similar to: [Bug 1755] New: Impossible to copy ct mark into a packet

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "[Bug 1755] New: Impossible to copy ct mark into a packet"

2024 Jun 27
[Bug 1756] New: Compare payload to non-constant value, e.g. ct mark Bug ID: 1756 Summary: Compare payload to non-constant value, e.g. ct mark Product: nftables Version: unspecified Hardware: All OS: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: nft Assignee: pablo at
2017 Jun 14
draw stripes in a circle in R
dear R users, I would like to fill a circle with yellow stripes instead of a uniform yellow color. To draw the circle I used the following command after having loaded the (very nice !) plotrix library : library(plotrix) pdf("MWE.pdf",width=8, height=8)
2017 Jun 14
draw stripes in a circle in R
I don't see a question. If your question is whether R supports pattern fills, AFAIK it does not. If that is not your question, ask one. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On June 14, 2017 7:57:41 AM PDT, jean-philippe <jeanphilippe.fontaine at> wrote: >dear R users, > >I would like to fill a circle with yellow stripes instead of a uniform
2017 Dec 04
problem with the behaviour of dashed lines in R plots
dear R users, I am performing a linear regression with lm, and I would like to plot the regressor in dashed lines. I know that the lty=2 option is the way out, but it has a very strange behaviour: the line starts dashed but then the spaces between each dash becomes very tiny and so the line become somehow continuous for the human eye. Do you know how to fix that problem, in order to have a
2017 Jun 14
draw stripes in a circle in R
Sorry for that. Yes my question was whether or not and how is it possible to fill a circle of yellow stripes in R? Is it something that I have to precise in the color argument? Thanks, best Envoy? depuis mon appareil Samsung -------- Message d'origine -------- De : Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at> Date : 14/06/2017 18:46 (GMT+01:00) ? : r-help at,
2017 Dec 04
problem with the behaviour of dashed lines in R plots
Hi, It's because you are plotting a line between each of the points in your data frame, and they are very close together: > cbind(df1$B,predict(regressor,df1)) [,1] [,2] 1 1.410832 -13.96466 2 1.589383 -15.21169 3 1.446662 -14.21491 4 1.488665 -14.50826 5 1.487035 -14.49687 6 1.497347 -14.56890 7 1.458070 -14.29458 8 1.568134 -15.06328 9 1.543364 -14.89029 10 1.513473
2013 Oct 04
abline is not plotting
Hello there, I have some data I want to plot together with a best-fit line. (see MWE below) The points from the first plot does appear as expected, but the abline does not appear, no matter what I change. I removed the log parameter before, but the abline is a very steep line around the origin. I really want to keep the logarithmic scale, plus a working abline. Can someone help me with that?
2017 Jun 15
draw stripes in a circle in R
hi david Thank you very much for the hack of that you proposed me. I don't understand some part of the code, why do you pass radius as a vector in the function (if I understand well the purpose of the for loop) ? Also what is ymult? If I set the radius to the value 0.85 as I wanted (so as a scalar), I don't see any difference in the result when I call this function
2017 Oct 02
Default value of the option initial in the ses function in the forecast package.
Dear All, I am trying to use the function ses from the forecast package. >From its help I have : Usage: ses(y, h = 10, level = c(80, 95), fan = FALSE, initial = c("optimal", "simple"), alpha = NULL, lambda = NULL, biasadj = FALSE, x = y, ...) My query is that if I do not mention the initial value will its default value be "optimal". A MWE would be
2017 Jun 14
draw stripes in a circle in R
> On Jun 14, 2017, at 9:46 AM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at> wrote: > > I don't see a question. If your question is whether R supports pattern fills, AFAIK it does not. If that is not your question, ask one. > -- > Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. > > On June 14, 2017 7:57:41 AM PDT, jean-philippe <jeanphilippe.fontaine at
2010 Feb 18
The example at ?pictex does not work (the driver apparently uses 'rotatebox') for me as stated. It did compile after including the graphicsx package. A MWE is at the help page for pictex. I tried to get in touch with Valerio but his email bounced. Probably we want to add a \usepackage{graphicsx} to the help page and try to track down Valerio. Cheers, Kyle This is pdfTeX, Version
2023 Mar 04
legend: interplay between title and y.intersp
Hi, my MWE is not working as expected: plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n") legend("top", legend=c("", "", "a"), col=c("blue", "red", "green"), title="test", y.intersp=0.2, lwd=1) The lines are not below the title. I want (nearby) lines as in the plot, but below the title. Is there a way to achieve this?
2020 May 28
Question: llvm-link type merge behaviour of c++ classes
Hi LLVM community, I'd like to ask a question regarding the behavior of llvm-link: My code contains Classes which are structurally equivalent but they are totally unrelated and distinct on a c++ point of view. However, if the compiled IR gets processed by llvm-link, these types are merged together. My question is: Is this expected behavior or a bug? To explain it more in detail, a reduced
2017 Jun 14
draw stripes in a circle in R
> On Jun 14, 2017, at 10:18 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> wrote: > > >> On Jun 14, 2017, at 9:46 AM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at> wrote: >> >> I don't see a question. If your question is whether R supports pattern fills, AFAIK it does not. If that is not your question, ask one. >> -- >> Sent from my
2024 Feb 05
ggarrange & legend
Could you supply us with a MWE (minimal working example)of what you have so far? Thanks. On Mon, 5 Feb 2024 at 05:00, SIBYLLE ST?CKLI via R-help < r-help at> wrote: > Dear R community > > It is possible to adjust the legend in combined ggplots using ggarrange > with > be positions top, bottom, left and right. > My question: Is there a function to change the
2023 Mar 04
legend: interplay between title and y.intersp
Set the legend position explicitly with x and y values and add xpd = TRUE to the legend call to clip the plot to the figure region and not the plot region (the default). Something like this (you may have to fool around with y.intersp, etc. to allow enough space between the legend lines): plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n") legend(x = .4, y = 1.25, legend=c("", "",
2017 Oct 02
Default value of the option initial in the ses function in the forecast package.
The first one, i.e. "optimal"; check help for match.arg() for the idiom. -pd > On 2 Oct 2017, at 11:48 , Ashim Kapoor <ashimkapoor at> wrote: > > Dear All, > > I am trying to use the function ses from the forecast package. > > From its help I have : > > Usage: > > ses(y, h = 10, level = c(80, 95), fan = FALSE, initial =
2015 Oct 08
rank(, ties.method="last")
Hi, I ran into a problem where I actually need rank(, ties.method="last"). It would be great to have this feature in base and it's also simple to get (see below). Thanks & cheers, Marius rank2 <- function (x, na.last = TRUE, ties.method = c("average", "first", "last", # new "last" "random", "max",
2017 Sep 17
FW: CRAN check errors: drake 4.1.0 on r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang
Hello, The CRAN checks for the drake package (4.1.0) fail for r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang. This happened right when crayon 1.3.4 was released, but I suspect the problem is not with crayon or drake, but with base R-devel. I cannot reproduce the error myself, but I have copied a minimal working example (MWE) below that should theoretically isolate the problem. `find_namespaced_functions()`
2023 Nov 07
make a lattice dotplot with symbol size proportional to a variable in the plotted dataframe
Hello. My question is in the subject line. Using R 4.1.3 on Windows 10. Commented MWE below. Thanks. --Chris Ryan library(dplyr) library(lattice) ## fabricate a dataframe dd <- data.frame(agency = sample(LETTERS, size = 5), total = sample(100:200, size = 5), las = sample(20:40, size = 5)) dd <- dd %>% mutate(proportion = las/total, bubble = total/100) ## attempt to make a dotplot