similar to: Fields used by available.packages

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Fields used by available.packages"

2024 Jun 12
Fields used by available.packages
Yes, I think that would be enough. Thank you, Kurt! Llu?s On Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 16:35, Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik at> wrote: > >>>>> Llu?s Revilla writes: > > Lluis, > > So in available.packages() I could replace > > if (is.null(fields)) > fields <- requiredFields > else { > stopifnot(is.character(fields))
2024 Jun 12
Fields used by available.packages
>>>>> Llu?s Revilla writes: Lluis, So in available.packages() I could replace if (is.null(fields)) fields <- requiredFields else { stopifnot(is.character(fields)) fields <- unique(c(requiredFields, fields)) } by someting like if(is.null(fields)) fields <- getOption("available_packages_fields") if(is.null(fields)) fields
2006 Aug 29
PATCH: Add fields argument to installed.packages and available.packages
Hi all, The write_PACKAGES function has a 'fields' argument that allows a user generating a PACKAGES file to specify additional fields to include. For symmetry, it would be nice for the available.packages function to be able to read those extra fields when specified. Similarly, it would be useful for installed.packages to have a 'fields' argument. This would allow a user to
2012 May 08
what folder to run write_PACKAGES in?
I set up a local repo for testing packages. My packages are not showing up from the repository when viewed by Linux clients. I suspect this is a web administrator/firewall issue, but it could be I created the repo wrongly. I am supposed to run write_PACKAGES separately in each R-version folder. Right? Maybe other novices can use these scripts, if they are not wrong :) Here's the file
2010 Jul 27
Checking package licences including dependencies?
I only recently discovered options("available_packages_filters" = list(add = TRUE, "license/FOSS")) [cf. help("available.packages", package="utils") in R 2.10.0 or later] which goes nicely with my options("checkPackageLicense" = TRUE) [new in R 2.11]. But now I want to purge my library of packages I would not have installed had I known about
2012 Dec 13
Installing Packages from a Local Repository
Hi everyone, I've followed the instructions from R-Admin Section 6.6 for creating a local repository. I've modified my file to add the local repository to my repos, but I haven't been able to successfully install my package from the repo. Here's the code that I've run. ################################## sessionInfo() getOption("repos")
2023 Nov 27
R test coverage
Hi all, I recently proposed a change in R that has led to the addition of new code to the R source code. The code added, as far as I know, has no tests and it might affect many packages in CRAN. I was wondering if adding a test would be helpful or it is already covered by some other test. Which brought me to the question: what is the coverage of R checks (check-devel)? My searches in the
2012 Nov 02
Can't install.packages() from local repo in 2.15.2
Hi guys I think there's a high chance this is a bug. But I can't rule out that I can be blamed for this. I've posted this to bugzilla (#15092). Then I read that I probably should have posted it to R-develop first. Sorry for doing this in the wrong order. I've set up a local repo on my local drive (happens to be mapped to L:/). It has the following structure (as per
2011 Aug 19
Error in read.dcf(file = tmpf) : Line starting '<head> ...' is malformed!
Dear R-Users, I'm trying to setup a personal repository for a few packages I'm working on. I am on R-Forge but I still need to have various versions of my package that R-Forge does not build (for R 2.8.1 for example). So I followed the instructions in this document: Hhttp:// and used this function as
2013 Mar 21
missing space in R version specifier makes PACKAGES file unreadable by install.packages()
Hi, After updating to R-3.0 beta r62328, I get the following: > install.packages("Biobase", type="source", repos="http://george2/BBS/2.12/bioc") Error in, list(v_c, v_t[[op]])) : could not find function "R (>=2.15.1)" The problem can be fixed by adding a space after >= in the offending package's DESCRIPTION file and re-generating
2005 Nov 16
update R packages in local repos
I try to update R packages via my local repository. I put all R packages in g:/myFolder/myRepository, I do like > library(tools) > write_PACKAGES("g:/myFolder/myRepository") > options(repos=c(LocalR="file://g:/myFolder/myRepository")) > getOption("repos") LocalR "file://g:/myFolder/myRepository" >
2024 Mar 15
RSS Feed of NEWS needs a hand
Hi! Thanks for this service! It is very helpful to know what is being developed. I distribute the content to other venues and I noticed some times that the updates are duplicated. For example, the sentence "?is.R()? is deprecated as no other S dialect is known to be in use (and this could only identify historical dialects, not future ones)." is duplicated in different days: Day 1:
2022 Oct 13
tools:: extracting pkg dependencies from DCF
Dear R devs, I would like to raise a request for a simple helper function. Utility function to extract package dependencies from DESCRIPTION file. I do think that tools package is better place, for such a fundamental functionality, than community packages. tools pkg seems perfect fit (having already great function write_PACKAGES). Functionality I am asking for is already in R svn repository
2002 Apr 26
spreadsheet data import
Hi colleages! I want to import data from ms-excel and other spreadsheet formats (lotus, etc). Does exist any way to do it within R? The main problem is that many spreadsheet data use comma as decimal separator and not the point as needed in R (and many software for Linux), so importing data first as a tab separated values does not solve this problem. Thanks, Tom?s Revilla
2006 Apr 24
arrange data for simple regression analysis
Hello, I want to arrange data from a table to perform a simple regression. All the examples I saw deal with paired data, e.g. 'x' and 'y' have the same dimensions (e.g. 5 values for x and 5 for y). But I have more than one 'y' for each 'x' value, e.g. the data file has a x = 0, 30, 60, and 120 columns. And for each of them I have several replicate responses (e.g.
2010 Nov 16
IMAP aggregation and MUPDATE protocolo
Hi. I'm just having a look about aggregating several IMAP sources and a IMAP aggregator proxy would come very handy. I just read: and found it very interesting. Anyone did something similar based on: Thanx. Erny -- Ernesto Revilla Yaco Sistemas +34 954 500 057
2010 Mar 12
I need IMAP stress testing tool with SEARCH command
Hi. Does anyone know of a good imap stress testing tool? And one which supports SEARCH commands? I have to compare Courier and Dovecot. I already did some tests using a modified postal/rabid package. I would be thankfully for any hints. Best regards. Erny Yaco Sistemas Spain
2018 Dec 06
Package 'tools' support for linux binary packages?
I may have a deployment reason at work for Linux binary packages as created by `R CMD INSTALL --build src`. Using the example of my digest package this creates eg digest_0.6.18.1_R_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz where 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' is also what `R.version[["platform"]]` returns. However, once I started to look into supporting this via my repository helper package
2012 Nov 06
\value section for write_PACKAGES not updated
Hi, Found in \value section of man page for tools::write_PACKAGES: Invisibly returns the number of packages described in the resulting \file{PACKAGES} and \file{PACKAGES.gz} files. If \code{0}, no packages were found and no files were written. Those days (don't know when this has changed exactly), PACKAGES and PACKAGES.gz are written, even if no packages were found (which is a
2007 Sep 26
Lack of final newline in write.dcf changes append usage
The change in r42731 eliminating the final blank line when writing DCF files changes the way 'append' can be used in 'write.dcf' and I was wondering if this is intentional. Basically, I want to write a data frame to DCF format one row at a time, so I make use of repeated calls to 'write.dcf(append = TRUE)'. However, in R 2.6.0RC the resulting DCF file is not formatted