similar to: cloning a graphics window

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "cloning a graphics window"

2023 Jan 28
lines through points in lattice legend
On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 2:49 PM Kenneth Knoblauch <ken.knoblauch at> wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm struggling to find if there is a simple way to make the lines and points overlap in a legend for a lattice plot using auto.key. Here is a toy example of what doesn't work (for me) as the lines and points are adjacent rather than overlapping: > > library(lattice)
2023 Jan 28
lines through points in lattice legend
Hi, I'm struggling to find if there is a simple way to make the lines and points overlap in a legend for a lattice plot using auto.key. ?Here is a toy example of what doesn't work (for me) as the lines and points are adjacent rather than overlapping: library(lattice) d <- data.frame(x = 1:2, y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:2])) xyplot(y ~ x, d, groups = f, type = "b",? pch =
2024 Jul 12
xftrm is more than 100x slower for AsIs than for character vectors
Good evening, I recently have observed slow merges when combining multiple data frames derived from DataFrame and base::data.frame. I observed that the index column of intermediate tables was of class <AsIs> (automatically converted from character). The problem occurred mainly when using the sorted = T option in base::merge. This can be traced to xtfrm.AsIs being more than 100 times slower
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
Dear all, Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability. Maybe, a more precise message will be helpful when debugging. > rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, Inf)) Error in rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, Inf)) : NA in probability vector > rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3, NA)) Error in rmultinom(1,
2024 Feb 20
Tcl socket server (tcltk) does not work any more on R 4.3.2
Dear list, It seems that something changed between R 4.2.3 and R 4.3 (tested with 4.3.2) that broke the Tcl socket server. Here is a reproducible example: - R process #1 (Tcl socket server): library(tcltk) cmd <- r"( proc accept {chan addr port} { ;# Make a proc to accept connections puts "$addr:$port says [gets $chan]" ;# Receive a string puts $chan goodbye
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
>>>>> Christophe Dutang >>>>> on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 14:21:53 +0200 writes: > Dear all, > Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability. > Maybe, a more precise message will be helpful when debugging. >> rmultinom(1, 3:5, c(1/2, 1/3,
2023 Apr 08
Error message for infinite probability parameters in rbinom() and rmultinom()
On 08/04/2023 5:53 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Christophe Dutang >>>>>> on Sat, 8 Apr 2023 14:21:53 +0200 writes: > > > Dear all, > > > Using rmultinom() in a stochastic model, I found this function returns an error message 'NA in probability' for an infinite probability. > > > Maybe, a more
2024 Jun 09
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
Hello, All: The 'head' and 'tail' functions strip the time from a 'ts' object. Example: > head(presidents) [1] NA 87 82 75 63 50 > window(presidents, 1945, 1946.25) Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 1945 NA 87 82 75 1946 63 50 Below please find code for 'head.ts' and 'tail.ts' that matches 'window'. Comments?
2024 Jun 10
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
zoo overcomes many of the limitations of ts: library(zoo) as.ts(head(as.zoo(presidents))) ## Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 ## 1945 NA 87 82 75 ## 1946 63 50 xts also works here. On Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 12:04?PM Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at> wrote: > > Hello, All: > > > The 'head' and 'tail' functions strip the time
2024 Jun 10
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
Hi, Gabor et al.: Thanks for this. I should change my current application to use either zoo or xts, as Gabor suggests. However, I was surprised to learn that "[.ts" does NOT return an object of class "ts". I see that "head.default" and "head.matrix" both call "[", so "head" cannot return a ts object, because "["
2010 Mar 06
thin grid lines, again (FAQ 7.36), a proposal
Hi, I'm raising the issue, again, of those pesky thin lines that show up with a pdf graphics device, otherwise known as FAQ 7.36. I have read the FAQ and understand that I can eliminate them by adjusting the anti-aliasing option for viewing them on the screen, but this doesn't necessarily eliminate them for a print device or for transferring them into a powerpoint or similar type of
2009 Aug 20
Sweave truncation
Peter Thank you for the information. I accidentally deleted Ken's post without having read it. Ken' s thought is great but as you said awful to implement I thought that capture.output would come in handy some time when I first saw it on an unrelated reply. Just thought :- the latex listings package may have alternatives If I remember correctly it has wrapping and other goodies but I
2024 Jul 18
Printing digits.secs on data.frame?
Is there a way to have printing data.frames with POSIXct to display milliseconds if digits.secs is set as a default? You can use the digits argument in print, such as print(df, digits = 3) to get the intended output, but I assumed it was done with the option digits.secs set. Tibbles by default do this printing, which is shown below, but I was unsure if digits.secs should affect printing
2024 Jun 11
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
It isn't really clear that it can't work. This does work by inserting NA's. library(zoo) as.ts(as.zoo(lynx)[ c(1:3, 7) ] ) ## Time Series: ## Start = 1821 ## End = 1827 ## Frequency = 1 ## [1] 269 321 585 NA NA NA 3928 On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 10:32?AM Martin Maechler <maechler at> wrote: > > >>>>> Spencer Graves
2024 Jun 10
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
Hi, Martin et al.: On 6/10/24 9:32 AM, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>> Spencer Graves >>>>>> on Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:50:13 -0500 writes: > > > Hi, Gabor et al.: Thanks for this. I should change my > > current application to use either zoo or xts, as Gabor > > suggests. > > > > However, I was
2024 Jun 10
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
>>>>> Spencer Graves >>>>> on Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:50:13 -0500 writes: > Hi, Gabor et al.: Thanks for this. I should change my > current application to use either zoo or xts, as Gabor > suggests. > However, I was surprised to learn that "[.ts" does NOT > return an object of class "ts". I see that
2024 Jun 13
head.ts, tail.ts loses time
> It isn't really clear that it can't work. This does work by inserting NA's... > > library(zoo) > as.ts(as.zoo(lynx)[ c(1:3, 7) ] ) If by 'this' you mean indexing, it would be very confusing and error prone for expressions like lynx[c(1:3, 7)] (lynx is from class 'ts') to return a ts object with NA's inserted and, even more so, since this has been
2006 May 25
Weird Capistrano problem
I''m having problems launching the spin process via the deploy.rb task. Everything works great when is run the script manually via: % ssh /Web/Rails/Example/current/script/spin However, when I run ''cap spinner'' or ''rake remote:exec ACTION=spinner'', I get the following errors: % cap spinner loading configuration
2009 Sep 09
new package MLCM: Maximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement
This is to announce a new package MLCM on CRAN. The package provides functions for estimating perceptual scales by maximum likelihood from data collected in a conjoint measurement experiment. Data for conjoint measurement are typically collected using a psychophysical procedure. The stimuli vary along 2 or more dimensions. The observer views pairs of stimuli and judges which stimulus of each pair
2009 Sep 09
new package MLCM: Maximum Likelihood Conjoint Measurement
This is to announce a new package MLCM on CRAN. The package provides functions for estimating perceptual scales by maximum likelihood from data collected in a conjoint measurement experiment. Data for conjoint measurement are typically collected using a psychophysical procedure. The stimuli vary along 2 or more dimensions. The observer views pairs of stimuli and judges which stimulus of each pair