similar to: Devenez propriétaire de votre lodge à Belle-Ile-en-Mer avec Terra Lodges Resort

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Devenez propriétaire de votre lodge à Belle-Ile-en-Mer avec Terra Lodges Resort"

2003 Nov 14
What goodness-of-fit measure for robust regression ?
Hi, i. After estimating some coefficients using robust regression with rlm() or lqs(), I wonder if there exist some measures of the goodness-of-fit as those for standard linear model(R2)... or evenly if it's a statistics non-sense to look for since I do not find any mention of that in differents chapters on robust and resistant regression or in severals R documentation (Fox, Ripley and
2011 Oct 25
Building package/DESCRIPTION file not existing?
Hello useRs I am trying to build a package for personal use and for making easier working with other people but I keep getting the same error message about the DESCRIPTION file not existing. when trying to install from a source tar.gz file: Error in .read_description(dfile) : file 'C:/Users/Propriétaire/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpHFMONb/R.INSTALL647a3535/mypkg/DESCRIPTION' does not
2016 Jun 30
Entry for - Terra programming language
Terra: A low-level counterpart to Lua By Zach DeVito ( Terra ( is a system programming language that is embedded in and meta-programmed by Lua, which handles details like conditional compilation, type systems, namespaces, and templating/function specialization that are normally special constructs in other languages. Terra code shares
2020 Oct 01
Invitation to register for the Think with Terra Blockchain Tech Talk
Hi, there! I?m Suzana Joel from Lumos Labs. I?d like to invite you to attend the Think with Terra Tech Talk - Back to Blockchain Basics, that?s scheduled to take place on *Monday, 5 October at 5:30 p.m. IST. * The Tech Talk will feature three sessions to help anyone get a working understanding of - - blockchain technology, - Smart Contracts, - Building on the Terra
2011 Jun 22
Autokey types a dir into open ile dialog but not recognised
I was playing with Autokey to automate the use of a Win app, but it seems that it is not recognising keystrokes properly. Not sure where the problem is. If I were to open Notepad, and then use keyboard.send_keys("<ctrl>+o"), it doesn't work but manually pressing the actual keys, it does. However using the same command for a native app (say firefox) it does work. So perhaps
2011 Oct 26
Re: Autokey types a dir into open ile dialog but not recognised
I have a similar problem. I used Autokey to expand ";d" to the current date, e.g. 2011.10.26-09:19:54. But in windows apps running inside Wine, the colons end up as semi-colons (2011.10.26-09;19;54), suggesting the SHIFT key is not registering correctly. (Note: I'm using CrossOver, hence Wine indirectly.)
2006 Jul 24
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 3958] New: ile over 13 carateres, they are syncro all time!!! Summary: ile over 13 carateres,they are syncro all time!!! Product: rsync Version: 2.6.6 Platform: Other OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2013 Jul 18
Trouvez votre futur logement dans le Grand Ouest sur !
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> <> <> <>
2003 Jun 26
Votre courrier est rejeté
A L E R T E V I R U S Notre antivirus a d?tect? le VIRUS "W32/Sobig.e at MM" dans votre courrier destin? ? : -> dray at Nous refusons de le transmettre. Nous vous conseillons de d?contaminer votre poste de travail. Pour votre information, vous trouverez ci-dessous les entetes de votre message Pour des
2012 Jun 01
r-project, votre plateforme transfert de fichier
[1]transfert [2]transfert [3]fichier [4]fichier [5]s??curis?? [6]s??curis?? Bonjour, Vous ??tes plus de 200 000 utilisateurs ?? ??changer vos fichiers professionnels en toute simplicit?? et de mani??re s??curis??e avec notre [7]plateforme. Saviez-vous que nous
2006 Feb 17
Last Resort Route...
Hey all, can''t find the answer to this through the powers of Google. How can I get a "catch-all" route for anything that doesn''t get mapped otherwise. So basically, the idea I want is to have something like: map.connect "*", :controller => "page", :action => "redirect" and call it good. I''ve tried overriding a couple of
2008 Apr 21
last resort before hard reboot
Is there a resource for CentOS for things to do before a hard reboot? My situation is apparently an out of memory condition where I am seeing fatal 'oops' output all over the place, Ctrl-Alt-F3 (for example) new console login attempts will accept credentials and then never get to a login prompt. Remoting in is just as useless. I cannot therefore use any of the standard restart commands,
2004 Apr 17
Votre demande [uid]d8f139961f729e6d6cb6e140a03b2170[/uid]
Vivendi Universal Games France assure à ses clients un traitement professionnel et de qualité. Nous avons bien pris en compte votre demande et nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous portez à nos logiciels. Une réponse personnalisée vous sera transmise sous peu. Toutefois, afin de réduire votre temps d’attente, nous avons regroupé les informations techniques les plus demandées. Vous pouvez
2011 May 17
extract value from mer object ?
What is the easiest way to extract a value from a 'mer' object from glmer? The first I need is the trtpair Std.Dev. which in this case is 0.17542? I've managed to get the fixed effects numbers from summary(fednmaout)@coeffs but no luck with the Random effects stuff. TIA Jim > fednmaout Linear mixed model fit by REML Formula: lor ~ as.factor(t2) + as.factor(t3) + (1 |
2011 Aug 03
AICcmodavg functions and 'mer' class models
What is teh reason some functions in the AICcmodavg package do not work with 'mer' class models? One such example would be the 'importance' function. Thanks Ronny -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Dec 31
Class "coef.mer" into a data.frame?
Hello, Could somebody please tell me what am I doing wrong in following? I try extract coefficients (using arm-package) from the lmer frunction, but I get the following warning: a<-data.frame(coef(res)) Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) : cannot coerce class "coef.mer" into a data.fram I think I have done it before
2010 Jan 18
Problem extracting from mer objects
I am having a problem extracting from "mer" objects.    I have constructed my problem using existing datasets.   Using the following commands:   require(lme4) fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ 1 + (1 | Batch), Dyestuff) fixef(fm1) I get the following error message: "Error in UseMethod("fixef") : no applicable method for "fixef""   I know that "fixef" is in
2013 Feb 05
How to use summary.mer inside a package?
I have a question regarding the build of my project papeR (hosted on R-forge with respect to lme4. Both, Windows and MacOS are complaining that lme4 doesn't export summary: Error : object 'summary' is not exported by 'namespace:lme4' ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'papeR' Linux however builds the project
2009 Apr 23
Failing to print mer object in an RData image
Hi all I have problems in accessing a mer object called model.01 from a workspace that was created with R 2.8.1 and saved with save into an .RData file (on Windows XP or Ubuntu 8.10, don't remember anymore). Now I want to open it in R 2.9.0 on Ubuntu 8.10. I use # load workspace load("name.RData") which seems to work: ls() # all objects in there [1] "all"
2009 May 17
BizConf at Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island Resort, August 20-21
[Apologies for the slightly-off-topic posting.] BizConf is a one-of-a-kind event that I am hosting about 3 months from now here in northern Florida. It''s a 2-day conference specifically crafted for independent consultants and owners/managers of small to mid-sized web consultancies. Because of who I am and the audience I can reach, I expect the majority of the attendees to be involved