similar to: Dirichlet kernel requires r to be defined, which is not in the help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Dirichlet kernel requires r to be defined, which is not in the help"

2011 Mar 29
Dirichlet surface
Dear list members, I want to draw surfaces of Dirichlet distributions with different parameter settings. My code is the following: #<begin code> a1 <- a2 <- a3 <- 2 #a2 <- .5 #a3 <- .5 x1 <- x2 <- seq(0.01, .99, by=.01) f <- function(x1, x2){ term1 <- gamma(a1+a2+a3)/(gamma(a1)*gamma(a2)*gamma(a3)) term2 <- x1^(a1-1)*x2^(a2-1)*(1-x1-x2)^(a3-1)
2006 Sep 18
Simulation of a Dirichlet Process.
I'm just getting started with R, having a lot of original work on modeling and exploring the simulation by MCMC. I want to simulate the prior and the posterior distribution of Dirichlet Process by MCMC. Is there anyone in NYC that might be a good tutor for me? -- Dr. P. NGOM, Facult? des Sciences et Techniques D?partement de Math?matiques et Informatique Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar -
2006 Sep 19
help on dirichlet distribution
Dear Gregory R. Warnes, I'm a phd student in statistics, at the University of Milano Bicocca. I'm interested to the methods of estimate the parameters of the Dirichlet distribution. Do you have implemented an algorithm in R? If so, can you give me the script? or, in general, some helps? Best Regards Gianna --------------------------------------------------------------- Gianna Monti
2013 May 12
Multinomial-Dirichlet using R
Hi: I have asked this question on Cross-Validated. So it might be a cross posting but havent received any responses to it. I am trying to see which distribution will best fit the data I am working on. The dataset is as following: Site Nausea headache Abdominal Distension 1 17 5 10 2 12
2009 May 14
corrupted smoothing kernel ?
I am trying to use the "kernel" function. To understand how it works I tried out some of the examples. None of them works as shown in the following: > kernel("daniell", 50) # Error in kernel("daniell", 50) : unused argument(s) (50) > kernel("daniell", 10) # Error in kernel("daniell", 10) : unused argument(s) (10) >
2009 May 17
Some questions about package "pastecs" and "stats"
My goal is to remove signals trend without any a-priori knowledge of the trend type, if any. Some signals are very noisy and non-stationary (example attached). I have experimented with a number of techniques. Staring at the results, I can hardly tell which method is best. I am attaching the result of function "local.trend" as I cannot understand it. Nor I can make a sense of the returned
2007 Nov 27
voronoi/Delaunay/Dirichlet tessellation on sphere in R or S?
There's Renka's STRIPACK, and TRIPACK, respectively, ACM TOMS Algorithms 772 and 751, and there's the R package "deldir" which does the Delaunay for a plane, but does anyone have or know of the tessellation in R for a sphere? Also, is there a standard indexing scheme for Delaunay facets, and perhaps of edges in such facets? I'd expect that to be a publication reference,
2007 Jul 10
integration over a simplex
Hello The excellent adapt package integrates over multi-dimensional hypercubes. I want to integrate over a multidimensional simplex. Has anyone implemented such a thing in R? I can transform an n-simplex to a hyperrectangle but the Jacobian is a rapidly-varying (and very lopsided) function and this is making adapt() slow. [ A \dfn{simplex} is an n-dimensional analogue of a triangle or
2016 Dec 05
Suma condicionada.-
Hola comunidad, Les consulto mi duda. Quisiera generar N números aleatorios tal que su suma esté predeterminada a un valor k. Sé que con la distribución Dirichlet, por ejemplo, se podrían obtener números aleatorios tal que su suma es la unidad. Por ejemplo MCMCpack::rdirichlet(1,rep(10,7)) genera 7 números tal que su suma es 1 (el parámetro rep(10,7) es cualquier cosa). Pero me pregunto si se
2006 Jul 19
voronoi tessellations
Okay, been working with tripack, seems the most mature package for this. Got it to work well with their test data set - data(tritest). When i tried random numbers to explore further, i am getting some results that don't reconcile. example run this: library(tripack) y <- runif(100) x <- runif(100) vm <- voronoi.mosaic(x,y) plot(vm) par(new=T) plot(x,y,col='blue') when
2010 Jun 23
A question about R2Winbugs
Dear R users: I was trying to fit a HMM with mixture of Gaussian into the dataset, and I tried to implement it by R2Winbugs. But I got the following errer. * Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : .C(..): 'type' must be "real" for this format* Does anybody know what's the problem? Does R2Winbugs accept some matrix as inits? I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
2010 Jul 05
Function to compute the multinomial beta function?
