similar to: Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?"

2024 May 15
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
About the decisions: Actually, the same way dataedittext modifies the text colour not only of data, but also of row and column names, and dataedituser modifies the colour of all the borders, I think dataeditbg should modify the background of all the window, at least that "inside" those borders. Otherwise, any other option for the background colour on row and column headers would allow
2024 May 14
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
This seems like something that should be fairly easily doable. Why don't you work out a patch? Some decisions to make: - What colours are we talking about? Would you want the labels to have their colour set independent of the dialog colours? If so, would you also want to configure the dialog colours? - What names should be used for the colours? - Where should all of these definitions
2024 May 13
Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?
Hi all, I've just could test your suggestions on using dataedit... entries now, and indeed they work... partially. See, please, the next screenshot: dataedituser modifies the red borders dataedittext the yellow text dataeditfg... I do not know, specified to green the output of View(mtcars) does not change from that of the screenshot dataeditbg is the (almost) black
2024 May 15
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
A criticism of your suggestion is that it is not backwards compatible. Does that matter? I don't know, but probably not. The X11 version of the viewer does what you suggest. Duncan Murdoch On 2024-05-15 2:20 a.m., Iago Gin? V?zquez wrote: > About the decisions: > > Actually, the same way dataedittext modifies the text colour not only > of data, but also of row and column
2024 May 07
Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?
On Tue, 7 May 2024 06:34:50 -0400 Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > On 07/05/2024 6:31 a.m., Iago Gin? V?zquez wrote: > > Thanks Duncan. > > > > I am currently on Windows. Is there any solution for it? > > Switch to Linux or MacOS? Fortune nomination! cheers, Rolf Turner -- Honorary Research Fellow Department of Statistics University of
2009 Jan 14
script window background and text color (PR#13446)
Full_Name: alexios galanos Version: 2.8.1 OS: windows/vista Submission from: (NULL) ( While the script editor now respects user preferences for the background color in 2.8.1, it does not do so for the user text color defaulting to black. So my preference of having for example black background with green text fails (it is all black) in the script editor (the console is ok).
2024 May 13
[R] Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?
? Mon, 13 May 2024 06:08:22 -0400 Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> ?????: > The row and column names don't appear to be controllable from that > menu, they seem (on my machine) to be displayed in the same colour as > the background of a dialog box, i.e. some kind of gray. I don't > think R tries to control that colour, but perhaps some Windows > setting
2024 May 13
Is there some way to customize colours for the View output?
I just tried it on an old Windows computer. I don't see dataeditfg in the preferences menu; I think it is the internal variable name used for "dataedittext". The row and column names don't appear to be controllable from that menu, they seem (on my machine) to be displayed in the same colour as the background of a dialog box, i.e. some kind of gray. I don't think R
2002 Jan 22
Problems running 'R' on Windows-2000
I run R 1.3.1 on Win 2000 Pro and I don't have any problems. I don't use the --vanilla switch. my Rprofile is completly commented out(This is the way it came). Here is a copy of my Rconsole(I made no changes to it): # Optional parameters for the console and the pager # The system-wide copy is in rwxxxx/etc. # A user copy can be installed in `R_USER'. ## Style # This can be
2024 May 14
FR: Customize background colour of row and column headers for the View output
Thanks again Duncan and Ivan, I forward then the email to R-devel. Summarizing, the dataedit options (in RGui preferences or RConsole) to colouring the View output do not have effect on the background of the row and column names (see Could this be implemented? Thank you! Best regards, Iago ________________________________ De: Ivan Krylov <ikrylov at>
2004 Nov 02
Using East-european characters in R
Does anybody know how to produce a East-European character "??" - "c with a v-shaped hat " in R (in text or plot)? I do know how to get "??,??" - "s,z, with a v-shaped hat", but not this one. Thanks in advance for any suggestions, Ales Ziberna P.S.: I am using Windows XP and R version 1.9.1 (details below) $platform [1]
2023 Nov 09
Why is not built with manual installation of R devel in linux?
Hi all, I downloaded R-devel as explicited in Then, I tried to install it through instructions in (taking into account also So: export REPOS= export RTOP=~ #adjust as necessary cd $RTOP svn co
2005 Jun 14
operators as S4 methods
Dear all, I need to re-define some mathematical operators (+, *, /, etc) for an S4 class based on array. All references I have found (S Programming, Green Book) show how to define S3 methods for this (like in page 89 of S Programming for "-.polynomial"). What is the preferred S4 way for doing this? I hope I haven't missed some obvious piece of documentation. Many thanks, Iago
2004 Nov 29
\link{} to help pages in Debian
Hello, In my Debian 3.0 systems, packages are installed in two different places, namely /usr/lib/R/library and /usr/local/lib/R/site-library, depending on whether they come from debian packages or CRAN ones. Help pages for my own packages, installed in the second location, cannot find help pages from, for example, the base package via \link{}. I also tried specifying the package with
2023 Nov 09
[R] Why is not built with manual installation of R devel in linux?
No clue. Tip: R-devel is the mailing list for anything related to development versions of R. Off-topic here. On November 9, 2023 2:59:44 AM PST, "Iago Gin? V?zquez" <iago.gine at> wrote: >Hi all, > >I downloaded R-devel as explicited in >Then, I tried to install it through instructions in
2023 Nov 09
[R] Why is not built with manual installation of R devel in linux?
No clue. Tip: R-devel is the mailing list for anything related to development versions of R. Off-topic here. On November 9, 2023 2:59:44 AM PST, "Iago Gin? V?zquez" <iago.gine at> wrote: >Hi all, > >I downloaded R-devel as explicited in >Then, I tried to install it through instructions in
2024 Feb 12
Avoiding Delete key function as 'Quit R' in Rterm when there are no characters in cursor line
On 2/9/24 21:39, Iago Gin? V?zquez wrote: > Duncan, do you think it's worth to comment this in R-devel list? Duncan filed a bug report via R bugzilla (thanks). There is no way to disable this functionality and it has existed for very long time, I tested that at least in R 3.0. Optionally ending the session was I believe intentional with Ctrl+D, when the input is empty, and it is also
2024 Feb 09
Avoiding Delete key function as 'Quit R' in Rterm when there are no characters in cursor line
Duncan, do you think it's worth to comment this in R-devel list? Iago ________________________________ De: CALUM POLWART <polc1410 at> Enviat el: divendres, 9 de febrer de 2024 18:28 Per a: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> A/c: Iago Gin? V?zquez <iago.gine at>; r-help at <r-help at> Tema: Re: [R] Avoiding Delete
2024 Feb 09
Avoiding Delete key function as 'Quit R' in Rterm when there are no characters in cursor line
I don't use term, but I've just tested it and this is reproducable. Is it a bug? Not sure. If you hit c after getting the message it will cancel the q() request. On Fri, 9 Feb 2024, 17:21 Duncan Murdoch, <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: > That looks to me like a bug, but I don't use Windows any more, so I > won't offer to try to fix it for you. In fact I
2019 Sep 13
Printing chinese characters (UTF-8) on R 3.5.2 -windows 10
But if I type > "?" the output is [1] "?" so seemingly it can be represented. Or, am I wrong? Best Iago ________________________________ De: Tomas Kalibera <tomas.kalibera at> Enviat el: divendres, 13 de setembre de 2019 11:24 Per a: IAGO GIN? V?ZQUEZ <i.gine at>; r-devel at <r-devel at> Tema: Re: [Rd]