similar to: Listing folders on One Drive

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Listing folders on One Drive"

2024 May 21
Listing folders on One Drive
I would just use fi <-, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE)) path could be the OneDrive directory or Scotland (and is not needed if you're already in the directory you want). Then rownames(subset(fi, isdir)) will contain all the directories. Maybe you want to use grep or other machinery to thin it out. Regards, Jorgen Harmse.?
2023 Jan 11
Topological network Map
Hello I'd like to create a simple topological map of a river system, ie all the waterways, where they join and points on them such as gauging stations so that it looks something like the London Tube map - where distances are not important but the relationships of the nodes are. I could probably Heath-Robinson something together but I wondered whether there was any kind of package already out
2011 Jul 29
Changing font type within y axis labels
I wish place the following axis label in such a manner that some of the text is plain and the scientific name is in italics (i.e. a mixture of two font types) Using plot: mtext("Total Landings of Pecten maximus (tonnes)",font,=3, side=2, line=3) makes everything italic, but how do I apply the font change to only "Pecten maximus"? Rgds Phil
2023 Feb 01
Detpack package
Hello I've successfully installed the package "Detpack" and remembered to call it via library() But when I try to use the functions i get this: chi2testuniform(vals, 0.05) Error in chi2testuniform(vals, 0.05) : could not find function "chi2testuniform" And yet this function (amongst other which also are not recognised) are all listed on the CRAN page:
2007 Dec 18
R brakes when submitting a query to MySQL
Hello, I would like to retrieve data stored in MySQL database, so I installed RMySQL package. I can successfully connect with the my database using the following code > dvr<-dbDriver("MySQL") > con2<-dbConnect(dvr,group="exbardiv") > mysqlDescribeConnection(con2) <MySQLConnection:(972,0)> User: mmorag Host: localhost Dbname: exbardiv
2012 May 01
error bars for a barchart
Hi I have the following barchart to which I want to add error bars. library(lattice) barchart(Change~fTreat,groups=Process,change, auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE), panel=function(x, y,...){ panel.barchart(x,y,origin = 0,...); panel.abline(h=0,col="black",...); } ) I have tried
2024 Jan 09
Truncated plots
? Tue, 9 Jan 2024 16:42:32 +0000 Nick Wray <nickmwray at> ?????: > she has a problem with R studio on her laptop Does the problem happen with plain R, without Rstudio? What's the student's sessionInfo()? > I have a screenshot which could email if anyone needs to see what it > looks like. I think that PNG screenshots are allowed on the mailing list, so it could
2012 Dec 14
COZIGAM removed from CRAN
Hi All, Another quick question - I noticed that COZIGAM has been removed from CRAN, and that you are referred to the archive for previous versions (last updated 23 July 2012). Is this package still ok to use? Or is there an alternative which might also fit zero-inflated GAMs? Thanks, Raeanne The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is registered in Scotland as a Company Limited by
2024 Jan 09
Truncated plots
Hello As a postgrad I have been helping an undergraduate student with R coding but she has a problem with R studio on her laptop which I can't fix - basically when she runs a plot it appears without a y axis label with the black line plot frame hard against the plot window and the bottom of the plot, where you would expect to see the horizontal axis and the x axis label etc is completely
2008 Jan 23
Retry: Mapping AD domain users to UNIX users
I posted this last week but haven't heard anything. I'm not sure if this is because nobody knows the answer (can't believe that!) or I'm missing something obvious in the documentation and people are thinking "Read The Fine Manual". Whatever the reason, if anyone has any insights into this problem I'd be very grateful for their comments. We're using Samba 3.0.23b
2011 Sep 05
Power analysis in hierarchical models
Dear All I am attempting some power analyses, based on simulated data. My experimental set up is thus: Bleach: main effect, three levels (control, med, high), Fixed. Temp: main effect, two levels (cold, hot), Fixed. Main effect interactions, six levels (fixed) For each main-effect combination I have three replicates. Within each replicate I can take varying numbers of measurements (response
2012 May 07
How can I brake a label in two lines when using expression()?
I making an xyplot and the y label is too long and needs to be in two rows, but when I brake it there is a huge gap between the last text string and the expression, and I can't get rid of it. Any ideas? Data: structure(list(Temp = c(8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 8L, 12L, 12L, 12L, 12L, 12L, 12L), CO2 = c(380L, 380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L, 380L, 380L, 380L, 750L, 750L, 750L), Treat = structure(c(3L,
2023 Feb 15
p-value in changepoint package
Hello Does anyone know how to get the p values for changepoints in the "changepoint" package? There is guidance in the CRAN vignette but I can't make it work to get the p value out... Thanks Nick Wray [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Apr 15
regression with paired left-censored data
HI I am trying to analyse data which is left-censored (i.e. has values below the detection limit). I have been using the NADA package of R to derive summary statistics and do some regression. I am now trying to carry out regression on paired data where both my X and Y have left-censored data within them. I have tried various commands in R: rega = cenreg(Cen(conc, cens_ind) ~ Gp_ident))? with
2012 Dec 07
Negative Binomial GAMM - theta values and convergence
Hi there, My question is about the 'theta' parameter in specification of a NB GAMM. I have fit a GAM with an optimum structure of: SB.gam4<-gam(count~offset(vol_offset)+ s(Depth_m, by=StnF, bs="cs")+StageF*RegionF, family=negbin(1, link=log), data=Zoop_2011[Zoop_2011$SpeciesF=='SB',]) However, this GAM shows heterogeneity in the
2013 Jan 18
lattice: loess smooths based on y-axis values
Hi there, I'm using the lattice package to create an xy plot of abundance vs. depth for 5 stages of barnacle larvae from 5 species. Each panel of the plot represents a different stage, while different loess smoothers within each panel should represent different species. However, I would like depth to be on the y-axis and abundance to be on the x-axis, because this is more intuitive as an
2008 Jan 10
Error on distance matrix
Hi, I am trying to calculate a distance matrix on a binary data frame using dist.binary() {ade4}. This is the code I run and the error I get: > sjlc.dist <- dist.binary(, method=2) #D = (a+d) / (a+b+c+d) Error in if (any(df < 0)) stop("non negative value expected in df") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed I don't know if the problem are the
2023 Oct 13
rnrfa package problems
R help email Hello I?m trying to work my way through the rnrfa package RJ-2016-036.pdf ( <> I?ve got it loaded OK and can access the data by the catalogue() command - gives me a tibble with names, grid refs etc allStations <- catalogue() allStations This works OK But when I try to run the example
2010 Mar 04
Why isn't Samba honouring UNIX permissions? [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]
Classification: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Solaris 9 Samba 3.4.5 I know this isn't the sort of query that gets much response but I'd be really grateful of any advice people can offer. I'm getting really fed up with Samba as I've never been able to make it work properly. Either I'm missing something basic (probably) or it just doesn't behave in the way I think it should!
2013 Jan 15
Code to fetch summary info from vector
Hi all, Thanks in advance for any help. I have a vector "b": b=c(1,1,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,4,3.5,3,2,1,1,1) Imagine b is river flow throughout time. I would like some code that will generate the following information: number of individual 'periods' where b>1 (= 2 in this case) period 1 length = 5, max = 4 period 2 length = 8, max = 5 I can't figure anything