Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Another issue using multi-processing linear algebra libraries"
2024 Aug 07
Another issue using multi-processing linear algebra libraries
I also have this questions for this. I wonder if R initiates a system environment or options to instruct the packages on the number of cores to use?
It doesn't have to be mandatory for now, but at least package maintainers can have shared consensus and start to adopt this humble settings rather than abusing parallel::detectCores() to max out the number of threads by default.
> On Aug 7,
2024 Aug 08
Another issue using multi-processing linear algebra libraries
> "There?s a downside not mentioned in the manual that caught and baffled me for a while. I was using all 64 cores of an AWS instance via parallel::mclapply() and doing matrix multiplications in the parallelized function. If the matrices were big enough the linked BLAS or LAPACK would try to use all 64 cores for each multiplication, which meant 64^2 processes or threads in some combination
2023 Oct 11
About FlexiBLAS in the R-admin docs
I agree that the "R Installation and Administration" guide statement about FlexiBLAS needs an update. Standard R in CentOS Stream 9, which is now downstream from Fedora, gives the following result for Matrix products in sessionInfo():
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Stream 9
Matrix products: default
2012 Mar 26
assigning vector or matrix sparsely (for use with mclapply)
Dear R wizards---
I have a wrapper on mclapply() that makes it a little easier for me to
do multiprocessing. (Posting this may make life easier for other
googlers.) I pass a data frame, a vector that tells me what rows
should be recomputed, and the function; and I get back a vector or
matrix of answers.
d <- data.frame( id=1:6, val=11:16 )
2023 Oct 24
About FlexiBLAS in the R-admin docs
On 10/11/23 23:12, George Ostrouchov wrote:
> I agree that the "R Installation and Administration" guide statement about FlexiBLAS needs an update. Standard R in CentOS Stream 9, which is now downstream from Fedora, gives the following result for Matrix products in sessionInfo():
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
> Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
2005 Mar 22
NaN and linear algebra
On 21/03/2005, at 10:09 PM, David Firth wrote:
> I am sorry that I wasn't clear. All that I meant was that *this*
> problem can result in different behaviour in "ordinary" statistical
> applications. For example, if the objective function in a call to
> optim() involves calling one of these linear algebra routines, the
> result may be NaN (on systems other than Mac
2005 Mar 20
Re: [R-SIG-Mac] NaN and linear algebra
No, blas/veclib is tested, so aprt this extreme case you should report
some other more commonly used cases in which something fails on OS X.
This will help us to work it out.
As said, I'll try some tests without using veclib and let you know.
I've fowarded this mail to r-devel, which seems to be the right place,
so for future msg on the subject please use r-devel.
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Hi Ista,
Maybe a little comment in the 'matmult {base}' doc page or on the
'options {base}' in the field 'matprod' would be useful to remind users
to be cautious regarding BLAS multi-threading?
I understand why this is a BLAS related issue and not directly an R
related issue. Nonetheless, my concern was for non-advanced R users,
that may don't even know what BLAS
2024 May 03
grDevices segfault when building R4.4.0 on RHEL 9.1.
Dear Miguel Esteva,
I couldn't get a Red Hat "ubi9" container to install enough
dependencies to build R. Is there a way to reproduce your setup on a
virtual machine somewhere?
On Fri, 3 May 2024 00:42:43 +0000
Miguel Esteva via R-help <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
> *** caught segfault ***
> address 0x1801fa8f70, cause 'memory not mapped'
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Hi Ghislain,
I think you might be comparing two versions of R with different BLAS
implementations, one that is single threaded (is your 3.3.2 used with
reference blas?) and one that is multi threaded (3.4.1 with openblas).
Could you check with "perf"? E.g. run your benchmark with "perf record"
in both cases and you should see the names of the hot BLAS functions and
2017 Jun 30
Simplest way of executing a non-blocking (async) python AGI script?
OK, I give up and come grovelling, "Fork" was suggested at 18:23, it's
now 22:20 and I have been through 4 different methods, all block with
a 2 second delay before returning to dialplan.
Here are just some of the examples I have tried, as as per the
suggestions, I am closing all possible outputs in the forked process.
2006 Apr 19
comparing execition time: R vs matlab linear algebra...
We are evaluating the performance of R matrix algebra es as we port a
MATLAB R14 script into R.
The MATLAB code basically evaluates the AX=B system on sparse matrices
that result in output matrices of 100 to 1,000,000 rows/columns.
Our R prototype script uses spase base matrices and the methods qr() and
The following statements are called inside a doubly-nested loop:
2023 Mar 17
La_library() always returns "" on R-devel?
Seems like this in 83986 [1] needs a fix in Lapack.c:
if (dladdr((void *) F77_NAME(ilaver), &dl_info)) {
char buf[PATH_MAX+1];
char *res = realpath(dl_info.dli_fname, buf);
if (res) {
SEXP nfo = R_NilValue;
if (strstr(res, "flexiblas"))
nfo = R_flexiblas_info();
2024 Jul 17
grDevices segfault when building R4.4.0 on RHEL 9.1.
Hi Ivan,
An apology, I was away for quite a bit.
To reproduce the setup:
I have been using the default GCC in RHEL 9.1.
gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
Configured with: ../configure --enable-bootstrap --enable-host-pie
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Hi Ghislain,
The documentation at
provides a fair bit of information. What specifically would you like
to see added?
On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Ghislain Durif
<ghislain.durif at inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi Tomas,
> Thanks for your answer.
> Indeed, I checked and my R-3.4.1 installed from the
2016 Feb 23
Can lit be upgraded to assume Python 2.7?
In the root llvm/CMakeLists.txt we have:
message(FATAL_ERROR "Python 2.7 or newer is required")
But lit seems to still be stuck in a Python 2.5 world. For example,
detectCPUs is redundant now that we have multiprocessing.cpu_count()
(multiprocessing requires >=2.6). And there are a bunch of other Python 2.5
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Hi Tomas,
Thanks for your answer.
Indeed, I checked and my R-3.4.1 installed from the ubuntu repository
use 'libopenblasp-r0.2.18.so' while my R-3.3.2 that I did compiled on my
machine use 'libRblas.so' which explain the difference of behavior.
I will use RhpcBLASctl to avoid issue when combining matrix product and
other multi-threading package.
Maybe this point regarding
2011 Jun 24
Wine + Calibre
I have installed Calibre using wine 1.3.22 . The program is not usable since adding/converting ebooks is not working.
Running wine calibre-debug -g I get the following error:
Exception in thread Thread-4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.py", line 530, in __bootstrap_inner
File "site-packages\calibre\utils\ipc\server.py", line 221, in run
2016 Jan 15
Multiple cores are used in simple for loop
On Fri, 2016-01-15 at 15:03 +0100, Daniel Kaschek wrote:
> Dear all,
> I run different R versions (3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3) on different
> platforms (Arch, Ubuntu, Debian) with a different number of available
> cores (24, 4, 24). The following line produces very different behavior
> on the three machines:
> for(i in 1:1e6) {n <- 100; M <- matrix(rnorm(n^2), n,
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Dear R Core Team,
I wish to report what can be viewed as a bug or at least a strange
behavior in R-3.4.1. I ask my question here (as recommended on
https://www.r-project.org/bugs.html) since I am not member of the R's
When running 'R --vanilla' from the command line, the standard matrix
product is by default based on BLAS and multi-threaded on all cores
available on