similar to: Netbios Issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Netbios Issue"

2024 Sep 14
Netbios Issue
On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 10:41:40 -0400 Mike Hobbs via samba <samba at> wrote: > Hello, > > I have been running Samba for many many years and have have not had > this issue, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction. > > I am currently running in production Samba 4.7.7 on RHEL 7.9.? It has > been running without issue until yesterday.? I am
2013 Oct 08
user management define once an add if required on server
Dear all I am looking for a solution for a module to define alle possible user and then install the one or more user from that module if needed on a server, but not all of them. My idea is something like this. Can I define a user in the nodes.pp at a special Server to install that user? init.pp class admin_user::group { group { "group1": gid => "888",
2010 May 08
uninitialized constant - Please Help Me...
Hello everyone, I''ve decided to take the step into creating a mini-forum for my website where users can open new posts on exixting topics and allow people to discuss things etc... I am following a tutorial in the book: APRESS - Practical Rails Social Networking Sites and have hit a minor issue. Part of the Forum requirements is to add a moderator role to allow only certain individuals
2010 Jan 18
Samba/winbind with Active Directory auth
Hi List, I'm installing a Samba server with the intended purpose of serving files to Windows users with seamless authentication on the smb server. For that, I've been reading and following every single google search result regarding the subject, but it seems I'm stuck at some point where other people are not blocked ... To summarize, I have these commands OK: # kinit admin_user at
2003 Oct 08
Problem with /bin/ash
I have /bin/ash from rh8 installation and I have following error when I tried to change using ash instead of sh with shorewall-1.4.7: + eval options=$tap0_options + options= + list_search newnotsyn + local e=newnotsyn + [ 1 -gt 1 ] + return 1 + run_user_exit newnotsyn + find_file newnotsyn + [ -n -a -f /newnotsyn ] + echo /etc/shorewall/newnotsyn + local user_exit=/etc/shorewall/newnotsyn + [
2020 Jun 02
Code coverage for member functions that are defined inside the class
Hello, We have a user that wants to get the code coverage report for his library without turning on instrumentation for the library clients or change how they are built (only the library is instrumented). It seems like the inline member functions defined in headers are not instrumented in this case because the clients are not instrumented. The library itself does not have a copy of the inline
2012 Nov 20
FOOBAR\usuario1 windows explorer hungs forever while accessing shared dirs in LAPAZ\comp1 (interdomain trust relationships)
Hi all I have two samba PDC installed according to these specifications: domain FOOBAR with pdc server name: BAR (ip opensuse 11.1 samba-3.5.6-15.1 openldap2-2.4.12-5.6.1 smbldap-tools-0.9.5-25.1 A winxp called USUARIO1 joined to the FOOBAR domain (ip domain LAPAZ with pdc server name: SERVERLPZ (ip openSUSE 12.2 samba-3.6.7-48.12.1.i586
2016 Apr 18
LTO and intrinsics mangling
In the current mangling scheme for overloaded intrinsics we include overloaded type names in the intrinsic name. For example: %struct.foobar = type { i32 } declare <4 x %struct.foobar*> @llvm.masked.load.v4p0struct.foobar(<4 x %struct.foobar*>*, i32, <4 x i1>, <4 x %struct.foobar*>) Verifier checks that an overloaded intrinsic name matches with its signature. When
1998 Apr 08
SAMBA digest 1648
>>"foobar." Win95 keeps sending over it's username as the person who logged >>in to that computer, or as the computer's machine name... and samba uses >>that. I'd rather if they just typed in "foobar" they'd be in foobar's >>account. Can this be done? >Establish a group foobar in /etc/group with all the users that shall be
2019 Feb 01
group membership inconsistency on AD domain member
Hi, I've been running a samba server with winbind (CentOS 7) as a member of an AD Domain (Windows 2012 R2) for several months without a problem. "Suddenly" I'm seeing the problem that the membership in newly created AD groups isn't correctly visible for some users on the samba server or only after some indefinite amount of time. I'm looking simply at the output of
2007 Apr 26
Joining Samba 3.24 to 2003 ADS
I'm hoping someone can give me a clue what I am doing wrong here, Running Debian Etch AMD64, I followed the samba wiki at: <> &_Active_Directory#Prerequisites. I get mostly good results, except when I try to run 'getent passwd' or 'getent group' only
2013 Apr 23
Verbose output from R CMD check
I've been developing a package called foobar for a couple of years now. It has evolved through various versions, but has always contained compiled C code. Recently, R CMD check has started generating the following message [START QUOTE] R CMD check foobar_1.7.5.tar.gz * using log directory ?/home/david/foobar/package/foobar.Rcheck? * using R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) * using platform:
2012 Dec 07
Poll for thoughts on hierifying modules and OS default differences
Hello lovelies, Our team is deliberating a few different options for the hierification of our modules; and wanted to poll the collective genius before making our decision. As we all know, there are certain attributes of a package which are, by default, consistent on an OS... say, the name of a package..... class foobar { include foobar::params $package = $foobar::params::package Package
2008 Jun 07
slot(obj, "nosuch") documentation question
Using slot() on object (or "@") and using a nonexistent slotname returns an error (see example code). R> setClass("foobar", representation=list(a="numeric")) [1] "foobar" R> foobar <- new("foobar", a=5) R> foobar at a [1] 5 R> foobar at b Error: no slot of name "b" for this object of class "foobar" The details
2019 Apr 10
failed: read(/var/run/dovecot/dns-client)
=== dsync(foobar at Error: imapc( dns_lookup( failed: read(/var/run/dovecot/dns-client) failed: read(size=512) failed: Connection reset by peer dsync(foobar at Error: Failed to initialize user: imapc: Login to failed: Disconnected from server === Initially I thought "oh no, not another AppArmor
2006 Jul 25
problem with * urls
I am using Apache2.2 + mod_proxy_balancer + mongrel setup and my mongrel.conf file(for apache is like this) 2 3 <Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster> 4 BalancerMember 5 BalancerMember 6 BalancerMember 7 </Proxy> 8 9 <VirtualHost *> 10 ServerAdmin rags at
2004 Oct 16
moving functions between namespaces
Hi all, I'm a newbie wrt R but that's okay, since I don't do any programming in R. What I do need to do is to administrate the activites of an R programmer, so my questions will be related to adminning R as opposed to statistcal programming. I hope that's okay with y'all. :-) I've been through most of the docs that I could find (the PDFs, StatsRUs, etc.) and I've
2019 Apr 10
failed: read(/var/run/dovecot/dns-client)
??????? Original Message ??????? On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:48 PM, John Fawcett via dovecot <dovecot at> wrote: > On 11/04/2019 00:18, Laura Smith via dovecot wrote: > > > ??????? Original Message ??????? > > On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 10:24 PM, Aki Tuomi aki.tuomi at wrote: > > > > > > On 10 April 2019 23:56 Laura
2019 Apr 10
failed: read(/var/run/dovecot/dns-client)
On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 7:57 PM, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi at> wrote: > > On 10 April 2019 21:26 Laura Smith via dovecot dovecot at wrote: > > === > > dsync(foobar at Error: imapc( dns_lookup( failed: read(/var/run/dovecot/dns-client) failed: read(size=512) failed: Connection reset by
2010 Oct 08
How to access virtual attributes in the model
I''ve got an artist form. In this form I''ve got attributes that do not exist in the model that the form belongs to. However, I would like to submit these values for later processing. My virtual attributes in the form are: <%= f.label :foobar %> <%= f.text_field :foobar %> In the artist model, I created a getter: def foobar end When the form is