similar to: Get a copy of a matrix only for TRUE entries of a matching size boolean matrix?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Get a copy of a matrix only for TRUE entries of a matching size boolean matrix?"

2024 May 03
Get a copy of a matrix only for TRUE entries of a matching size boolean matrix?
It's exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I'm replying to the whole list so others can skip this question, to not waste time on it. Bonne fin de journ?e de Montr?al (nous sommes le matin ici) On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 10:30?AM Marc Girondot <marc_grt at> wrote: > Is it what you want ? > mat_letters <- matrix(data=c('A', 'B', 'C',
2013 Oct 30
Lazy evaluation of exec clause in ssh Match statement
Hello, At present, if a ssh Match block contains an exec clause, the specified command is executed regardless of whether any preceding clauses are true. Thus, Match host !*.* exec "some_command %h" ... would always execute some_command regardless of whether the host matches the preceding pattern. That seems undesirable, particularly as the user-specified command may do name lookups
2013 May 02
repeat command
There is a unix command called repeat. repeat 10 some_command Basically repeats some command ten times. Is it available on Centos 6 and what package provides it?
2024 May 16
Least error-prone reading of Excel files?
I'm tasked to read a table from an excel file and it doesn't mention which method to use. I went back some lessons ago and the 5 years old lesson mentioned to pick a package using the highest score the way of the attached (screenshot). Since there's no requirement of a method to read Excel files, I'd rather use the least error-prone one; what would that be? eg will try multiple
2006 Jan 07
RailsCron 0.1 plugin
I, like many of you, have been searching for a good way to handle running long processes in Rails. So I rolled my own solution. I really want feedback! (I''ve tested this on very simple hello world examples, so don''t use it on anything production yet) . Grab the plugin: Here''s the README: OVERVIEW ======== RailsCron is a way to
2009 Apr 27
[cucumber] Where does STDOUT go?
If one invokes a Ruby script from a cucumber step definition and that script contains "puts" statements then where does the output go? I have a script that when run from the command line displays "puts" output in the terminal session, but when run from a cucumber step definition produces no console output. It does however produce the expected output file in either case. --
2001 Jun 15
openssh 2.9p1: data loss when stdout sent to a pipe
We recently tried upgrading openssh from 2.5.2p2 to 2.9p1 and discovered that it no longer worked to feed the output from a remote command into a pipe, unless the output was short and the pipe was very fast at processing its input. Example 1: ssh remote_machine some_command | less (where "some_command" generates a lot of output) now fails after the first screenful, with a
2008 Jan 17
Setenv missing
When I tried to use the setenv command to set the default text editor for subversion, I found it was missing how can I install it or enable it in CentOS 5 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Jan 06
debugging package
I am trying to debug a package to submit it to CRAN and am getting a bunch of error messages. Most of the errors are because of the Rd files which were automatically populated by the package.skeleton function. I find the section on documentation to be pretty confusion in the R Extensions manual. Any help on getting these errors fixed would be hugely appreciated. Thanks. --Markus * checking for
2013 May 13
[LLVMdev] Q: When is a boolean not a boolean?
Jeremy Lakeman wrote: > A: When the types are created in different contexts. > > I've been running into a module validation error related to phi nodes > produced by the GVN pass, where the types of the incoming values aren't > the same instance of IntegerType i1. > > I'm not certain I've found the root cause of the problem yet, it's > probably due to my
2013 Jul 17
sudo add user script
Hello list, I took another stab at finding a way to add a sudo user remotely and it gets you most of the way there. If you execute the script as root it works beautifully and does just what you want. Which is add the user to the group and gives that user group rights to certain commands. But if you execute it as a user who only has sudo access to the /etc/sudoers file it errors out. cloud:~]
2013 May 13
[LLVMdev] Q: When is a boolean not a boolean?
A: When the types are created in different contexts. I've been running into a module validation error related to phi nodes produced by the GVN pass, where the types of the incoming values aren't the same instance of IntegerType i1. I'm not certain I've found the root cause of the problem yet, it's probably due to my handling of LLVMContext & Module life cycles, and this
2008 May 29
when is a boolean not a boolean?
Weird problem.. I''m new to rails and ruby... maybe someone can explain what I am not getting.. Env: Mac OS X 10.5.3, Rails. 2.0.2, ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) A User class created using the restful_authentication plugin A Company class (has lots of fields not really important to the problem below) Users can have many companies, entered into the User.rb model as one would
2007 Jul 10
Article score calculations for Boolean and MultiTerm Queries, and customization options
Hi, I have some questions about the way that documents are scored by the Boolean and MultiTerm Queries, and about possible options for custom scoring articles. I am working on a project experimenting with different methods of automatically generating queries and the scoring mechanisms behind Lucene and Ferret have been perplexing us. >From looking at the Lucene explanation at (
2007 Feb 23
bug with boolean query evaluation containing parenthesis and NOT ?
Hi, The following [simplified] query works well, however a variation which includes parenthesis seems to fail, in that it returns hits which should be excluded by the NOT term. This is surprising because in this simple case, the parenthesis shouldn''t change the Boolean evaluation ... any pointers? Working Query: field1:value1 AND NOT field2:value2 Failing Query: field1:value1 AND
2006 Sep 11
Boolean query bug
Hello all, At the end of this script :, I made two search. They have to return the same result, but the first return 2 matches and the second only one match. The first is clearly buggy. Do you have an idea ? Thanks. PS: I''ve tested with 0.10.4 -- Posted via
2006 Sep 18
Sorting Boolean fields
Hey there, I came across this thread: where sorting in reverse by a boolean field wasn''t working properly. I''m having the same issue now, but there''s not a reply in that thread. I was wondering if anyone has figured this out yet? Bascially, I want all the records with a "1" (true) to float to the top of the
2006 Jul 24
error searching for a boolean query
Hey .. i''m not sure if the trac is currently maintained, so i''ll post this here as well, just to make sure :) i get a segfault on certain queries.. i guess thats a problem with the query parser.. >> "american~0.6 AND NOT type:Language" ) *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption
2007 Aug 06
new patch adding control_for :boolean to create a checkbox
I''m sorry I didn''t have time working on the tests/models generator but here is a tiny patch I wrote to help you creating form check boxes. -Matt -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 12
Check a boolean in the view
I know i probably shouldnt be doing this and maybe should move this to a helper or to the controller but how do i set a flag in the view. So for the code below im checking if x=y and if so then render a partial and set a flag called check = true. in the else then i want to output some text and then reset the boolean back to false. Can this be done? Whats the best way to this? <%