similar to: How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share"

2024 Jun 06
How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share
On Thu, 06 Jun 2024 13:37:34 -0400 Mark Foley via samba <samba at> wrote: > > I have no doubt you have said this many times before, but no to me -- > at least not that I can recall. This is new territory for me. This > share started off way-back-when as a Microsoft Sharepoint repository > which was then migrated to a plain Samba share (I presume this is
2024 Jun 07
How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share
On Thu Jun 6 14:28:46 2024 Rowland Penny <rpenny at> wrote; > > On Thu, 06 Jun 2024 13:37:34 -0400 > Mark Foley via samba <samba at> wrote: > > > [snip] > > Basically, the old NT4-style domains relied on setting permissions in > the share part of the smb.conf file, but, by using vfs_acl_xattr, you > can set finer control from
2024 Jun 06
How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share
On Tue Jun 4 14:08:30 2024 Rowland Penny <rpenny at> wrote: > On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 13:22:49 -0400 > Mark Foley via samba <samba at> wrote: > > > I have a Linux file server that is an AD Domain Member. It shares the > > following (smb.conf): > > > > [public] > > path = /public > > store dos attributes = no >
2024 Jun 04
How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share
On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 13:22:49 -0400 Mark Foley via samba <samba at> wrote: > I have a Linux file server that is an AD Domain Member. It shares the > following (smb.conf): > > [public] > path = /public > store dos attributes = no > hide dot files = yes > readonly = no > force group = ohprs > create mask = 0660 > directory mask = 2770 >
2010 Mar 15
Tomcat 5.23 help - http://hostname:8080 is an empty page.
I installed tomcat 5.23 from the yum install of centos5.3 and have started tomcat on port 8080 . The http://hostname:8080 shows a blank page. In a standard Tomcat distribution, the default application is located in the ROOT directory /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps: From centos installation, this directory is empty. Please help us to bring up the apache-tomcat installation page. tomcat5.conf has the
2024 Jun 04
How to give AD users group permissions on a Samba share
I have a Linux file server that is an AD Domain Member. It shares the following (smb.conf): [public] path = /public store dos attributes = no hide dot files = yes readonly = no force group = ohprs create mask = 0660 directory mask = 2770 The "force group" lets all Windows users map this folder and create files and directories that all users can access and update. They are created
2005 Oct 17
Tomcat 4 on Centos 4.1
I use OpenNMS and this is how I install it. So far it's worked every time (6 installs). Make sure you open up your IPTables as needed. Let me know how it goes. --Todd -------------- Installing DAG RPM Repository nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo [dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for RHEL baseURL=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 rpm --import
2011 Mar 26
Verify tomcat config
I'm going to retire an old RHEL3 server and move the services to CentOS5. In particular, the web server is giving me a headache. On the old box, there's a hacked-up httpd/mod_jk/tomcat setup, and CentOS is perfect for the new box because the required components are included and the whole setup "just works" straight from installation. There seems to be surprisingly little
2015 Mar 18
Need help for write rpm spec
Hi I am try to write rpm spec for install tomcat on a linux machine.But while build the rpm i found following error + /usr/lib/rpm/ --strict-build-id /home/rpmbuild/BUILD/Install_tomcat-1.0 extracting debug info from /home/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/Install_tomcat-1.0-1.el6.x86_64/usr/local/jdk1.7.0_13/lib/visualvm/profiler/lib/deployed/jdk16/linux-amd64/ ***
2016 Jul 21
How to GSSAPI/Kerberos authenticate with Dovecot [formerly Where is krb5.keytab or equivalent?]
