCSI lan is on a dedicated vlan I have only these 2 x 10Gbit adapters and I also need to put other vlans on them
2010 Aug 11
Hi guys I have installed Xen 4 on Debian Lenny 5.0. I have a physical Windows 2003 Server and I wanna convert this server on a virtual server... I try to use XenConvert but without sucsess... Somebody can help??? Thanks Gilberto Nunes TI Selbetti Gestão de Documentos Telefone: +55 (47) 3441-6004 Celular: +55 (47) 8861-6672 _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing
2018 Jan 31
df does not show full volume capacity after update to 3.12.4
Sam, For du ?sh on my newer volume, the result is 161T. The sum of the Used space in the df ?h output for all the bricks is ~163T. Close enough for me to believe everything is there. The total for used space in the df ?h of the mountpoint it 83T, roughly half what is used. Relevant lines from df ?h on server-A: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 59T 42T
2016 Sep 13
The user name or password is incorrect
Ok! Let try it again! I really meant join the Samba AD Domain as domain member. I wonder why I can do it with Windows 10, which is newer than Windows 2012 R2. Thanks any way. 2016-09-13 15:03 GMT-03:00 Rowland Penny via samba <samba at>: > On Tue, 13 Sep 2016 14:47:18 -0300 > Gilberto Nunes via samba <samba at> wrote: > > > Hello list
2016 Sep 29
Good Bye SAMBA?!?!?
I would like to help with this VFS, but my skill as programmer is near 0!... but I am openning to test if some one write it... But I get the idea! It's seems very simple, for those has the right skill to do that 2016-09-29 14:34 GMT-03:00 Jeremy Allison <jra at>: > On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 02:25:18PM -0300, Gilberto Nunes via samba wrote: > > WOW! That's could be
2009 Oct 22
what else is missing in 5.4?
[root at alan centos]# du -sh 5.* 19G 5.3 14G 5.4 -- ?Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV? - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"