similar to: 重要なメッセージ

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "重要なメッセージ"

2006 Mar 08
REGISTER headers changed
Can someone help me with upgrading to the lastest version. I am using the same sip.conf file, but the headers have changed and registration fails. Has something change in the conf file that would cause this? Notice 1.2.5 has no Authoization at all... Regards, Jason Version 1.0.9 --------------------------- REGISTER SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
2006 Nov 14
Redirecting Calls
Hello All. I am stumped, please help me out.. I have the following setup: VOIP provider = VOIP GW (asterisk GW1) = VOIP server (asterisk - VS1) The gateway is there to get around the limitations running on the VOIP server. I can call out from and receive calls VS1 no problems at all. However, when I try and redirect an inbound call out via the GW, it drops out. I have found that if I
2002 Sep 27
How to apply SSfpl with binary data
Dear R-help subscribers Would you tell me how to apply SSfpl with binary data as below? Unfortunately, there is not the EXAMPLE in help(SSfpl) for binary data but for quantitative data(Chick). V1: dose V2: log-transformed dose V3: response (rate) V1 V2 V3 1 0.775 -0.2548922 0.1666667 2 5.000 1.6094379 0.8148148 3 10.000 2.3025851 0.5000000 4 20.000 2.9957323
2000 Jul 26
hardware ogg vorbis decoder
As it seems that the vorbis decoder is now stable with respect to format/features, would it be time to start thinking about a hardware implementation? I would be interested in pursuing this if some there is consensus on requirements. If there is some enthusiasm for it then a module could be set up on the opencores site for a gate-array decoder. cya, Andrew... --- >8 ---- List
2014 Aug 11
Novi Zakon o radu stupio je na snagu 7.kolovoza 2014
Ako ova poruka nije prikazama u cjelini, možete je pogledati na webu.. Dana 15. srpnja 2014. u Saboru je izglasan Novi Zakon o radu! Novi Zakon o radu stupio je na snagu 7. kolovoza 2014. Novo stru??no izdanje! 30% popusta u prednarud??bi! komentar uz svaki pojedini ??lanak, iz kojega ??e ??itatelji mo??i saznati kako se pojedina odredba zakona u praksi primjenjuje,
2024 May 22
2 nouveaux lieux de vie à ne pas manquer
**VOTRE FUTUR LOGEMENT**? ========================= aux portes du Golfe du Morbihan =============================== ? = Appartements neufs ================== **du 2 au 3 pi?ces** ==================== - Seulement 17 appartements ------------------------- - Proche de toutes commodit?s? ---------------------------- - Belles expositions ------------------ - Grandes terrasses
2002 Aug 16
How to change parameters of Trellis-like graphs
Dear R-lists I have just upgraded the version 1.5.1 from 1.4.1 in my laptop PC, because, I have to prepare graphs by using the grid and lattice packages. I tried it with 1.4.1, but I could not it. After upgrade to 1.5.1, I have finished it. Next, I tried to modify some graphs with as follows: # # setting color for graph # library(grid) library(lattice) background <- trellis.par.get()
2002 Apr 23
Tree package on R 1.4.1
Dear R-users I would like to apply classification and regression tree(CART) to the following data. I have some question on using 'tree' package. The data contains one response variable Y and five explanatory variables. The explanatory variable "x2" is categorical and not ordinal. But, the result obtained after running following R code has indicated that x2 is regard as
2024 Jul 19
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pkg-xen-devel at lists.alioth.debian.orgEstimado cliente, 6540674221 Seu pacote foi devolvido ao escrit?rio FedEx. A raz?o para o retorno ? - pagamento de custos de envio. o custo do seu envio n?o ? pago. ent?o voc? ser? cobrado para pagar o custo de manuseio de 6,53 $ (USD) Voc? tem um prazo de 48 horas para recuperar sua embalagem, caso contr?rio, ser? devolvido ao remetente. Clique aqui para
2013 Jul 11
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2013 Jul 18
Trouvez votre futur logement dans le Grand Ouest sur !
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2013 Sep 19
Investissez sur le littoral Atlantique !
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2013 Oct 04
Ouest Immobilier Neuf a sélectionné pour vous…
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2013 Oct 15
Investissez à Nantes !
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2013 Oct 17
Spécial investisseurs
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2013 Nov 20
Plus de 5 000 appartements en ligne !
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2014 Mar 06
Découvrez notre sélection des plus belles références d'immobilier neuf
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2014 Mar 20
Invitation offerte au Salon National de l'Immobilier de Paris
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> <> Retrouvez en exclusivit?? TV Ouest Immobilier au Salon de l'Immobilier ?? Paris <>
2013 Nov 26
Budete mit erekci, kdy se Vam zachce
Nav?tivte na?e webov? str?nky infotigra a objevte, jak JEDNA jedin? mal? modr? pilulka m??e do?ivotn? zm?nit VA?I sexu?ln? v?konnost! ? V??en? z?kazn?k! V?deck? testy prok?zaly, ?e TIGRA funguje l?pe ne? jak?koli jin? pilulka. Test na 800 mu??ch ve v?ku 21 a? 80 let prok?zal ohromuj?c? v?sledky: ? 1. A? o 71 % siln?j?? touha
2024 Jan 04
datos de contacto
CONAGUA COMISI?N NACIONAL DEL AGUA Tr?mites para Obtener T?tulos de Concesi?n 19 de Enero 2024 - Conferencia Online Le invitamos a participar en esta conferencia online para facilitar la gesti?n de tr?mites con la CONAGUA para conseguir una concesi?n, e identificar los riesgos y nuevos retos para la obtenci?n de resoluciones favorables que le permitan garantizar la continuidad de los derechos