similar to: Tools to modify highlighted areas in pdf documents?

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "Tools to modify highlighted areas in pdf documents?"

2007 Jan 30
R and S-Plus got the different results of principal component analysis from SAS, why?
Dear Rusers, I have met a difficult problem on explaining the differences of principal component analysis(PCA) between R,S-PLUS and SAS/STATA/SPSS, which wasn't met before. Althought they have got the same eigenvalues, their coeffiecients were different. First, I list my results from R,S-PLUS and SAS/STATA/SPSS, and then show the original dataset, hoping sb. to try and explain it.
2005 Jun 17
another aov results interpretation question
I commend you to (a) the recent article by Doug Bates on "Fitting nonlinear mixed models in R" pp. 27-30 in the latest issue of "R News" available from "" -> Newsletter and (b) Doug's book with Pinheiro (2000) Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS (Springer). I suggest you try the same analysis using in "lmer", library(lme4), and
2010 Jul 28
Gecko engine installation failure
New user to ubuntu and wine...almost ready to throw in the towel and revert to Win 7...except I do not like Microsoft and beleive that we need to support an alternative Anyway I can't get Gecko to install correctly straight up or using the alternative installation instructions (cab regedit etc.) Attached is a copy of the terminal report showing where I have been and the outcome of the
2006 Apr 27
pdf render inline .... update ''main'' div
Hi, I want to keep the layout and just to a link_to_remote to update the=20 div id ''main'' Using this in the controller action send_file "public/pdf/my.pdf", :type =3D> ''application/pdf'', = :disposition=20 =3D> ''inline'', :stream =3D> false I get this. The raw pdf code sent replacing the main div with :
2009 Feb 05
eliminating control characters from formatted data files
I have a few hundred files of formatted data. Unfortunately most of them end with a spurious CONTROL-Z. I want to rewrite the files without the spurious character. Here's what I've come up with so far, but my code is unsafe because it assumes without justification that the last row of df contains a control character (and some NAs to fill up the record). options(warn=-1) #turn off
2008 Aug 27
RCurl: using netrc with curlPerform
Hello, I am having trouble getting the curlPerform function to authenticate using the .netrc file. From the documentation I've read it certainly seems as though this function should be able to authenticate via the .netrc file. The example I am using here comes from the "R as a Web Client- the RCurl package" paper and demonstrates using the .netrc file to access the
2008 May 20
Problems with HTML Rendering. Ubuntu 8.04, Wine 1.0-rc1
I have installed Sacred under Wine. "This application is trying to show an HTML Page. Wine needs Gecko (Mozilla HML engine) to be installed to show the page. Click install if you want Wine to automatically download and install Gecko." When I click on install... Nothing happens. I have tried to use the Ubuntu Forums to figure out what the answer is, but those haven't been
2009 Jan 18
MSHTML Not working for me
Hi, I'm using wine-0.9.13, installed from git. The following file exists in my system: /usr/share/wine/gecko/ The gecko libraries are installed in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/gecko/0.9.0/wine_gecko Whenever I run wine iexplore.exe, I receive the message "HTML rendering is currently disabled" Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do next to make this work?
2006 Feb 13
would like to have the input text highlighted in the autocomplete div
Hello everyone, I would like to have the input text highlighted in the autocomplete div (similar to google suggest) Any ideas how I can get this working with the autocomplete class ? Thanks, Shyam
2010 Dec 02
Any way to get syntax-highlighted code blocks with Text::MultiMarkdown?
Hello, I'm using Text::MultiMarkdown in my website, and I would like to know if there is any way to get syntax highlighting in code blocks. Thanks, -Mike Doherty
2011 Dec 06
RStudio: copied line is always not the same as the line that I highlighted
Hi all, I am using RStudio. I wanted to copy and past an expression/line. I highlighted it, and then copied and pasted: The result was not the line that I wanted, instead, it was the line above... For example: I have three lines: aaaaa bbbbb ccccc .... I highlighted "bbbbb" and copied, but the pasted outcome was "aaaaa"... What happened? Thanks al ot! [[alternative
2024 Jun 02
Tools to modify highlighted areas in pdf documents?
? Sat, 1 Jun 2024 16:16:23 +0000 Leo Mada via R-help <r-help at> ?????: > When highlighting pdf-documents with Microsoft Edge, the bounding box > is sometimes misplaced, and quite ugly so. It also lacks the ability > to draw lines or arrows. > > On the other hand, I did not get used to Acrobat Reader: it usually > involves much more effort to add specific
2001 Mar 06
Wine Weekly News #85 (2001 Week 10)
-- --------------- Eric Pouech ( "The future will be better tomorrow", Vice President Dan Quayle -------------- next part -------------- Wine Weekly News All the News that Fits, we print. Events, progress, and happenings in the Wine community for March 05, 2001 .
2001 Mar 06
Wine Weekly News #85 (2001 Week 10)
-- --------------- Eric Pouech ( "The future will be better tomorrow", Vice President Dan Quayle -------------- next part -------------- Wine Weekly News All the News that Fits, we print. Events, progress, and happenings in the Wine community for March 05, 2001 .
2020 Oct 30
SSH client and bracketed paste mode
Hello list, Using a terminal with bracketed paste mode (see [0], [1]), I am not able to paste text while being in the "~C" command line mode. The reason for that is, that while being in that special mode, openssh-client attempts to interpret the special bracketed paste start escape sequence, which does not work: root at localhost:~# ssh> ^[[200~-L
2002 Jul 04
Script file editors for Windows - submit highlighted text?
Greetings, I use S+, Stata, SAS and R depending on the weather... The script file editors in S+, SAS and Stata all allow me to submit a portion of a developing script file to the running process. In R I have to use an external editor and either source the entire file or do lots of copy-and-pasting. Are there any editors out there which interface to R more closely and let me submit a section
2012 Nov 23
Public Key Authentication
Hi, I wonder, how can i use openssh Public key authentification with ActivCard pkcs11 x509 certificate store and login to only my account reading/using username provided from certificate DN, or principal name,friendly name ? b111887 and e411617 is administrator on this os. I have rights to put e411617 pub keys to b111887 home folder authorized keys. And because openssh ask's me to provide
2008 Mar 29
A patch for extending pdf device to embed popup text and web links
Dear all, I am sending a patch for extending pdf device to embed popup text and web links. I implemented this feature by using annotation object, a interactive feature of pdf. You can see a sample code for using this feature in the following, and sample pdf is in