similar to: Rails newbie - can anyone please help with many to many NoMethodError

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Rails newbie - can anyone please help with many to many NoMethodError"

2009 Oct 23
Change positions of columns in data frame
Hi all, Probably a simple question, but I just can't find a simple answear in the older threads or anywhere else. I've added some new vectors as columns in a data frame using cbind(). As they're all put as the last columns inte the data frame, I would like to move them to specific positions. How do you do to change the position of a column in a data frame? I know I can use
2006 Jun 26
Create tables on the fly in rails?
Hello everyone :) Love the mailing list! I read it as much as I can! Thanks all you RoR guru''s for providing so much help. Anyways... So say I have Users, and each user can have a list of Plants that they like. I would want to give each user a table that has many entries to show me which plants they like. How could I do this? I don''t know if there''s a way to do
2005 Nov 22
Ferret NoMethodError
Using the current ferret gem (on Win-XP): irb(main):001:0> require ''ferret'' c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:950: warning: already initialized constant OPT_TABLE => true irb(main):002:0> include Ferret => Object irb(main):003:0> index = => #<Ferret::Index::Index:0x3477ba8 @qp=nil, ...> irb(main):004:0> index << "This is
2006 Aug 14
Hello, When i test this code <h1>contenu de votre panier</h1> <table> <% for item in @items product = item.product %> <tr> <td><%= item.quantity %></td> <td><%= h(product.title)%></td> <td align="right"><%=item.unit_price %></td> <td align="right"><%=item.unit_price * item.quantity
2006 Aug 14
acts_as_dropdown: NoMethodError on load
Rails 1.1.6 on gems I had the acts_as_dropdown plugin working fine, but now starting webrick gives me a: C:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/base.rb:1129:in `method_missing'': undefined method `acts_as_dropdown'' for User:Class (NoMethodError) My other plugins are working fine. I have the latest version of acts_as_dropdown. Gems are
2006 Jun 28
NoMethodError when setting session variable
I know this is dumb, but I can not set a session variable. I get the followig error: Processing Base#edit (for at 2006-06-28 17:17:34) [GET] Session ID: 3c4b2bad18c8bc289b719dc056913be7 Parameters: {"action"=>"edit", "id"=>"11", "controller"=>"image",
2006 May 07
NoMethodError trying to get ApplicationHelper method from a functional test
I am a little confused by the includes I suspect. In the book, it states that runtime environment will load the directories app, app/models, app/controllers, app/helpers, app/apis, components, config, lib, vendor and vendor/rails/*. However, when I try to access my "current_project" public method, it fails with a NoMethodError. What is even stranger is that I can use reflection to find
2006 May 10
When I want to see my users, then I get: ----------------------------------------------------- You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while evaluating nil.each Extracted source (around line #3): 1: <% @page_title = "Spisek uporabnikov" -%> 2: <table> 3: <% for user in @all_users %> 4:
2006 Apr 21
NoMethodError with test_read_with_hash
While running the product_test.rb test fixture in the Agile Web Development book (p. 148), but when I run ruby test/unit/product_test.rb, I get the following error: 1) Error: test_read_with_hash(ProductTest): NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occured while evaluating nil.[]
2006 Apr 27
NoMethodError - why?
Getting this error when hitting update. NoMethodError in Article#update You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.update_attributes Source code. def create @article =[:article]) @article.user = @session[''user''] if
2006 Apr 27
text_field_with_auto_complete - NoMethodError in the model
Hey guys, I have a text_field_with_auto_complete that looks like this: <%= text_field_with_auto_complete ("service_request", "req_name", {"size"=>40}) %> which goes to this in the controller: def auto_complete_for_service_request_req_name auto_complete_responder_for_investigators params[:service_request][:req_name] end
2008 Jun 06
`exit?'': undefined method `run?'' for Test::Unit:Module (NoMethodError)?
Why am I getting this error if running from Netbeans or just from command line with executing blah_spec.rb? If I run with spec bla blah blah_spec.rb then it''s fine. . Finished in 0.264 seconds 1 example, 0 failures c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.4/lib/spec.rb:27:in `exit?'': undefined method `run?'' for Test::Unit:Module (NoMethodError) from
2006 Feb 26
NoMethodError in Agile Web Devleopment Depot Tutorial
I''m working on building the shopping cart in the Depot tutorial in the Agile Web Development book. I''m at the part (about page 80) where you build the ability to add items to the cart. I''m able to get to /store/display_cart/ and it seems items are being added, but if I just click on a link to add an item (/store/add_to_cart/2) it gives me this: NoMethodError in
2006 Jan 11
Keep ketting weird error, NoMethodError in Admin#create_survey Keep getting ''undefined method `assign_variables_from_controller'' for #<Survey:0xb7462244>''
Hi list, I keep getting the following error: NoMethodError in Admin#create_survey undefined method `assign_variables_from_controller'' for #<Survey:0xb7462244> contents of Admin#create_survey is: @template = Survey.find(params[''survey''][''id'']) render :layout => false I have no idea where this comes from, bug in Rails? -- Michiel Sikkes
2006 Jan 21
HELP: NoMethodError (undefined method `stringify_keys!'' for
We have a flash developer who is intergating with a rails application when he posts a particular variable (in this case ''rating'') We get a ''Rails Application Error'' Trawling the production log turns up this error; NoMethodError (undefined method `stringify_keys!'' for "10":String): The html wireframe has no such problem. A select box is
2011 May 19
NoMethodError (undefined method `serializable_record' for #<ActiveModel
Hi , Am using rails 3 .I have added code in my controller -----------------------------------------------------------------------{|c| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- But am getting below error ------------------------------------------------------------ NoMethodError (undefined method
2010 Jun 20
NoMethodError in StoreController#add_to_cart -> getting nil
Hey everybody, I am currently following the depot application from the book Web Agile Development with Rails (3rd Edition) but after creating the controller for the Store and the Cart model, I am always getting a nil product, no matter how many products I add to the database. I am very new with RoR (this only the page 110 of the book) and thus I am not very sure about what I could do to mitigate
2011 Jan 15
NoMethodError: undefined method `more_results' for #<Mysql>
I am trying to create rake task to import data from my old php application.But I can not connect to mysql database properly, when I run Old::User.all on rails console ,I get this error : NoMethodError: undefined method `more_results'' for #<Mysql> from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-3.0.3/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:623:in
2010 Oct 25
Rails 3 -NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename
Hello! I''m using Rails 3, Uploadify, to send images to S3. Right now all the images being uploaded to S3 have the MIME: application/octet-stream I''d like to fix that but I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename'' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x107c81998>): app/models/photo.rb:29:in
2010 Dec 24
keep getting "undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) " in new server
hi guys, I have a new development server (ubuntu 10). I have done the following (the versions match my existing development machine which works fine): 1. installed ruby 1.9.1p378 2. installed ruby gems 1.3.7 3. installed rails 2.3.8 (used "gem install rails -v 2.3.8") 4. manually installed my other gems including sphinx and thinking sphinx with "gem install ..." 5. ran