similar to: R Shiny Help - Trouble passing user input columns to emmeans after ANOVA analysis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "R Shiny Help - Trouble passing user input columns to emmeans after ANOVA analysis"

2017 Jun 24
Fwd: Widgets under renderUI Shiny
Hi All, I am not sure if this is a relevant platform to ask but I have tried other more related platforms and haven't had any luck so i thought i would try my luck here. Basically I want to generate a selectInput widget with a conditional under renderUI in Shiny. The number of widgets generated will depend on the number of variables a user selects. Try as I may I have not been able to get
2018 Nov 21
Promises Future en shiny no me funciona
Buenas, Estoy intentando que al ejectuar un boton en shiny me cargue de manera asincrona dos consultas. Una es a una consulta sql pesada (tarda 10 segundos) y la otra es una sql ligera (tarda 0 segundos). Intento que el resultado de la consulta ligera se muestre mientras se espera al resulatdo de la consulta pesada, pero no lo consigo. Estoy usando promises con future, en linux, pero no me
2019 Oct 07
Changing HTML Error code message
Hello, I'm relatively new to using R and shiny. Currently, I'm getting the Error: Conflict (HTTP 409) when trying to access an html file from dropbox and this is fine, I know the reason. What I do have a problem with is trying to find a way to change Error code message. Instead of simply "Error: Conflict (HTTP 409)", I would a message a client might be able to understand.
2018 Jan 08
[FORGED] Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
On 07/01/18 02:19, Akhilesh Singh wrote: > I am a Professor of Statistics at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, > Raipur, India. While teaching in class about analysis of variance using R, > I was doing a one-way analysis for the two data-sets given below in the > R-class. I got a typical error in "emmeans" package, please help: > > Data-set-1: > --------------
2018 Jan 10
[FORGED] Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
Thanks for your kind reply. Problem is solved. However, it's "confidence interval / treatment comparison plot" is not taking main title. And the fonts of axes labels can not be changed using 'cex' parameter. I will appreciate if you could help in this matter too. Dr. A. K. Singh On 09-Jan-2018 8:18 PM, "Sal Mangiafico" <salvatore.s.mangiafico at>
2018 Jan 06
Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
I am a Professor of Statistics at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, India. While teaching in class about analysis of variance using R, I was doing a one-way analysis for the two data-sets given below in the R-class. I got a typical error in "emmeans" package, please help: Data-set-1: -------------- Medley and Clements (1998) investigated the impact of zinc contamination (and
2005 Nov 20
use of the 'by' command & converting SPSS ANOVA/GLM syntax into R syntax
I have two questions I would appreciate assistance with: (1) I believe "by" is the command used to split a file. In the following example, "mydat" is the dataframe , "group" the variable I want to split the analysis by & "WK1FREQ,WK2FREQ" the variables attach(mydat) by (GROUP) cor.test (WK1FREQ,WK2FREQ) I have also tried: (by (GROUP) cor.test
2020 Nov 07
Data Table not rendering properly using R shiny
Hi All, I have a data output as below.I want to display them in an interactive html report using shiny but the data table is not rendering properly and instead giving NA values. max_usage_hours_per_region<-setNames(aggregate(df3_machine_region$sum_as_hours~df3_machine_region$Region,df3_machine_region,max),c("Region","Sum_as_Hours")) Region Sum_as_Hours 1 Africa 1156.0833
2020 Nov 07
Data Table not rendering properly using R shiny
Hi All, I have a data output as below.I want to display them in an interactive html report using shiny but the data table is not rendering properly and instead giving NA values. max_usage_hours_per_region<-setNames(aggregate(df3_machine_region$sum_as_hours~df3_machine_region$Region,df3_machine_region,max),c("Region","Sum_as_Hours")) Region Sum_as_Hours 1 Africa 1156.0833
2013 Dec 20
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 58, Envío 26
