Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Mailing list / dovecot.org down this weekend"
2015 Aug 22
Russian wiki
On 22 August 2015 at 19:20, Ilyas Arinov <arinov.ilyas at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have to update pages twice now to see its content.
> --> -->
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MoinMoin/request.py", line 1207, in
> run
> handler(self.page.page_name, self)
> File
2011 Apr 29
dovecot.org mirrors?
On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 19:35 +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> I was also planning on adding some mirroring by adding 2+ A records to
> some names:
The mirroring setup is finished. There's a master server now handling
dovecot.org and a mirror server handling www/hg/wiki. Would be nice to
get another reliable fast mirror server if someone wants to donate
one :) Requirements are:
- Apache2
2014 Dec 09
raw text Access for http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories, Please.
Excellent. Thank you; a most useful option of the MoinMoin wiki.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
> On 9 December 2014 at 21:19, PatrickD Garvey <patrickdgarveyt at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I would like to be given sufficient access to
> > http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories that I may copy
> the
2017 Dec 12
wiki.centos.org .. what's next ?
On 12/12/17 17:25, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org
> <mailto:arrfab at centos.org>> wrote:
> it's all in the title : what's next for wiki.centos.org
> <http://wiki.centos.org> ?
> As a reminder, current wiki.centos.org <http://wiki.centos.org>
> instance is
2018 Jul 21
Xapian configuration
I want a tutorial on how to configure xapian on a moinmoin wiki.
I install my moinmoin wiki on a virtual env but I m having lots of problem to configure xapian
2014 Sep 03
Testing Wiki migration - asking for testers
Hi nice people interested in CentOS Docs and wiki !
There were already threads about migrating the wiki to something else
(mediawiki, $other), or staying with moinmoin (what we now have in place).
This mail isn't about that thread (but feel free to start a new one
about that possible migration or not), but about just migrating the
current moinmoin instance from the current machine to a new
2007 Jun 14
ARIMA with more than one seasonality period
Dear R community,
I have a project with electricity load forecasting, and I got hourly
data for system load. If you haven't worked with electricity before,
seasonality comes in many flavors: a daily pattern, with a peak at
around 7pm; a weekly pattern, in which we use more electricity on
weekdays in comparison to weekends; a winter-summer pattern, with air
conditioning and heaters playing an
2017 Dec 11
wiki.centos.org .. what's next ?
it's all in the title : what's next for wiki.centos.org ?
As a reminder, current wiki.centos.org instance is powered by moinmoin
(https://moinmo.in/) but quite an old version (moin-1.5.8-3.el6.noarch)
Recently I had a quick look at trying to update/upgrade that version to
something newer/supported, but it's a nightmare : the data conversion
just kill the target server (oom) and no
2004 May 21
xiph.org server replacement this weekend
We're replacing the server that hosts xiph.org and attendent services
this weekend. This will help with the load issues and flakiness we've
been seeing.
All the sites will be down during the changeover, and it will take a few
hours to get all the services back up on the new hardware. We appreciate
your patience.
If you have an account on the server, now would be a good time
2004 May 21
xiph.org server replacement this weekend
We're replacing the server that hosts xiph.org and attendent services
this weekend. This will help with the load issues and flakiness we've
been seeing.
All the sites will be down during the changeover, and it will take a few
hours to get all the services back up on the new hardware. We appreciate
your patience.
If you have an account on the server, now would be a good time
2004 May 21
xiph.org server replacement this weekend
We're replacing the server that hosts xiph.org and attendent services
this weekend. This will help with the load issues and flakiness we've
been seeing.
All the sites will be down during the changeover, and it will take a few
hours to get all the services back up on the new hardware. We appreciate
your patience.
If you have an account on the server, now would be a good time
2010 Jan 29
regression with categorial variables
Hi All,
I am working on an example where the electric utility is investigating the
effect of size of household and the type of air conditioning on electricity
consumption. I fit a multiple linear regression
Electricity consumption=size of the house hold + air conditioning type
There are 3 air conditioning types so I modeled them as a dummy variable
Type A
Type B
Type C
Where type A is the
2017 Sep 16
lists.gluster.org issues this weekend
Hello folks,
We have discovered that for the last few weeks our mailman server was used
for a spam attack. The attacker would make use of the + feature offered by
gmail and hotmail. If you send an email to example at hotmail.com,
example+foo at hotmail.com, example+bar at hotmail.com, it goes to the same
inbox. We were constantly hit with requests to subscribe to a few inboxes.
These requests
2008 Dec 20
Disabling automatic links for mixed case in MoinMoin
I would like to request to disable the behaviour where MoinMoin
automatically create a link for a mixed case word like NetworkManager.
Is that possible ?
Also, where are we regarding the external link icon (globe) ? Did anyone
object for using the one from trac ?
-- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission
2006 Oct 20
MoinMoin rpm
I see we are using MoinMoin on the CentOS wiki.
Is there an rpm available for this?
I'd like to install it on either a CentOS 3 or CentOS 4 system.
2017 Sep 22
[Gluster-infra] lists.gluster.org issues this weekend
Are our servers still facing the overload issue? My replies to
gluster-users ML are not getting delivered to the list.
On 09/19/2017 10:03 PM, Michael Scherer wrote:
> Le samedi 16 septembre 2017 ? 20:48 +0530, Nigel Babu a ?crit?:
>> Hello folks,
>> We have discovered that for the last few weeks our mailman server was
>> used
>> for a
2008 Feb 01
About the new NUT website and the documentation rewrite project
Dear all,
I've released a first "beta" version of the rewritten website using
the MoinMoin wiki (as a CMS).
It's available here: http://test.networkupstools.org/
This way, the website is cuter, cleaner and more manageable.
It will also allows to offer more services, and to share some more
power for the website content, and software releases.
It will most of all allows us to
2010 Jun 23
Plotting Data on a Map
I am practicing with the attached shapefile and was wondering
if I can get some help. Haven't used 'rgdal' and 'maptools' much
but it appears to be a great way bring map data into R.
Please take a look at the comments and let me know if I need to
explain better what I am trying to accomplish.
dsn="C:/Documents and
2007 Oct 11
How to put always visible links on a multi-language wiki
In a multi-language way, if we put the main pages on the navigation
bar (navibar) which one we'll chose to put on?, Ex. If we want the
Documentation page be always visible to users, no matter where they
are on the wiki, we can put it on the navibar (as Ralph already
mentioned) to make it always accessible. So, in our new structure
(move English pages to en/, Spanish to es/, and so on) the
2011 Apr 21
dovecot.org broken
Serving it temporarily from a machine in my home. I'll move it to better hosting in a few days. And I guess I should make it more fail safe some day soon..
Lets see if mailman happens to work now.