similar to: [Bug 3742] New: ssh_config default values with Host-specific values does not apply

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[Bug 3742] New: ssh_config default values with Host-specific values does not apply"

2000 Apr 18
Samba Upgrade
Everyone, I upgraded Solaris 2.6 box running Samba 2.0.4 to a Solaris 7 with a new version of Samba 2.0.6 I used all my old smb.conf files on this new server and now I can see the server but when you try to connec to it is give the message " Not accessable " Unexpected network error occured" Thanks for any help getting this figured out it must be some thing small I am missing
2010 Nov 08
Asterisk 1.8 Multiple Parking Lots
Hello, Recently we have been using asterisk 1.6 and everything worked ok, all our productions server are 1.6. Recently we have upgraded one to 1.8 and multiple parking call are not working, which worked pretty ok on asterisk 1.6. Are there any major changes in asterisk 1.8 related to park call and multiple parking lots. Bellow is my config from asterisk 1.6 which worked, I`ve tried this in 1.8
2013 Feb 25
lmtp problem with wrong index path
Hello, we've been using dovecot for pop3 and imap for some time now and we're in the middle of deploying lmtp as well, however we're run into a problem we can't solve. Specifically for some reason it seems that dovecot tries to write to the wrong index file during some, but not all, lmtp deliveries. If lmtp tries to deliver to person user_a at domain, sometimes it'll try to
2004 May 13
Excel opens files as read-only
Hello! A few users on my network has complained about Excel opening files as read-only. What is weird is that the files aren't. I can open such a file using notepad and write to it, but when the same file is opened in Excel, Excel says it's read-only. Anyone know what the problem is? Workstations run WinXP and office is 2k3. These files are shared between many users, but I don't
2014 Jun 03
R: Info about sharing mail folder
HI Steffen. In folder /var/vmail/ i've a dovecot-acl file with " user=test at lrwstipekxa " IN mysql table user_shares i set: +---------------------+------------------+-------+ | from_user | to_user | dummy | +---------------------+------------------+-------+ | user_a at | test at | 1 |
2014 Jun 03
Info about sharing mail folder
Hi to all. First of all.. I'm new on the mailing list.. So.. Sorry in advance for any mistake or error on posting here.. The question (or doubt..) is about sharing mail folder. I use a test mail server. Is not the production server (always dovecot + postfix + spamassassin + clamav) Well.. In test mail server i can use the share folder, follow the conf istruction on wiki dovecot.
2014 Jun 03
Info about sharing mail folder
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Tue, 3 Jun 2014, Gianluca Calloni wrote: > But i need to know if is possible for user_a at to share only 1 or > 2 subfolder (E.g. .INBOX.FOLDER_A and .INBOX.FOLDER_B shared, > .INBOX_FOLDER_C not shared) What's the dovecot-acl in .INBOX and the three directories mentioned above? Or: doveadm acl get -u user_a at
2000 Mar 06
Netbios Lookup
I know that nmblookup can be used to find a netbios host name on the network. Is there a similar way to find a user name registered with WINS on the network? Example: I know that user_a is logged in somewhere on the network. How can I quickly determine which machine the user is logged in on? Thanks. -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2012 Mar 30
smb_acl_to_posix: ACL is invalid for set (Invalid argument) - in 3.5.6
hi everybody this happens when a Domain Admin adds a user-permission set via properties/security in Windows folder_A was created by a Domain Admin new permission - Modify - was added over the folder_A to the user_A user_A created a file_A.txt in folder_A now Domain Admin goes back to the properties of folder_A wanting to change/modify security entries operation fails on windows: "An
2019 Aug 14
[9.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 2 is here
Hello everyone, 9.0.0-rc2 was tagged yesterday from the release_90 branch at r368683. In the Git monorepo it's available as the llvmorg-9.0.0-rc2 tag. Source code and docs are available at Binaries will be added as they become available. The tag went in roughly one week behind schedule (see "Upcoming Releases" at, but
2019 Jul 29
[9.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 1 is here
Hi everyone, 9.0.0-rc1 was just tagged from the release_90 branch at r367217 (tagged as llvmorg-9.0.0-rc1 in the Git monorepo). Source code and docs are available at Binaries will be added as they become available. Please file bug reports for any issues you find as blockers of Release testers: please start your engines, run the
2019 Sep 13
[9.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 5 is here
Hello everyone, 9.0.0-rc5 was just tagged from the release_90 branch at r371837. In the Git monorepo, it's tagged as llvmorg-9.0.0-rc5. Source code and docs are available at Binaries will be added as they become available. There is only a single change from rc4 to rc5. Once more, the hope is that this will be the last release candidate and that we can
2019 Dec 14
LLVM 9.0.1-rc3 has been tagged
Hi, I've just tagged LLVM 9.0.1-rc3. Testers can begin testing and uploading binaries. This will be the last release candidate unless there is a major problem. I'm planning to tag the final release on Dec 19. -Tom
2019 Sep 10
[9.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 4 is here
Hello again, 9.0.0-rc4 was just tagged from the release_90 branch at r371490. In the Git monorepo, it's tagged as llvmorg-9.0.0-rc4. Source code and docs are available at Binaries will be added as they become available. There are not a lot of changes from rc3 to rc4, and there are again no open release blockers, so I'm hoping this will be the last
2019 Nov 23
LLVM 9.0.1-rc1 Release has been tagged
Hi, I've tagged the LLVM 9.0.1-rc1 release. Testers can begin testing and upload binaries. I've also updated the script to pull from GitHub instead of SVN, if you run into any issues with the new script, let me know. -Tom
2019 Dec 20
LLVM 9.0.1-final has been tagged
Hi, I've just tagged the 9.0.1-final release. Testers can begin uploading binaries. -Tom
2019 Aug 30
[9.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 3 is here
Hello everyone, 9.0.0-rc3 was tagged today from the release_90 branch at r370450. In the Git monorepo, it's tagged as llvmorg-9.0.0-rc3. Source code and docs are available at Binaries will be added as they become available. There are currently no open release blockers, which means if nothing new comes up, the final release could ship soon and this is
2019 Dec 07
LLVM 9.0.1-rc2 has been tagged
Hi, I've tagged LLVM 9.0.1-rc2. Testers can begin testing and uploading binaries. If all goes well, this will be the last -rc. -Tom
2019 Oct 09
Cloning llvm-project fails
Hi, cloning/checkout llvm-project on Windows fails for me with: C:\Users\KaiNacke\vscode>git clone git:// master Cloning into 'master'... remote: Enumerating objects: 2557, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (2557/2557), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (102/102), done. Receiving objects: 100% (3562454/3562454), 1.27 GiB | 6.92 MiB/s, done.
2015 Jul 29
Windows Asterisk Help
Hi All, Downloaded latest version of Asterisk from and installed on Windows 7. Here is my sip.conf [general]context = demo ; Default context for incoming callsbindport = 5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)bindaddr = ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)srvlookup = yes ; Enable DNS SRV