similar to: Error message when calling t.test() and aov() with a factor variables

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2024 Oct 11
Error message when calling t.test() and aov() with a factor variables
>>>>> Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) writes: > Hi all, > Just noticed that the error that arises when calling t.test() with factors could be a bit clearer: >> t.test(factor(c(3,1,2,4,3,5,4,5)), factor(c(2,1,2,3,4,5))) > Error in var(x) : Calling var(x) on a factor x is defunct. > Use something like 'all(duplicated(x)[-1L])' to test for a constant vector.
2017 Jun 22
Compiling R-devel - missing some expected features (zlib, bzlib, lzma, PCRE)
Hi All, I am compiling R-devel on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.2) and that works just fine, but I am missing some of the expected features, as shown here: In particular, after configure (using all defaults), I see: R is now configured for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [...] Interfaces supported: X11 External libraries:
2012 Sep 26
Broken Links on
I was not sure who I should contact about this, so I am posting this here. There are a few broken links on the R website. 1) -> link to the Nabble R Forum. I belive the correct/new URL should be: 2) -> link to "Auswertung ?kologischer Daten". Not sure if there is a new
2024 Oct 11
Error message when calling t.test() and aov() with a factor variables
> -----Original Message----- > From: Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik at> > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2024 14:18 > To: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) <wolfgang.viechtbauer at> > Cc: r-devel <r-devel at> > Subject: Re: [Rd] Error message when calling t.test() and aov() with a factor > variables > > >>>>>
2013 Sep 15
FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false
Dear All, I have been checking the metafor package against R-devel. R CMD check --as-cran metafor yields one note: FOSS licence with BuildVignettes: false Yes, I have 'BuildVignettes: FALSE' in my DESCRIPTION file. I see at Tue, 25 Jun 2013 CHANGES IN R-devel UTILITIES 'R CMD check --as-cran' warns about a false
2012 Aug 01
"metafor" package, proportions: single groups wrt to a categorical dependent variable‏
Dear Dushanthi, Please keep your e-mails on the R-Help list, where Michael has already given you some excellent advice. As Michael already explained, metafor can handle proportions, but does not have any specific functionality for categorical variables with more than 2 levels (at the moment). So, if it is logical and possible to do so, you could collapse the levels of the categorical outcome to 2
2013 Dec 12
refline in forest() {metafor}
Hello all, I am using forest.rma to plot a random effects model meta-analysis. I noticed that refline sets a vertical line indicating the null hypothesis. Is there a way to draw another vertical line, possibly dashed, centered on the summary estimate? Prof. Viechtbauer, if you happen to read this, I'd like to thank you for making an excellent package. I have been using the metafor package
2010 Apr 19
Writing methods for existing generic function
Dear All, Suppose I want to write a method for the generic function confint(): > args(confint) function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) So, it looks like the second and third argument have been predefined in the generic function. Suppose one or several of the predefined arguments don't apply or fit (in some sense) with the design of the rest of the package. What should one do? I see
2008 Feb 29
Optional data argument for a function
Dear All, I am working on a function that has an optional data argument, just like lm(). If the user sets the data argument equal to some dataframe, then the function should look inside the dataframe for the variables given to other arguments, otherwise the variables should be accessible from what I believe is called the parent frame from which the function was called. I looked at the source code
2013 Mar 02
Metafor "SMCR" Pre-Post Effect sizes
Dear all, I am very grateful that Wolfgang Viechtbauer implemented the standardised mean change for dependent groups. I was playing around a bit today, and I am not sure if I understand the "SMCR" procedure correctly. The documentation states that sd1i and sd2i are needed, but it seems to me that SMCR is ignoring sd2i (so Variances are not pooled). Instead, it uses sd1i (pre-test sd),
2010 Nov 20
txtProgressBar strange behavior in R 2.12.0
Hi, I am running R 2.12.0 (windows). example(txtProgressBar) gives me some funny screen output with all kinds of special characters appearing and disappearing. It's happening on two different mashines since vs. 2.12.0. Is this a known issue? Best, Jalla -- View this message in context: Sent
2012 Sep 27
What to use for ti in back-transforming summary statistics from F-T double square-root transformation in 'metafor'
Hi Dr. Viechtbauer, I'm doing meta-analysis using your package 'metafor'. I used the 'IRFT' to transform the incident rate. But when I tried to back-transform the summary estimates from function rma, I don't know what's the appropriate ti to feed in function transf.iirft. I searched and found your post about using harmonic mean for ni to back-transform the double
2012 Jan 14
metafor: weights computation in Mantel-Haenszel method
Dear R users, In metafor 1.6-0, the Mantel-Haenszel method is implemented by the function. I have observed that the sum of the weights computed by weights(x) doesn't add to 100% when x is an object of class The consequences of this fact can be clearly seen when a forest diagram is drawn with forest(x), which calls weights(x) (or more precisely, the method
2011 Apr 11
forest + igraph ?
Hello, Is it possible to have two meta-plots in one graph (not par(mfrow=c(2,1))? But somthing like  library(metafor)  library("igraph")    if (interactive()) {     forest(dat.Treat$RR,$lower, ci.ub=dat.Treat$upper, xlab="Relative Risk",slab=dat.Treat$ID,refline=1)     forest(dat.Control$RR,$lower, ci.ub=dat.Control$upper, xlab="Relative
2011 Feb 20
Help Metafor
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2011 Feb 22
System of related regression equations
Dear all, I would like to estimate a system of regression equations of the following form: y1 = a1 + b1 x1 + b2x2 + e1 y2 = a2 + c1 y1 + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + e2 Specifically the dependent variable in Equation 1 appears as an independent variable in Equation 2. Additionally some independent variables that appear in Equation 1 are also included in Equation 2. I assume that I cannot estimate these two
2011 Jul 18
Extract confidence intervals from rma object (metafor package)
Dear R-experts! I am working on some meta-analysis using the metafor package. I would like to extract values of the confidence intervals of the effect sizes of the single studies from an rma object. Those values are printed out when plotting a forest plot using the forest function on the rma object, however I was not able to locate them. Many thanks for your help! Jokel [[alternative HTML
2010 Nov 11
metafor: including phylogenetic non-independence among species?
Hello, Is it possible to include information about phylogenetic relatedness among species (when species are replicates for each study within a meta-analysis) in a meta-anlaysis in the metafor package? Alternatively, I wonder if the method f Lajeunesse 2009 American Naturalist has been adopted in R in any fashion? Thanks, Scott Chamberlain [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 20
Metafor package
I have some question about metafor package. I'm interest to perform a random effect meta-analysis of proportion (single group summary of prevalence of disease in a population as reported by different study) It ask: 1. "PFT": The Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformed proportion is reported to be equal to 1/2*(asin(sqrt(xi/(ni+1))) + asin(sqrt((xi+1)/(ni+1)))). Hovewer, i
2010 Jul 02
metafor and meta-analysis at arm-level
Hi, I have been looking for an R package which allowed to do meta-analysis (both pairwise and network/mixed-treatment) at arm-level rather than at trial-level, the latter being the common way in which meta-analysis is done. By arm-level meta-analysis I mean one that accounts for data provided at the level of the individual arms of each trial and that does not simply derive the difference between