similar to: Configuration of numerous shares

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Configuration of numerous shares"

2006 Jul 11
Aggregate Controllers
Hi, I''m developing a dashboard like page and basically want to combine the result of multiple actions on a page. I''ve done this so far: def index r1 = render_to_string :action => "action1" r2 = render_to_string :action => "action2" render :text => r1+r2 end This works, but now I want to render from other controllers and this is where
2002 Nov 12
UI performance awful - please help!
I've set up a Samba 2.2.5 server authenticating against an OpenLDAP server. Everything seems to be working, except that changing directories takes 15-30 seconds. I've set up nss_ldap, optimized the nscd cache and my LDAP server's cache and indexes, and both seem to respond instantly on the command line (for cache hits, anyway). If I connect with NET USE on a client machine, it
2019 Sep 14
File server as host for a Windows Server VM?
I hope that someone here can give some advice on the following: I have a Samba based Active Directory. A CentOS 7.6 machine runs as a file server and hosts the Windows user profiles for all the Windows workstations. Now management has decided that they need a Windows server for a couple of administrative applications, which need MS SQL Server. That would be the only role of this Windows.
2007 Jan 10
ADS groups and 'valid users'
I am attempting to get a Debian box running Samba 3.0.23d (latest from debian testing) to work with our shiny new Windows 2003 server PDC. I can join the domain. windbinds various wbinfo commands return all the groups and users, as does getent. I can access everything from the PDC. Effectively, everything works _except_ specifying a group to 'valid users'. My smb.conf[0] is run of the
2019 Apr 09
'samba-tool domain tombstones expunge' fails to remove expired tombstones
>> Did you think to run 'samba-tool domain tombstones expunge --help' ? No, I didn't, I just assumed that the message "'samba' will remove them daily, 'samba-tool domain tombstones expunge' would do that immediately" would mean exactly that :-). It worked now. Thank you!
2011 Mar 18
quantmod Some Single Letter Tickers Not getFin
Hi, I have been learning the quantmod package over the last several days. I went to check some of my data pulls against other sources and was surprised to find that a few tickers that have single characters do not successfully scrape from Google Finance using getFin(). Particularly require(quantmod) getFin("A") getFin("E") getFin("F") getFin("G")
2010 Jun 05
How to get the closing price from the the GOOGLE FINANCE site for NSEINDIA stocks
Sir, How to get the closing price from this link I installed quantmod getSymbols('NSE:RCOM',src='google') gives me this error********************** Error in download.file(paste(google.URL, "q=",, "&startdate=", : cannot open URL
2010 Jan 20
Quantmod error
Hi all I have installed quantmod package but when I try to obtain GOOG data appers this message: Can anyone inform why itappears? I type getSymbols("GOOG",src="google") Thanks and Best Regards for all Error en download.file(paste(google.URL, "q=",, "&startdate=", : no fue posible abrir la URL '
2012 Nov 23
Constant (= wrong) historical quotes via get.hist.quote() from
Dear expeRts, I would like to download a time series of historical data from the ticker with symbol "ROG.VX". Interestingly, I obtain constant values (138.3 for each day in the chosen period) although the website tells me that the time series is not at all constant. What's wrong? Cheers, Marius require(tseries) hq <- get.hist.quote(instrument="ROG.VX",
2005 Mar 29
Aggregating data (with more than one function)
I have the data similar to the following in a data frame: LastName Department Salary 1 Johnson IT 56000 2 James HR 54223 3 Howe Finance 80000 4 Jones Finance 82000 5 Norwood IT 67000 6 Benson Sales 76000 7 Smith Sales 65778 8 Baker HR 56778 9 Dempsey HR 78999 10 Nolan
2010 Dec 02
Downloading quote data from yahoo finance
Hi R users,   Thanks in advance.   I am using R 2.12.0 on Windows XP.   May I request you to assist me in the following please.   1. I am getting error while downloading quote data from yahoo finance.   The example code is below (taken from tseries help):   library(tseries)   con <- url("") if(!inherits(try(open(con), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {  
2024 May 30
Samba 4.15.13 GPO and Windows 10/11
Oh! It's works. Thanks a lot. God bless you all. --- Gilberto Nunes Ferreira (47) 99676-7530 - Whatsapp / Telegram Em qui., 30 de mai. de 2024 ?s 10:40, miguel medalha <medalist at> escreveu: > For a GPO to work, both "Authenticated Users" and "Domain Computers" must > have "Read" rights. > > On a Policy Object, go to
2009 Sep 11
rsync deleted all my important docs...
How is rsync supposed to behave when I give the --delete-excluded? Recently I lost several of my important documents because of a corrupted file system on the source. Here are some logs, * Rsync gets an IO error on one of the folders, -- rsync: readlink_stat("/mnt/raid-backup/Documents/Finance") failed: Input/output error (5) -- * It starts deleting all my financial documents, --
2015 Sep 20
Hello, I am a student of electrical engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, but I am inclined more towards quantitative finance. I don't like reading course books and find myself always learning financial maths and other finance related stuff. I don't know if this is the write place to ask this question but anyway, I was wondering, if I have the necessary skills required for quants
2013 Apr 06
error message sending question to the list
Hi, I tried to send several questions to the lists (both normal R and R-Sig-Finance), but everytime I look them up in the archives my messages end up with the following "An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... for example see my post here: This one was a real important for me. Can subscribers still read it?
2011 Jan 24
Trouble installing SWAT on a Samba 4 Alpha 13 buildonUbuntu Server
> > > But when I click apply, the jenfab\finance group dissappears from the > list and the changes never save. What OS are you using? If Linux then make sure share file system is xattrs capable and enable it in /etc/fstab (I believe). If not you can use: posix:eadb = /usr/local/samba/private/eadb.tdb in global. This does NOT scale well. > > > > I have tried giving
2006 Nov 12
looking for functions that can test/estimate CAMPM, APT, Fama's factor model, etc.
Hi all, I am also looking for interesting statistical experiments about testing and estimating CAPM, APT, Fama models, etc. using R using financial series data... please give me some pointers... I have been searching the R archives for the past a few hours and I vaguely got to know that there are programs do these interesting statistical things, but I just could not find where are they... I have
2020 Apr 14
Fwd: ACL problem
Hi My lab setup: A windows server 2019, configured as PDC called X A windows 10 pro workstation, domain member called Y An Ubuntu 18 server w Samba 4.7, configured as a member server called Z All are KVM virtual machines on a single host. IP and DNS works fine between all. Sharing setup on Samba Personal home shares in /User, configured in the AD profiles as home directories
2016 Jun 05
"Samba cannot handle GPO restrictions"
> On 04 Jun 2016, at 22:14, Miguel Medalha <medalist at> wrote: > > >> Can someone therefore please explain to me what exactly these GPO >> restrictions are that Samba can't handle? I'd also appreciate if someone >> could list which other GPO I cannot set successfully using RSAT. > > It seems to me that the FAQ is pretty clear. The
2008 Mar 31
download.file error
Dear all, I am looking for a way to work out if a file on the internet exists before attempting to download it using the function download.file(). For example, using a url that does not exist url <- "" destfile <- tempfile() download.file(url = url, destfile = destfile) # gives the following response ... trying URL