similar to: Linear regression and stand deviation at the Linux command line

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Linear regression and stand deviation at the Linux command line"

2024 Aug 23
Linear regression and stand deviation at the Linux command line
? Thu, 22 Aug 2024 13:07:37 -0600 Keith Christian <keith1christian at> ?????: > I'm interested in R construct(s) to be entered at the command > line that would output slope, y-intercept, and r-squared values read > from a csv or other filename entered at the command line, and the same > for standard deviation calculations, namely the standard deviation, >
2003 Feb 19
Help in separate window under X11
Dear R users, Is there the possibitily in R under X11 to get (after typing help(...) command) separate help window, as it is in Windows version? Best wishes, ================================= Dr. Alexey B. Shipunov Section of Molecular Systematics Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3DS, U.K. e-mail: a.shipunov at
2003 Nov 11
A co-occurrence matrix
Dear R experts, I have a matrix (from some sort of classification) like this: object group [1,] 1 1 [2,] 2 2 [3,] 3 1 [4,] 4 1 [5,] 5 3 And I need something like this: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] 1 0 1 1 0 [2,] 0 1 0 0 0 [3,] 1 0 1 1 0 [4,] 1 0 1 1 0 [5,] 0 0 0 0 1 where all
2008 Mar 07
Warning: matrix by vector division
Dear list, I just made a very simple mistake, but it was hard to spot. And I think that I should warn other people, because it is probably so simple to make... === R code === # Let us create a matrix: (a <- cbind(c(0,1,1), rep(1,3))) # [,1] [,2] # [1,] 0 1 # [2,] 1 1 # [3,] 1 1 # That is a MISTAKE: a/colSums(a) # [,1] [,2] # [1,] 0.0000000 0.3333333
2023 Nov 29
Barplot for data frame
? Wed, 29 Nov 2023 00:29:49 +0000 Livio Beqiri <liviob at> ?????: > how can i create a vertical barplot that displays brands in x-axis > and Revenue in Y-axis What have you tried? If you're not currently studying R with an instructor (who should be contacted with basic questions like this instead; see the posting guide at [1]), I can recommend a free book by A. Shipunov
2023 Nov 29
Barplot for data frame
I have a dataframe df <- df <- data.frame (Revenue = c("100", "300", "500"), Brand = c("Apple", "HP", "Lenovo") ) how can i create a vertical barplot that displays brands in x-axis and Revenue in Y-axis [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 Jan 09
Blocking attacks from a range of IP addresses
I have experience block DDoS atacks. Contac White me in prived. If you have intereses. El mi?., 8 ene. 2020 8:45 p. m., Keith Christian <keith1christian at> escribi?: > On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 5:37 PM H <agents at> wrote: > > > I am being attacked by an entire subnet where the first two parts of the > > IP address remain identical but the
2006 Apr 27
R for Mac OS X: 10.3.9 is obsolete?
Dear all, I am highly disappointed of the following decision: === ... Starting with R 2.3.0, CRAN binaries support Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and higher only. === Of course, === It is, however, possible to compile binaries for earlied OS X versions from sources. === But the process, described on consists of more than
2010 May 10
Number and colon precedes some package names in yum.log
What is the meaning of the "4:", "2:", "30:" and "1:" prefixes for the following entries in yum.log? Most entries in yum.log don't have them. grep "Installed: [0-9]*:" /var/log/yum.log May 07 16:45:53 Installed: 4:perl-5.8.8-27.el5.i386 May 07 16:58:21 Installed: 2:xinetd-2.3.14-10.el5.i386 May 07 17:03:43 Installed:
2005 Nov 07
pdf device and TeXencoding?
Dear R wizards: [a] I believe that the pdf device does not yet fully support TeXencoding. (under R-2.2.0, the pdf file created with Textext as font encoding still dies when post-processed by ghostscript.) are there any workarounds, or are there utilities that would allow a TeXencoded font to be re-encoded/converted into ISOLatin, perhaps, which R could then handle beautifully? [b] is there a
2024 Jul 14
Reinterpret data without saving it to a file 1st? Check for integer stopping at 1st decimal?
