similar to: Listing folders on One Drive

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Listing folders on One Drive"

2024 May 20
Listing folders on One Drive
Hello I have lots of folders of individual Scottish river catchments on my uni One Drive. Each folder is labelled with the river name eg "Tay" and they are all in a folder named "Scotland" I want to list the folders on One Drive so that I can cross check that I have them all against a list of folders on my laptop. Can I somehow use list.files() - I've tried various things
2023 Feb 01
Detpack package
I did use "detpack" ie not with a capital detpack::chi2testuniform(vals,0.05) gives this: Error: 'chi2testuniform' is not an exported object from 'namespace:detpack' ?? Thanks Nick On Wed, 1 Feb 2023 at 16:29, Eric Berger <ericjberger at> wrote: > Detpack or detpack? > > What happens when you try detpack::chi2testuniform(...) ? > > >
2024 Jan 09
Truncated plots
? Tue, 9 Jan 2024 16:42:32 +0000 Nick Wray <nickmwray at> ?????: > she has a problem with R studio on her laptop Does the problem happen with plain R, without Rstudio? What's the student's sessionInfo()? > I have a screenshot which could email if anyone needs to see what it > looks like. I think that PNG screenshots are allowed on the mailing list, so it could
2024 Apr 08
duplicated() on zero-column data frames returns empty
I appreciate the compliment from Ivan and still share the puzzlement at the empty return. What is the policy for changing something that is wrong? There is a trade-off between breaking old code that worked around a problem and breaking new code written by people who make reasonable assumptions. Mathematically, it seems obvious to me that duplicated.matrix(A) should do something like this: v
2023 Nov 03
[EXTERNAL] RE: I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.
Yes, that will halve the number of multiplications. If you?re looking for such optimisations then you can also consider ifelse(G=='male', 65L, 58L). That will definitely use less time & memory if WC is integer, but the trade-offs are more complicated if WC is floating point. Regards, Jorgen Harmse. From: avi.e.gross at <avi.e.gross at> Date: Friday,
2024 Mar 20
Building Packages.
I have a source file with oxygen-style comments (and description & licence files), and I?m trying to build a package. oxygen & devtools seem to work, and the tarball exists, but install.packages balks. Does anyone know what?s happening? Regards, Jorgen Harmse. > roxygenise(package.dir,clean=TRUE) Setting `RoxygenNote` to "7.3.1" ? roxygen2 requires "Encoding:
2023 Nov 06
I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category
Avi: Thank you for checking. I think the optimization is limited. If test is all TRUE or all FALSE then at most one vector is evaluated. Anything beyond that would be very complicated. (Inspect the two expressions and verify that both specify elementwise computations. Then use indexing to shrink the input properly. Take into account all recycling rules for binary operations.) > ifelse(0:1,
2023 Nov 03
I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.
Just a minor point in the suggested solution: df$LAP <- with(df, ifelse(G=='male', (WC-65)*TG, (WC-58)*TG)) since WC and TG are not conditional, would this be a slight improvement? df$LAP <- with(df, TG*(WC - ifelse(G=='male', 65, 58))) -----Original Message----- From: R-help <r-help-bounces at> On Behalf Of Jorgen Harmse via R-help Sent: Friday,
2023 Jan 11
Topological network Map
Hello I'd like to create a simple topological map of a river system, ie all the waterways, where they join and points on them such as gauging stations so that it looks something like the London Tube map - where distances are not important but the relationships of the nodes are. I could probably Heath-Robinson something together but I wondered whether there was any kind of package already out
2023 Feb 01
Detpack package
Hello I've successfully installed the package "Detpack" and remembered to call it via library() But when I try to use the functions i get this: chi2testuniform(vals, 0.05) Error in chi2testuniform(vals, 0.05) : could not find function "chi2testuniform" And yet this function (amongst other which also are not recognised) are all listed on the CRAN page:
2024 Sep 17
Getting individual co-ordinate points in k medoids cluster
Hello I am using k medoids in R to generate sets of clusters for datasets through time. I can plot the individual clusters OK but what I cannot find is a way of pulling out the co-ordinates of the individual points in the cluster diagrams - none of the kmed$... info sets seems to be this. Beneath is an example of a k medoid prog using the built in US arrests dataset - this is not the data I am
2023 Feb 15
p-value in changepoint package
Hello Does anyone know how to get the p values for changepoints in the "changepoint" package? There is guidance in the CRAN vignette but I can't make it work to get the p value out... Thanks Nick Wray [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2023 Nov 05
I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.
There are many techniques Callum and yours is an interesting twist I had not considered. Yes, you can specify what integer a factor uses to represent things but not what I meant. Of course your trick does not work for some other forms of data like real numbers in double format. There is a cost to converting a column to a factor that is recouped best if it speeds things up multiple times. The
2024 Apr 07
duplicated() on zero-column data frames returns empty
? Fri, 5 Apr 2024 16:08:13 +0000 Jorgen Harmse <JHarmse at> ?????: > if duplicated really treated a row name as part of the row then > any(duplicated(data.frame(?))) would always be FALSE. My expectation > is that if key1 is a subset of key2 then all(duplicated(df[key1]) >= > duplicated(df[key2])) should always be TRUE. That's a good argument, thank you! Would
2024 May 12
duplicated() on zero-column data frames returns empty
(Sorry for only getting back to this more than a month later.) ? Mon, 8 Apr 2024 17:03:00 +0000 Jorgen Harmse <JHarmse at> ?????: > What is the policy for changing something that is wrong? There is a > trade-off between breaking old code that worked around a problem and > breaking new code written by people who make reasonable assumptions. First of all, quantify the
2007 Apr 17
Kai Yang Tay wants to chat
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kai Yang Tay wants to stay in better touch using some of Google's coolest new products. If you already have Gmail or Google Talk, visit: You'll need to click this link to be able to chat with Kai Yang Tay. To get Gmail - a free email account from
2024 Jan 09
Truncated plots
Hello As a postgrad I have been helping an undergraduate student with R coding but she has a problem with R studio on her laptop which I can't fix - basically when she runs a plot it appears without a y axis label with the black line plot frame hard against the plot window and the bottom of the plot, where you would expect to see the horizontal axis and the x axis label etc is completely
2024 Mar 20
Building Packages.
Hmm, looks platform-specific. Under Linux both RStudio and external R console return a0b52513622c41c11e3ef57c7a485767 for digest::digest(install.packages) On 2024-03-20 1:20 p.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 20/03/2024 1:07 p.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote: >> On 20/03/2024 12:37 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote: >>> ???? Ivan, can you give more detail on this? I've heard this issue
2023 Oct 13
rnrfa package problems
R help email Hello I?m trying to work my way through the rnrfa package RJ-2016-036.pdf ( <> I?ve got it loaded OK and can access the data by the catalogue() command - gives me a tibble with names, grid refs etc allStations <- catalogue() allStations This works OK But when I try to run the example
2024 Mar 20
Building Packages.
On 20/03/2024 1:07 p.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 20/03/2024 12:37 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote: >> Ivan, can you give more detail on this? I've heard this issue >> mentioned, but when I open RStudio and run find("install.packages") it >> returns "utils::install.packages", and running dump() from within >> RStudio console and from an external