Dear R-users, Is there an R function to compute the multinomial beta function? That is, the normalizing constant that arises in a Dirichlet distribution. For example, with three parameters the beta function is Beta(n1,n2,n2) = Gamma(n1)*Gamma(n2)*Gamma(n3)/Gamma(n1+n2+n3) Thanks in advance for any assisstance. Regards, Greg [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Feb 16
multivariate sampling question again
Hi Thanks for replying my question! What really interested me is that the package providing some complex form sampling, such as wishart, multinomial, dirichlet. And others for example conditional beta distribution confining the random variable in the interval (a, b). Since these concept are widely used in the baysian, I wonder whether somebody has already written this package. Thanks! Best
2011 Feb 24
weighted Voronoi diagrams
Dear R-users, Does anyone know how to do weighted Voronoi diagrams (Dirichlet tesselation) in R? To be more specific, I have a set of coordinates for tree locations on a plot, and I'm looking for a way to do the tesselation so that the polygon size for each tree depends on the size of the subject tree, and the size of its neighbors. So, the location of the bisection between two trees
1999 Jul 27
Preliminary version of ts package
There is now a preliminary version of a time series package in the R-devel snapshots, and we would welcome feedback on it. It is based in part on the packages bats (Martyn Plummer) and tseries (Adrian Trapletti) and in part on code I had or have written. (Thanks for the contributions, Martyn and Adrian!) Some of the existing ts code has been changed, for example to plot multiple time series, so
2009 Dec 08
Simplex Density Plots
Hello, I have just started using R, and have found it quite easy to make plots of probability densities for normal and beta distributions, etc. Now, I'm looking at trying to make a simplex plot of a Dirichlet density, but have gotten stuck and was hoping that someone could help. Ideally, the plot would look something like the 3d plots on Wikipedia here:
2011 Oct 08
HWEBayes, swapping the homozygotes genotype frequencies
I evaluated the Bayes factor in the k=2 allele case with a "triangular" prior under the null as in the example in the help file: HWETriangBF2(nvec=c(88,10,2)) [1] 0.4580336 When I swap the n11 entry and n22 entry of nvec, I received totally different Bayes factor: > > HWETriangBF2(nvec=c(2,10,88)) [1] 5.710153 > In my understanding, defining the genotype frequency as
2008 Dec 09
bayesm package not downloading via any mirror or repository
I am a pretty new R user, I am running the latest linux version on xandros, updated with some extra debian packages, and I also run the latest windows version, but prefer linux. I am having trouble downloading "bayesm", it won't do it all from any of the sites on the web, I resorted to this one, and got slightly further, but I
2010 Apr 08
a small question about R with Winbugs
I try to do a test for dirichlet process for Multivariate normal, but Winbugs always says "expected multivariate node", does that mean I miss something at initialization? I will really appreciate the help to solve this problem Here is the R code, and Winbugs code. model { for(i in 1:N){ y[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu[i,],tau[i,,]) S[i] ~ dcat(pi[]) mu[i,1:2] <-[S[i],]
2009 Jan 13
problem whit Geneland
I do the these passages: library(Geneland) set.seed(1) data <- simdata(nindiv=200, coord.lim=c(0,1,0,1) , number.nuclei=5 , allele.numbers=rep(10,20), IBD=FALSE, npop=2, give.tess.grid=FALSE) geno <- data$genotypes coord <- t(data$coord.indiv) path.mcmc <-