similar to: Question about Date Object and time zones

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Question about Date Object and time zones"

2024 Sep 25
Question about Date Object and time zones
24 ???????? 2024 ?. 17:10:13 GMT+03:00, Luca Brinkmann via R-help <r-help at> ?????: > My current > understanding is, that a Date object does only save the days from the > origin and no more information about timezones or other information > (please correct me if I am wrong). You are correct. > the date object is displayed in my RStudio environment as
2017 Jan 31
time zone
> Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 16:59:32 -0500 > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> > > From: CentOS [mailto:centos-bounces at] On Behalf Of Richard > Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 4:44 PM > >> Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 16:02:37 -0500 >> From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> >> >> Today, I started
2017 Jan 31
time zone
> Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 16:02:37 -0500 > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> > > Today, I started getting this error when trying to login to > zoneminder: > > ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php's date.timezone is not > set to a valid timezone > > Zoneminder has been running since last Wednesday when I installed > it. Today, I
2017 Jan 31
time zone
> Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 18:16:36 -0500 > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> > >> From: CentOS [mailto:centos-bounces at] On Behalf Of >> Richard Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:19 PM >> >> >> > Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 16:59:32 -0500 >> > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at>
2017 Feb 01
time zone
> Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 19:35:46 -0500 > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> > >> From: CentOS [mailto:centos-bounces at] On Behalf Of >> Richard Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 6:46 PM >> >> > Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 18:16:36 -0500 >> > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> >> >
2011 Mar 10
Timezone issue with strftime/strptime and %z and %Z
Hello! I've been trying to get this right for quite a while now and fear there is an easy solution I just don't see. I did not have this problem in Linux, and I searched r-help and Google but did not find a solution, but of course I am grateful for and resources I might not have found our not understood yet. I try to parse a time stamp with time zone. I essentially just want to parse the
2020 Apr 24
Timezone conversion on Ubuntu 20.04
Hi all, I am testing R 4.0 and ran into an issue with timezones on Ubuntu Focal: converting a timestamp to another timezone results in NA: as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), tz = "CET"), tz = "EST") This only happens on Ubuntu Focal, it seems to work fine on Ubuntu Bionic. I am the standard ubuntu docker image icw/ r-base from Dirk's ppa:edd/r-4.0 on both systems. Am I
2017 Feb 01
time zone
> Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 21:38:35 -0500 > From: TE Dukes <tdukes at> > > > There have been no changes to the php.ini. Not sure how to output > phpinfo to a text file for posting. > > System Linux 3.10.0-514.6.1.el7.x86_64 > #1 SMP Wed Jan 18 13:06:36 UTC 2017 x86_64 > Build Date Nov 6 2016 00:30:05 >
2017 Dec 01
Timezone problem with 3.4.2
Colleagues I just installed 3.4.2 on a Mac running High Sierra. I encountered the following: R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28) -- "Short Summer" Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type
2011 Jan 31
List of all times zones in R
Hi all, in R I have?Sys.timezone() function to get the current working Time zone. However I want to have a vector to get the list of all available time zones, like say, LETTERS gives me all letters. Is there any function like that? Thanks in advance,
2017 Dec 01
Timezone problem with 3.4.2
From Peter Dalgaard announcement earlier today. CHANGES IN R 3.4.3: INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: * A workaround has been added for the changes in location of time-zone files in macOS 10.13 'High Sierra' and again in 10.13.1, so the default time zone is deduced correctly from the system setting when R is configured with --with-internal-tzcode (the default on
2017 Dec 01
Timezone problem with 3.4.2
Mark Thanks for pointing this out. I did a default installation of R. Does this mean that I need to reinstall from the command line? Dennis Dennis Fisher MD P < (The "P Less Than" Company) Phone / Fax: 1-866-PLessThan (1-866-753-7784) <> > On Nov 30, 2017, at 6:42 PM, R. Mark Sharp <rmsharp at> wrote: > >
2014 Mar 24
Timezone warnings on package install in R-alpha
Dear all, As of the current R alpha release, I'm seeing timezone-related warnings on installing any package (including the recommended ones), which I haven't seen before. For example, [~/Documents/Source/R-alpha]$ bin/R CMD INSTALL ~/git/tractor/lib/reportr * installing to library '/Users/jon/Documents/Source/R-alpha/library' * installing *source* package 'reportr' ...
2009 Oct 13
Sweave output encoding in R-2.10.0beta on Windows (Rgui <-> Rterm)
Dear developers, I have come across a (somewhat strange) change in the encoding of Sweave output from R-2.9.2pat to R-2.10.0beta (apparently specific to Rgui) on Windows installations. Of course, the NEWS file contains quite a few changes concerning encoding, but I was not able to locate an entry which explains the observed behaviour. I am not very familiar with encodings/locales/codepages,
2009 Dec 29
problem reading from serial connection since 2.10.0
Dear list, I have a balance connected to the serial port of a windows machine ("COM1") and I read the text output of the balance with scan("COM1", what="character", sep="\n", n=1) after calling the previous line I press the print key on the balance which triggers sending one line of text to the serial connection and with R 2.9.2 I get something like Read
2009 Nov 16
R crash with intToUtf8 on huge vectors (PR#14068)
Full_Name: George Russell Version: 2.10.0 OS: Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Typing the following command into R --vanilla causes R to crash: k <- intToUtf8(rep(1e3,1e7)) This is the output of sessionInfo(): R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252 LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252
2009 Jan 30
Methods not loaded in R-Devel vs 2.8.1
Dear list-member, I am currently developing a package with S4 classes. The NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION is printed below. Within this package I have set a method "residuals" for two classes. In version 2.8.1 these two are reported whereas in R-Devel (2009-01-28 r47766). What have I missed? What has changed and how can I rectify the issue? Your help and pointers are welcome. For 2.8.1:
2008 Nov 10
TimeZone Help - Finding TimeZone codes
I have looked at ?as.POSIXct ?POSIXct and many of the references that are on those pages. I am bewildered with timezones. Is there a way to get what would go into tz="" for making a function that uses POSIXct to be able to be used in all of the timezones in just the united states? This is for both windows and mac... this is the function that I am wanting to use it with
2010 Feb 09
Confusing error message for [[.factor (PR#14209)
Full_Name: George Russell Version: 2.10.0 and 2.11.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-02-08 r51108) OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( > c("a","b")[[c(TRUE,FALSE)]] Error in `[[.default`(factor(c("a", "b")), c(TRUE, FALSE)) : recursive indexing failed at level 1 I find this error message confusing, though after reading the HELP
2006 Oct 27
all.names() and all.vars(): sorting order of functions' return vector
Dear list-subscriber, in the process of writing a general code snippet to extract coefficients in an expression (in the example below: 0.5 and -0.7), I stumbled over the following peculiar (at least peculiar to me:-) ) sorting behaviour of the function all.names(): > expr1 <- expression(x3 = 0.5 * x1 - 0.7 * x2) > all.names(expr1) [1] "-" "*" "x1"