A small number of columns in the data I need to work with are strings, the rest numbers. I'm using read_excel() from the readxl package to get the data ; right after it, the string columns are of type chr and the rest num. I'm tasked with finding out which columns are integers. From an advice, I tried saving the spreadsheet content into a CSV then loading that, which works like a charm ;
2020 Jan 09
Blocking attacks from a range of IP addresses
I am being attacked by an entire subnet where the first two parts of the IP address remain identical but the last two parts vary sufficiently that it is not caught by fail2ban since the attempts do not meet the cut-off of a certain number of attempts within the given time. Has anyone created a fail2ban filter for this type of attack? As of right now, I have manually banned a range of IP addresses
2023 Dec 30
Help request: Parsing docx files for key words and appending to a spreadsheet
An update: Running this block of code: # Load libraries library(tcltk) library(tidyverse) library(officer) filepath <- setwd(tk_choose.dir()) filename <- "Now they want us to charge our electric cars from litter bins.docx" #full_filename <- paste0(filepath, filename) full_filename <- paste(filepath, filename, sep="/") if (!file.exists(full_filename)) { ?
2000 Apr 25
Hi R friends, I havent asked a silly question in a long time so here it is: Reading the last issue of Stat Can J. there is an article in a single degree of freedom test for non aditivity of interactions in anova tables with 1 obs per cell. The authors claim it is more powerfull than Tukey but for the case of multiplicative interaction, which is the alternative studied by Tukey. I tried to
2003 Sep 22
weighted standard deviation
Dear all, is there an implemented function to compute a weighted standard deviation (-like weighted.mean-) in R ? Thank's a lot in advance Johannes Schnitzler
2012 Jan 15
A question about cointegration - How can we find the standard deviation in the cointegration relationship ?
Hello, I am using urca package to run cointegration. I would like to find the standard error in the (normalized, Johansen) cointegration relationship. How can I do it? As far as I know, The function "cajorls" in the "urca" package provides the normalized cointegrating relationships. Nevertheless, it does not provide the standard deviation of the coefficient for each
2007 Apr 23
test deviation from a binomial distribution - lack of 50:50
Dear R-users, I have a data set where each observation consists of a number of trials (n.trials) that varies between 5 and 7, 6 being most common. Each trial can take either of two outcomes, success or failure. A dummy data set: n.trials <- sample(5:7, 50, replace=T, prob=c(0.2, 0.6, 0.2)) success <- rbinom(50, n.trials, p=0.5) failure <- n.trials - success I know I could test for a
2007 Oct 21
scatter plot with 1 standard deviation for each point
Hi, Could anyone give suggestions how to plot a scatter plot with 1 standard deviation for each point. To make it clearer, here is a simple example: the scatterplot is plot(X, Y), but I want to add 1 standard deviation according to the value of Z for each Y. X Y Z 1 3.5 1.1 . . . . . . . . . Thanks a lot in advance. FD [[alternative HTML
2005 Jul 26
Difficulty getting standard deviation of ALL odds ratios with glm function, logistic regression, need cov of parameters
I am trying to do logistic regression with a categorical predictor variable with the glm() function, family=binomial. Using glm() I would like to be able to calculate the confidence intervals of all three possible odds ratios for a factor (the factor has three categories). Three categories imply two columns of 0's and 1's in the design matrix, and two parameter estimates with their
2011 Mar 25
Likelihood of deviation
Hi, I have a dataset of 78.903 news articles pertaining to 340 corporate takeovers. Mean 231.3871 [articles per takeover] Std. Dev. 673.6395 I would like to calculate the probability of a certain number of news articles if I had more takeovers available. How likely is it to have X articles if I had Y takeovers? How can I do that? Thank you very much, Michael