similar to: Error on PTR DNS?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Error on PTR DNS?"

2024 Jul 14
Error on PTR DNS?
On Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:45:20 +0200 Josep Maria Gorro via samba <samba at> wrote: > Dear all. > > I'm creating a new domain using Debian12 and samba 4.20.2. > I've created 2 DC and one FS. > Checking DNS I can see PTR records for DC servers are wrong (on DNS > is recorded 2 and 3 PTR records instead of 242 and 243 that are last > IP numbers in
2024 Jun 15
Issues joining DC
Dear all. Let me make a shot brief of the issue I'm currently experiencing that has been published in a couple of threads. Now I'm going to join them here. Current scenario. Centos7 running a Samba 4.6.5. Any kind of problem at client side, all seems to runs fine. But in some cases the AD objects appears on Windows clients as their SID instead of their name. Rowland has suggested to
2024 Jun 14
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
Hello Rowland. You're right. I have to upgrade my current version. But I have tried to do it with same server and with a new one without success. For first trial I tried to compile new version but it doesn't. For the second one I've tried to add a DC to the domain to, after this, move AD primary role to new one, but another time no success. I tried to contact some spanish company
2024 Jun 15
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
Helo Rowland Thanks for your response. I'm using Centos7 as AD server. At this time I'm trying to compile another server with Ubuntu 22.04 and Samba 4.20.1. I'm thinking to merge it as an AD on current domain. If this runs I'll try to move FSMO from old to new. Finally I'll demote old one. Hope this will run and solve the issue. Regarding support, I checked page
2024 Mar 03
Dear all. I currently have a Centos7 box running Samba 4.6.5. I would like to increase functional level to latest one. For this reason I created another box (Ubuntu 22.04) with 4.18.9. The plan was to define Ubuntu box as an additional AD server. Once have replica of the AD, move FSMO from Centos to Ubuntu, demote the Centos server and finally increase functional level. On Ubuntu, checked
2024 Jun 15
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
On Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:25:19 +0200 Josep Maria Gorro via samba <samba at> wrote: > Hello Rowland. > > You're right. I have to upgrade my current version. But I have tried > to do it with same server and with a new one without success. > For first trial I tried to compile new version but it doesn't. > For the second one I've tried to add a DC to
2024 Jun 14
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
On Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:07:16 +0200 Josep M Gorro via samba <samba at> wrote: > Dear group members. > > I have a Samba 4 (4.6.5) running without problems. Er no, you have one really big problem, Samba 4.6.x went EOL (from the Samba point of view) nearly six years ago. > > Now, using a W2022 server enrolled on the AD, when I add someone from > AD to a
2024 Jun 15
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
Helo Rowland. I think I won't be able to thank you enough for everything you are doing for me. I've tried and seems to run fine. But finally it throws an error and performs a rollback for all changes on AD. This is the transcript for the messages. root at montsec:/usr/local/samba/etc# samba-tool domain join DOMAINNAME DC -U"administrator" INFO 2024-06-15
2024 Jun 15
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
On Sat, 15 Jun 2024 11:11:09 +0200 Josep Maria Gorro via samba <samba at> wrote: > Helo Rowland > > Thanks for your response. > > I'm using Centos7 as AD server. > At this time I'm trying to compile another server with Ubuntu 22.04 > and Samba 4.20.1. Can I suggest Debian bookworm with Samba from backports instead, this will get you a very
2024 Jun 15
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
On Sat, 15 Jun 2024 12:52:10 +0200 Josep Maria Gorro via samba <samba at> wrote: > Helo Rowland. > > I think I won't be able to thank you enough for everything you are > doing for me. > > I've tried and seems to run fine. But finally it throws an error and > performs a rollback for all changes on AD. > This is the transcript for the
2024 Mar 03
NUT 2.8.1 build from source - upssched missing
PI OS - Debian12 - Raspberry PI 5 NUT 2.8.1 I'm building from source just downloaded from GITHUB. The error when starting NUT: nut-monitor: /usr/sbin/upssched not found I did a 'find / ' and upssched is not in the filesystem. I've done a make clean, make uninstall. then, make, make install 1. is there an option to make that completely removes everything? In
2024 Jun 14
Users appears as SID instead of their own name.