OK! I deleted the /etc/passwd entry for user mark and I modified my /etc/nsswitch.conf to: passwd: compat winbind group: compat winbind I couldn't get sendmail working with this at first -- I didn't know what to [re]start to get the new nsswitch config to take, so I rebooted. Probably I just had to restart sendmail, but oh well. And, it started working ... sort of. Email to that user
2009 Jun 16
OT - Tomcat CLASSPATH issue
if this is ignored then fair enough as its not really the place for it but if anyone has seen this it would be good to know tomcat is 6.0.18 CLASSPATH is set in /etc/sysconfig/<appname> and this IS getting used as _some_ configuration items are being picked up from /etc/<appname> but the issue is when default setting from within the webapp are not being overwritten by settings in
2010 May 07
Apache Tomcat/5.5.23
I have a new instllation of tomcat on centos. My $CATALINA_HOME is /usr/share/tomcat5 and tomcat is running. http://localhost:8080 brings up the tomcat page & one of the option is "Administration". I would like to use this web interface and even give some of the test webapp users ability to restart tomcat. According to the home page, users are defined in
2005 Apr 05
Jakarta-Tomcat 1.2.10 problem
The connector is not loading my servlets? I am writing down my httpd.conf and Httpd.conf LoadModule jk_module modules/ <ifModule mod_jk.c> JkWorkersFile /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4/conf/ JkLogFile /etc/httpd/logs/mod_jk.log JkLogLevel info JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d
2008 May 08
can't get Tomcat5 to work on centos 5.1, how do I get it to work?
Hi all A client of ours wants Tomcat 5 to be installed on a CentOS 5 server, I naturally just ran "yum -y install tomcat5 tomcat5-webapps tomcat5-admin-webapps" which installed it without any errors. Then I typed in service tomcat5 start, and tries to access it as such "lynx http://localhost:8080/" but keep on getting an error "connection refused" [root at
2016 Jul 20
How to GSSAPI/Kerberos authenticate with Dovecot [formerly Where is krb5.keytab or equivalent?]
Mike, excellent suggestion! I will definitely experiment with that nsswitch change. Rowland also mentioned adding RFC2307 to the AD settings for the user(s). If, as you say, my MTA will find the home directory with the nss windbind setting, that would be fantastic! I would definitely removed the AD users from /etc/passwd. I don't know if nsswitch.conf settings are now mentioned in the
2008 Jan 06
tomcat still sees jvm version 1.4.2 in Cent OS 5
i chose to install tomcat during the OS install as well as java....however, since I needed to use a different jvm, i used the method described in for Sun jdk 1.5.0_13 and it worked fine as I can tell, as using the alternatives --config java command, i see both 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 versions and choosing the 1.5.0 version yields the right version when doing a
2013 Jul 23
Enviroment variables or Java startup -D arguments
Hi All, I have been searching around for a few hours now, but don''t seem to be using the correct search terms for the answer I need. So please forgive me if this is a question that has been answered 100 times :( I have seen many questions regarding enviroment variables, but non seem to be related. Again, I may be misunderstanding the vocabulary) I am setting up
2005 Nov 01
Installing Tomact as a service... update
So I've been trying to use this site and the daemon script here. It works so far. I mean, at least the server starts, I can get to the site, etc. So far, so good. The only problem is, for some reason when I start tomcat using root everything runs fine. When I start tomcat using this script, however, I get this.... FATAL [http-8080-Processor25]
2008 Nov 28
OT - tomcat 6 error
Hi I'm on 5.2 and 'have' to use tomcat 6 - I package it and can get the default install running fine - However when i drop my app into webapps/ as i war and start tomcat i get this INFO: Starting service Catalina Nov 28, 2008 10:44:15 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18 Nov 28, 2008 10:44:15 AM
2010 Oct 30
Anyone successfully ran JRuby 1.5.3, Rails 3, Tomcat6
Hi, I''ve been trying to get JRuby 1.5.3 with Rails 3 to run on the Tomcat6 server with little success. Has anyone been able to do this? If so, what issues did you have to overcome to get this to work? Also, is this a combination that you would recommend for a production site, or is it all too new and untested? The latest issue I''m stuck on right now is with the mysql-connector-