similar to: Problem with converting grib file to excel

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2024 Sep 24
Problem with converting grib file to excel
You might try posting on r-sig-geo if you don't get a satisfactory response here. I assume there's a lot of expertise there on handling raster-type data. Cheers, Bert On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 11:31?PM javad bayat <j.bayat194 at> wrote: > > Dear R users; > I have downloaded a grib file format (Met.grib) and I want to export its > data to excel file. Also I want
2024 Sep 25
Problem with converting grib file to excel
Noticeable lack of silence in the group on this one. I've not got time to test currently. But my experience of geo location files - they often had more than 2 dimensional data. In other words you might have a boundary of a region as an object with long and lat for maybe 100 data points making up the region. So 200 pieces of data. All held as a list or something similar in a single
2024 Sep 25
Problem with converting grib file to excel
At least for me the dataset file did not come through. I will look at it if it can be made available. It does look like the finial step of reading the data into raster failed, so then did the rest of th commands. -Roy > On Sep 25, 2024, at 3:24 PM, CALUM POLWART <polc1410 at> wrote: > > Noticeable lack of silence in the group on this one. > > I've not got
2024 Sep 26
Problem with converting grib file to excel
Dear all; Many thanks for your responses. Actually it is not completely a GIS file, it is a data file which stores meteorological data of a specific region. But the site allows downloading with grib format and as I searched to read this type of file in R, I found the Raster Package. In python it is possible to do this using cdsapi and xarray library, but I am not familiar with python. Sincerely
2024 Sep 26
Problem with converting grib file to excel
Hi Javad: I know a lot about reading GRIB files, I work with them all the time. But if you don?t make the file available, or point me to where I can download it, there is not much I can do. Thanks, -Roy > On Sep 25, 2024, at 9:41?PM, javad bayat <j.bayat194 at> wrote: > > Dear all; > Many thanks for your responses. Actually it is not completely a GIS file, it
2024 Sep 26
Problem with converting grib file to excel
Dear Roy, Sorry for my mistake, I thought I have uploaded the grib file. I really apologise for that. I will send it on Saturday. Thank you very much. On Thu, 26 Sept 2024, 17:40 Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal, < roy.mendelssohn at> wrote: > Hi Javad: > > I know a lot about reading GRIB files, I work with them all the time. > But if you don?t make the file
2024 Sep 26
Problem with converting grib file to excel
Attachments CAN NOT be sent to group On Thu, 26 Sep 2024, 21:22 javad bayat, <j.bayat194 at> wrote: > Dear Roy, > Sorry for my mistake, I thought I have uploaded the grib file. > I really apologise for that. I will send it on Saturday. > Thank you very much. > > On Thu, 26 Sept 2024, 17:40 Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal, < > roy.mendelssohn at
2010 Jun 15
Error when callin g C-Code
Hi when I call the function below in R, i get the error: Object 'pairlist' can't be converted to 'double'. #include <R.h> #include <Rdefines.h> #include <Rmath.h> SEXP CSimPoisson(SEXP lambda, SEXP tgrid, SEXP T2M, SEXP Ni, SEXP NT) { double sign, EVar; double *xlambda, *xtgrid, *xT2M, *xNi, *xNT, *xtau; SEXP tau; int ltgrid =0; int i = 0; int j = 0;
2024 Jun 25
Converting .grib to excel file
Dear Bert and Sara; I have searched on the internet and found some way to do this like python. But python is so complicated to me as it needs many steps to be done for reading and converting it. I will try terra package to convert it. On Tue, 25 Jun 2024, 15:15 javad bayat, <j.bayat194 at> wrote: > Richard, > Many thanks for your email. > I had attached the grib file to
2024 Jun 26
Converting .grib to excel file
Whoops, sorry, you *did* answer "what went wrong". > param_names <- c("param1", "param2", "param3", "param4", "param5", "param6") > extracted_data <- extract(raster_data, param_names, df = TRUE) #Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : #unable to find an inherited method for function ?extract? for signature
2012 Nov 02
jquery error in production precompiled
In my rails project, for production precompile I do : rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production But it not work for jquery. In my firegub console, I got the error “ReferenceError: JQuery is not defined “ at production.rb # Disable Rails''s static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this) config.serve_static_assets = true # Compress JavaScripts and CSS
2010 Jun 13
Simulating a Poisson Process in R by calling C Code over .Call
Hi I want to write a C function for the R Code below and call it with .Call: SimPoisson <- function(lambda,tgrid,T2M) #Simulation eines Poissonprozesses { NT <- 0 Ni <- rep(0,length(tgrid)) tau <- 0 sign <- 0 if(lambda != 0) { i=1 j=1 while (1) { EVar <- rexp(1,lambda) sign <- sign + EVar if (sign > T2M) { break } tau[i] <- sign
2024 Jun 26
Converting .grib to excel file
I'm now inclined to go with 'search for "convert GRIB to CSV". is the first line. I know that's not an R solution, but using software specifically developed for encoding, decoding, extracting, &c GRIB file by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and actively maintained, with an example
2008 Nov 24
spatial subset of ncdf
dear I was lokking for a solution or an example on the internet for quite a time but since haven?t found an answer yet, I'd like to ask a maybe to simple question: I have a large ncdf-file with five dimension. temperature (t2m), the variable against, lat, lon and time. (height is included as well) the structure is [1] "file C:/RDaten/ has 5 dimensions:" [1]
2005 Jul 08
Help with Mahalanobis
Dear R list, I'm trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for 'Species' of 'iris' data as obtained below: Squared Distance to Species From Species: Setosa Versicolor Virginica Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471 Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107 Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0 These distances were obtained with proc 'CANDISC'
2005 Jul 06
Help: Mahalanobis distances between 'Species' from iris
Dear R list, I'm trying to calculate Mahalanobis distances for 'Species' of 'iris' data as obtained below: Squared Distance to Species From Species: Setosa Versicolor Virginica Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471 Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107 Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0 This distances above were obtained with proc
2004 Apr 22
[PATCH] --timelimit and --stopat
Greetings, Upon a suggestion to improve the --timelimit patch, I have also added a --stopat option. You can get the patch from this URL and/or cut/paste it from below. Here are the details... --timelimit=T This option allows you to specify the maximum number of minutes rsync will run for. This time starts when
2024 Jun 29
R related tools - GUI
For years I used Deducer (Package Deducer) developed by Ian Fellows.? This is still available and partially remains mostly functional.? He was working on a new GUI years ago but appears no longer to be in the pipeline I think replaced by R-Studio. > Send R-help mailing list submissions to > r-help at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit >
2012 Mar 14
climate data, Netcdf
As you can see: time is from 1 to 1460, 1 means they the measure Tem for the globe at the first 6 hours , 2=after 12 hours .....; and so on 1460 *6 = 8760 hours which equals 1 year first of all I want to convert all data from kelvin to degree second I want to convert from 6 hourly to daily and make it like this raw data what i want to make time
2013 Jan 14
How to open grib file in R?
I have this grib file which is a regular lat-lon 0.25x0.25 degrees and contains 4 fields . I tried to open it using : grib <- readGDAL("C:\\Users\\aalyaari\\Desktop\\Vol_025_H14_2010060700.grib") but I got this error: C:\Users\aalyaari\Desktop\Vol_025_H14_2010060700.grib has GDAL driver GRIB and has 721 rows and