similar to: profile provider: is it me doing stupid things?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "profile provider: is it me doing stupid things?"

2009 Oct 19
Running dtrace sript for defined period of time?
Hello, I''m building some simple monitoring tools to watch zfs storage servers. Is this possible to run dtrace script for example 10 seconds? (Of course it is, I just trying to figure out how). Right know it has to be stopped by "CTRL-C" I''m particulary interested in scripts like iscsiio.d, iscsiwho.d from
2009 Sep 09
dtrace overhead and proper measuring technique
I''m trying to time a function within Firefoxwith a pid$target probe [2]. e.g dtrace -Zqw -x dynvarsize=64m -x evaltime=preinit -p 13954 -s menu- construct.d -s sigcont.d elapsed: 12.7942481ms cpu : 7.7911194ms count : 40 times I''m also measuring Firefox startup time by running it arguments like this: ... file:///Users/joelr/work/mozilla/startup/startup.html#`python
2007 Jul 11
Error trying to count return points in functions.
Whilst trying out some D to get an insight into what is the most common reason for a given function to return, I have bumped into an error I don''t understand. The first take on what I was trying to do was: # dtrace -n ''fbt:ip:ip_input:return{@home[arg0] = count();}'' and all was well. The next step was: # dtrace -n
2006 Feb 17
CPU time stats
hi, I am trying to find out the avg cpu time spent in each of my user methods (exclusive of other methods invoked by a method). Hence the following snippet failed miserably: ----------------------- pid$target:a.out::entry { time[probefunc] = timestamp;} pid$target:a.out::return { @spent[probefunc] = avg(timestamp - time[probefunc]);} END { printa(@spent);}
2005 Nov 15
Oracle 9 process on Sol 10 container, doing a pollsys, using high CPU
We''re running a Solaris 10 container, with an Oracle database - every 5-10 min, an Oracle process shoots up (using 20% + CPU) and then goes down in CPU %, doing a [i]pollsys [/i](see it via dtruss). I tried using some of the trace scripts in the Dtracetoolkit to see what the process is doing, but without any luck - also tried with the following, but dtrace process goes up to 30%
2005 Oct 31
Aggregation elements
Howdy, Is there a method to get the number of elements in an aggregation? Are the results stored in an aggregation guaranteed to be in any type of order? Thanks for any insight, - Ryan -- UNIX Administrator
2005 Dec 22
truncating aggregation output only
Hello dtrace-discuss, Sometimes I want to run a script for some time and every n second output N top entries. trunc() isn''t suitable here as it also removed keys/values. I want it ''coz over time if I use sum() entries which are normally truncated can actually get to top over a time. Maybe printa() extension, something like: printa(@b[10]) - to output top 10? --
2005 Dec 02
Formating output.
2006 May 12
why dtrace is not quiet?
i''m running the following script: #pragma D option quiet profile:::tick-1sec / ++x >= 15 / { exit(0); } io:::start { @io_size[execname] = sum(args[0]->b_bcount); } on exit, the script prints out the value of @io_size, why? there''s no printa(), and i also specified "D option quiet" (i also tried -q). this seems to happen with any kind of probe: on exit(0) all
2009 Oct 08
Solution to problem : dynamic variable drops with non-empty dirty list
I read some of the previous posts on this forum, which discussed this particular problem. I tried to use the solution that those posts suggested, but I am still having a problem with my dtrace application running on a heavily loaded system. I have the following lines in my D script, #pragma D option aggsize=8m #pragma D option bufsize=16m #pragma D option dynvarsize=16m #pragma D option aggrate=0
2008 Jul 24
printa stddev error
Hi, Searched for similar errors and nothing came up. Anybody know what this is? When using aggregate stddev, and then trying to print it at END, using printa, I get this error: dtrace: processing aborted: Invalid return value from callback avg works fine. Tried on two recent builds of solaris (build 89 and build 94), on two difference sparc systems. Here''s a sample script:
2009 Nov 19
dtracing a forked process OR dynamic library
Hi, I am tracking down a problem and would like to know how I can follow a forked process with my dtrace script, or how I can trace a dynamic library. Here is the problem. I am tracing dtlogin, and specifically I am trying to determine what error libpkcs11`<routine> is returning. It turns out dtlogin forks a lot of processes, and I believe the second forked process is the one that winds
2007 Aug 01
getting hex out of ints
I have a probe: pid111::myfunc:entry { self->arg = arg0; } pid111::myfunc:return /self->arg/ { @[self->arg] = quantize(); } works great, but i''d like arg0 to be printed in hex. I''ve tried numerous approaches to do this but i''ve hit a wall every time. I''ve tried: 1) self->arg = sprintf(arg0); no, cuz dtrace has no sprintf 2) self->arg
2010 Jun 17
Monitoring filessytem access
When somebody is hammering on the system, I want to be able to detect who''s doing it, and hopefully even what they''re doing. I can''t seem to find any way to do that. Any suggestions? Everything I can find ... iostat, nfsstat, etc ... AFAIK, just show me performance statistics and so forth. I''m looking for something more granular. Either *who* the
2009 Mar 20
suspicious dtrace results
i am doing reads and writes to /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s4 using dtrace to see how much time it took for ssdread and ssdwrite. It shows very small number 4 or 5. #pragma D option flowindent syscall::pread:entry { self->trace = 1; self->size = arg2; } syscall::pwrite:entry { self->trace = 1; self->size = arg2; } fbt:ssd:ssdread:entry /self->trace/ { self->start = timestamp;
2009 Feb 27
Memory usage for C++ Application is growing
Hi , I have c++ server application in solaries 10 . Day by day memory usage is growing i try to find memory leaks with MDB and DTRACE and no leaks found. how can we find reason for growing memory , can we know which memory sigment is cause for growing memory usage Thanks in Advance. Rao -- This message posted from
2005 Sep 15
Can I use printa() for printing multiple agg regations?
Hi Bryan, > Does that sit well with everyone? Seems fine to me. Just revisiting one of Dragan''s points, though (sorry if I missed the answer) - is there a reason for making this global (via a #pragma) rather than, say, simply providing two functions which print in the different orders? e.g. printa() for sort by sample, printak() for sort by key. My reason for wanting to do both in
2009 Apr 27
dtrace : isolating the slow write
Hi Experts, _write value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 4096 | 0 8192 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1161825 16384 | 2754 32768 |@
2008 Nov 12
hotuser in multicore system
Incase of multi-core systems where multiple threads maybe scheduled for execution, does the below dscript (from hotuser in DTraceToolkit) collect information for multiple libraries/functions that would be getting executed at a given point of time. I have been able to test it to check if it does or doesn''t. I assume it does. This was a query I have about profiling in general. #pragma D
2006 Jul 30
zfs mount stuck in zil_replay
Hello ZFS, System was rebooted and after reboot server again System is snv_39, SPARC, T2000 bash-3.00# ptree 7 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd -s 163 /sbin/sh /lib/svc/method/fs-local 254 /usr/sbin/zfs mount -a [...] bash-3.00# zfs list|wc -l 46 Using df I can see most file systems are already mounted. > ::ps!grep zfs R 254 163 7 7 0 0x4a004000