Dear group members. I have a Samba 4 (4.6.5) running without problems. Now, using a W2022 server enrolled on the AD, when I add someone from AD to a local group (like remote desktop group), the user is added but it appears with their SID instead of name. However the rights are correctly applied. Another W2012R2 enrolled on same AD is running fine. All AD objects included on local group appears
2023 Mar 13
tcl tk: set the position button
Hi all, I am using tcltk2 library to show buttons and messages. Everything work fine but I would like set the tk2button to the right of my screen, by default it display at the left of my screen. my script example: library(tcltk2) win1 <- tktoplevel() butOK <- tk2button(win1, text = "TEST", width = 77) tkgrid(butOK) Thanks in advance Saludos Rodrigo? -- Este correo electr?nico ha
2023 Mar 13
tcl tk: set the position button
Dear Rodrigo, Try tkwm.geometry(win1, "-0+0"), which should position win1 at the top right. I hope this helps, John -- John Fox, Professor Emeritus McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada web: On 2023-03-12 8:41 p.m., Rodrigo Badilla wrote: > Hi all, > I am using tcltk2 library to show buttons and messages. Everything > work
2023 Jul 05
Demanda laboral
21 de Julio 2023 | Sesi?n Online Como proteger a tu negocio ante DEMANDAS LABORALES Le invitamos a participar en este evento donde tocaremos temas para prevenir o resolver las demandas laborales, desde la contrataci?n, el contrato de trabajo, salarios, sindicatos, como despedir empleados legalmente, hasta como salir airoso ante demandas laborales. FOLLETO PDF DE REGALO: Reciba el PDF con toda
2022 Nov 03
Looking for users of --keep-foreign-metadata
Martijn, > Currently FLAC already stores and restores most kinds of metadata > corruption without problems, so in most cases the conversion is > already bit-accurate. However, there are some kinds of corruption it > cannot handle. These are the kinds of corruption that invalidate your > considerations. For example, when a chunk length is incorrect, the > location and length
2017 Jan 20
Problema con un xml demasiado Grande
Hola, muy buenas, Me bajé un archivo xml de la wikipedia en español. Al intentar abrirlo en R el ordenador no es capaz, ya que pesa descomprimido 10 GB. De ese xml solo me interesa un campo, el referente al texto del artículo. ¿Alguiém conoce alguna forma de cargar solo ese campo del xml en R sin cargar el xml completo? La salida seria un archivo .txt, donde cada fila fuera un artículo ó
2017 Jan 05
Regresión Logística desbalanceada
Hola Comunidad, Feliz Año 2017: Tengo un problemilla con una regresión logística desbalanceada, tengo demasiados TRUE (93%). ¿Sabría alguién alguna forma de corregir el problema con R? Un slaudo, Milagros Camacho --- El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de virus.
2024 Mar 16
failing to get AD users (getent passwd DMYDOM\a-sdettmer)
Hi, after I setup one working Samba today, I tried to do exactly the same in another domain. I created a privileged debian12 container and installed samba. I have a MS Win driven AD (3 DCs). First I had not all in upper case in krb.conf. I learnt uppercase is needed and fixed it. To go sure I left domain, killed the container and started again from scratch (hope nothing is stored anywhere). I
2017 Mar 13
Recta de regresión en un Scatterplot
Hola a tod en s, Tengo unos datos y he ajustado un modelo de regresión polinómica de segundo orden. Quiero representar la recta de regresión en el scaterplot y he visto que sería con la función lines() pero me no sale una linea, sino varias. yo únicamente lo que quiero representar es la curva que representa la ecuación de regresión. ¿Alquien sabe cómo podría solucionarlo? Mil gracias! Copio