Hola, Shiny utiliza la función selectInput en ui.R (donde se declaran los métodos y las etiquetas que se muestran en pantalla) y la variable input$nombre_usado_en_ui para tomar el valor elegido en el server.R Puedes consultar el tutorial de shiny en: Por ejemplo (copiado de ahí) en ui.R sidebarPanel( selectInput("dataset",
2017 Oct 18
dygraphs, multiple graphs and shiny
Hi All: This is really getting into the weeds, but I am hoping someone will have a solution. I am trying to use dygrahs for R, within Shiny. The situation arises when I am combining a number of dygraphs into one plot. If I am just in an RNotebook, if you look at: the solution to have the plot shown from a
2018 Jan 10
[shiny] How to read current URL address
Dears, I am trying to read the URL name (i.e "") that I was redirected by my own code. What I already found that could help: session$clientData$url_protocol session$clientData$url_hostname session$clientData$url_pathname session$clientData$url_port session$clientData$url_search But then when I try to use this code in my server function the bellow Error appears: >
2018 Jul 20
Model formulas with explicit references
Dear R-Devel, I seem to no longer be able to access the bug-reporting system, so am doing this by e-mail. My report concerns models where variables are explicitly referenced (or is it "dereferenced"?), such as: cars.lm <- lm(mtcars[[1]] ~ factor(mtcars$cyl) + mtcars[["disp"]]) I have found that it is not possible to predict such models with new data. For example:
2020 Nov 07
[R] Data Table not rendering properly using R shiny
Hello, Or maybe logical_idx <- max_usage_hours_per_region$Region %in% input$Region Another option is ?match Hope this helps, Rui Barradas ?s 15:41 de 07/11/20, Jeff Newmiller escreveu: > This looks odd... > > max_usage_hours_per_region[input$Region,] > > This would only work if you had rownames on that data frame corresponding to the names of the Regions. This is a
2024 May 22
confint Attempts to Use All Server CPUs by Default
Following up on this -- on my system, I have 69 packages installed that appear to provide something like a confint() method: h <-"confint", agrep = FALSE) p <- sort(unique(h$matches$Package)) length(p) ## [1] 69 p [1] "bamlss" "bbmle" "binom" "brglm2" [5] "broom"
2019 Mar 28
default for 'signif.stars'
I read through the editorial. This is the one of the most mega-ultra-super-biased articles I've ever read. e.g. The authors encourage Baysian methods, and literally encourage subjective approaches. However, there's only one reference to robust methods and one reference to nonparametric methods, both of which are labelled as purely exploratory methods, which I regard as extremely
2024 May 21
confint Attempts to Use All Server CPUs by Default
? Tue, 21 May 2024 08:00:11 +0000 Dario Strbenac via R-devel <r-devel at> ?????: > Would a less resource-intensive value, such as 1, be a safer default > CPU value for confint? Which confint() method do you have in mind? There is at least four of them by default in R, and many additional classes could make use of stats:::confint.default by implementing vcov(). >
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
Muchas gracias Miguel-Ángel por tus explicaciones, pero empezando por el final digo reinicia pero en realidad es que se aborta el proceso. Independiente de la instrucción print la cuestión es que el programa en mi ordenador aborta siempre de forma independiente que lo haga en wiewer externa, interna o "medio-pensionista". Sin embargo en otro ordenador que tengo con windows 10 y R de 32
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
Hola Miguel-Ángel esa instrucción la he puesto para que no me haga el break y se reinicie RStudio. Si quito esa instrucción y hago que se pase la salida al wiewer panel de Rstudio me aparece el mismo error pero además se aborta la sesión de RStudio y con la instrucción lo que cambia es que no aborta la sesión. Muchas gracias, Juan El 05/03/2018 a las 8:49, miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en
2018 Mar 05
problema con shiny
Muchas gracias Miguel-Ángel he probado la opción de la consola de R y sigue el problema, en este caso intenta mostrar en la pantalla del navegador la salida del programa pero se cierra R, supongo por tanto que se aborta el proceso. Saludos, Juan El 05/03/2018 a las 13:23, miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en escribió: > Y si lo haces desde fuera de RStudio? > > Es decir, desde