similar to: Reinterpret data without saving it to a file 1st? Check for integer stopping at 1st decimal?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Reinterpret data without saving it to a file 1st? Check for integer stopping at 1st decimal?"

2015 Dec 17
In the help page for ?is.integer, there is this function is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - round(x)) < tol A quick question: is there a case where this alternative function will not work? function(x) x %% 1 == 0 Best, Adrian -- Adrian Dusa University of Bucharest Romanian Social Data Archive Soseaua Panduri nr.90 050663 Bucharest sector 5
2007 Sep 29
(no subject)
Hello I am anirudh, I need help to write script to fetch detail like ips, speedlimit from mysql and add htb rules at the starting of the server. it is for a small isp i am working for. can any one help me out!, i had tried but fail to limit speed -- Anirudh Chowdary _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2009 Apr 22
'is.integer' (PR#13671)
Full_Name: Mauricio Version: 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) OS: i486-pc-linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( This is a very simple function that seems not to be working, according to the definition given by '?is.integer'. I checked in the Bug Tracking page at, but I didn't find any related message. The possible problem is: > is.integer(1) [1] FALSE
2024 May 16
Least error-prone reading of Excel files?
I'm tasked to read a table from an excel file and it doesn't mention which method to use. I went back some lessons ago and the 5 years old lesson mentioned to pick a package using the highest score the way of the attached (screenshot). Since there's no requirement of a method to read Excel files, I'd rather use the least error-prone one; what would that be? eg will try multiple
2016 Nov 18
problem with normalizePath()
>>>>> Evan Cortens <ecortens at> >>>>> on Thu, 17 Nov 2016 15:51:03 -0700 writes: > I wonder if this could be related to the issue that I > submitted to bugzilla about two months ago? ( > > That is to say, could it be that it's treating the first >
2024 Jan 30
R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field
Dear friend Duncan, Thank you so much for your kind reply. Yes, that is exactly what is happening, there are a lot of NA values at the start, so R assumes that the field is of type boolean. The challenge that I am facing is that I want to read into R an Excel file that has many sheets (46 in this case) but I wanted to combine all 46 sheets into a single dataframe (since the columns are exactly
2024 Jan 30
R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field
If you are using the read_excel() function from the readxl package, then there's an argument named col_types that lets you specify the types to use. You could specify col_types = "numeric" to read all columns as numeric columns. If some columns are different types, you should specify a vector of type names, with one entry per column. Allowable names are "skip",
2024 Jan 30
R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field
On 30/01/2024 11:10 a.m., Paul Bernal wrote: > Dear friends, > > Hope you are doing well. I am currently using R version 4.3.2, and I have a > .xlsx file that has 46 sheets on it. I basically combined all 46 sheets > and read them as a single dataframe in R using package rio. > > I read a solution using package readlx, as suggested in a StackOverflow > discussion as
2016 Nov 17
problem with normalizePath()
The packages "readxl" and "haven" (and possibly others) no longer access files on shared network drives. The problem appears to be in the normalizePath() function. The file can be read from a local drive or by functions that don't call normalizePath(). The error thrown is Error: path[1]="\\Hzndhhsvf2/data/OCPH/EPI/BHSDM/Group/17.xls": The system cannot find the
2016 Nov 30
problem with normalizePath()
I found this as well. At our institution, our home directories are on network shares that are mapped to local drives. The default, it appears, is to set the location for libraries (etc) to the network share name (//computer//share/director/a/b/user) rather than the local drive mapping (H:/). Given the issue with dir.create(), this means it's impossible to install packages (since it tries to
2017 Nov 17
Dataframe is character
Hi everybody, Question: why are my dataframe and numeric variables a character? I read an excel file via readxl but my dataframe is a character, and numeric variables, eg "yi", are also a character. My excelfile is in English numeric Sometimes the dataframe was indeed a dataframe, but I do not know why it did sometimes. Thank you in advance, Roberto PS I used "guess". The
2024 Jan 30
R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field
Incidentally, "didn't work" is not very useful information. Please tell us exactly what error message or apparently aberrant result you received. Also, what do you get from: sapply(your_dataframe, "class") nrow(your_dataframe) (as I suspect what you think it is, isn't). Cheers, Bert On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 11:01?AM Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at>
2024 Jan 30
R interpreting numeric field as a boolean field
Hi Bert, Below the information you asked me for: nrow(mydataset) [1] 2986276 ######## sapply(mydataset, "class") $`Transit Date` [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" $`Market Segment` [1] "character" $`N?mero de Tr?nsitos` [1] "numeric" $`Tar No` [1] "character" $`Beam Range (Operations)` [1] "character" $`Operational Vessel Ranges
2023 Mar 31
Extraer texto de una columna en Excel
Muchas gracias Carlos, lo que quiero hacer es lo siguiente: extraer el texto que hay entre textura/s hasta el punto final. Ejemplo: *Moderadamente profundos, bien drenados, de textura franco arenosa a franco arcillo arenosa. Fertilidad natural media* Lo que quiero extraer sería: *franco arenosa a franco arcillo arenosa * Al final lo pude realizar de la siguiente manera: df <-
2023 Mar 31
Extraer texto de una columna en Excel
Muchas gracias por la alternativa de utilizar la librería stringi, Carlos, no la conocía. On Fri, 31 Mar 2023 at 12:11, David Camilo Gomez Medina < dcgomezme en> wrote: > Muchas gracias Carlos, lo que quiero hacer es lo siguiente: extraer el > texto que hay entre textura/s hasta el punto final. > Ejemplo: > *Moderadamente profundos, bien drenados, de textura franco
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
The subject of your email is missing. Perhaps you need to read the Posting Guide (again?) about attachments. Embedding your example directly in the body of the email is generally more accessible in archives than attaching it. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On April 27, 2016 1:14:17 PM GMT+01:00, G.Maubach at wrote: >Hi All, > >I am addressing this post to all
2016 Apr 27
R Script Template
Hi All, I am addressing this post to all who are new to R. When learing R in the last weeks I took some notes for myself to have code snippets ready for the data analysis process. I put these snippets together as a script template for future use. Almost all of the given command prototypes are tested. The template script contains snippets for best practices and leaves out the commands that
2024 Apr 15
Synthetic Control Method
Good Morning I want to perform a synthetic control method with R. For this purpose, I created the following code: # Re-load packages library(Synth) library(readxl) # Pfadeinstellung Excel-Blatt excel_file_path <- ("C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Desktop\\DATA_INVESTMENTVOLUMEN_FOR_R_WITHOUT_NA.xlsx") # Load the Excel file INVESTMENTVOLUME <- read_excel(excel_file_path) #
2005 Aug 25
Custom Application For Asterisk
Hi All I just completed a custom application for Asterisk (i m not a C guru so i just copy codes from other application and alter according to my needs) attached files is the source file this application is working fine but still i need you people to give suggestion to improve it Primary task of this application is to get a parameter from extensions.conf, query sql server and play a files
2017 Jun 29
Change Rcode for a meta-analysis(netmeta) to use a random effects model instead of a mixed effects model
Hello, I am writing a meta-analysis on the complication and reoperation rates after 5 treatment modalities of a distal radius fracture. I have a code to compare the complication and reoperation rates. Currently it is using a mixed effects model. Is it possible to change the code so a random effects model is used? Thank you very much, Jay R code library(meta) library(readxl) All <-