similar to: PostgreSQL ActiveRecord default localized date assigned in test env

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "PostgreSQL ActiveRecord default localized date assigned in test env"

2006 Apr 03
problems testing on 1.1 and postgresql
Hi, I get errors doing this: 1) createdb myapp_test 2) rake db:test:clone_structure 3) rake test:units rake aborted! PGError: ERROR: relation "matches" already exists I''m using the :sql schema format because there are some problems with postgres and the :ruby schema format config.active_record.schema_format = :sql It seems rake test:units is trying to create the tables
2006 Jan 09
Include with two references of one model of the same table
Hey guys, I just came across this oddity, not sure what to make of it yet, but I think it might be incorrect behavior. When doing a @inst.find(:all, :include => ["hometeam", "awayteam"] ...) hometeam and awayteam are two references from a belongs_to that is of the same model and of the same table. I will get a pgerror stating that "matches", which is
2006 Mar 02
PostgreSQL function in an insert statement
Hi there, I wont insert a picture in a PostgrSQL-DB via the function lo_import. Therfore I modify the value of an ''oid'' column. @measurepoint =[:measurepoint]) @measurepoint.measurepoint_background = "lo_import(''#{@params[''measurepoint''][''measurepoint_background'']'')" The
2006 Feb 09
migration with PostgreSQL - function nextval does not exist
This might be a problem with postgresql, but I''m not sure. In a migration I have renamed a table so I wanted to rename a sequencer as well. It looks like: execute "ALTER TABLE global_vacations_id_seq RENAME TO vacations_id_seq;" execute "ALTER TABLE vacations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval(''vacations_id_seq''::regclass);" But the process of
2006 Jun 15
postgresql sequence and migrations
I have a specific need to ''fixate'' my ''roles'' table sequence when migrating. at migration #4, I have 28 records in my roles tables and I can manually reset the roles_id_seq but it stands to reason that since I am doing everything else in the migration, I might as well reset the sequence there too. so I tried this in my migration file... execute
2006 Apr 18
Postgresql and ActiveRecords problems
Hi all. I have a problem with postgresql PK columns and ActiveRecord. The error is: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "item_id" violates not-null. Ok, it''s wrong to insert NULL into PK columns, but rails doing it. How to fix? So sad..
2006 Jul 01
activerecord generating wrong syntax with postgresql
I''m using activerecord outside of rails and find_first generates sql that postgresql doesnt'' like. This is rails 1.1.4, with everything up to date via "gem update". This is the command line: ruby -rrubygems seca -c ../etc/seca.cnf cert --export 1 --format pkcs12 --key root.key >root.pfx This is the error: (PGError: ERROR: argument of WHERE must be type
2006 Feb 23
PostgreSQL CASCADE not copied to test db
When the unit test harness creates a test database from the development database, the ON DELETE CASCADE constraints I have on my foreign keys are not copied into the test database. (I can tell by looking at db/development_structure.sql.) That means the fixtures can''t load/unload from the test database properly. In other words, all my tests fail with the same error message:
2009 Apr 27
Encoding Problem / mod_rails / passenger / Postgresql 8.3
Hi, when I use mod_rails/passenger with apache2 on linux instead of webbrick for our application, then it stops working with certain browsers like the ie, and konqueror but still works with firefox. I get the following error message: ActionView::TemplateError (PGError: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xad HINT: This error can also happen if the byte sequence does
2011 Sep 12
Migrate column from text to binary (PostgreSQL)
Hello, So I''ve realized one of the columns in a table has to be binary instead of text. However, a straightforward change_column :my_table, :my_column, :binary fails under PostgreSQL (9.x series) The error message being: PGError: ERROR: column "my_column" cannot be cast to type bytea : ALTER TABLE "my_table" ALTER COLUMN "my_column" TYPE bytea Now
2007 Feb 19
Invalid SQL generated with PostgreSQL 8.2.3
Hey, Using Ruby 1.8.5, postgres-pr-0.4.0, activerecord-1.15.2, Rails 1.2.2 and PostgreSQL 8.2.3. I''m following the O''Reilly book "Ruby on Rails", so you can tell I know precious little of what I''m doing ;-) Well, I''ve created some models, and was working through examples, and executed the following from a console: >> show = Slideshow.find 1
2007 Aug 23
Saving ActiveRecord in PostgreSQL without id
I have a small table that is used to temporarily queue requests, as such it does not have an id field (or any other primary key), because it doesn''t make sense to have one. When I created an ActiveRecord class and tried to save it, I get: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: relation "temp_requests_id_seq" does not exist It keeps looking for the id to auto
2005 Dec 22
nonstandard postgresql sequence names
I''m working with a legacy postgresql database where the names of tables, columns, etc., do not usually follow Rails conventions. I''ve been able to work around it for the most part, but I ran into this: I have the following test: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class SponsorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase self.use_transactional_fixtures =
2008 Nov 04
RSpec and PostgreSQL not playing nicely together
Here is a very simple spec: -- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../spec_helper'') describe Product, "The Product model" do describe "When a new blank product object gets created" do before(:each) do @product = end it "should not be valid" do @product.should_not be_valid
2005 Mar 07
exclude an attribute from save
Hi, I''ve used .save to save the attributes, but on my table there is an autoincrementing id (not the primary key) that doesn''t need to be inserted... but save try to INSERT it anyway... is there a way to avoid save from acting this way or to whisper him to be more polite this time? ;) Thanks, Enrico -- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
2008 Jan 16
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8649 failed
The build failed. CHANGES ------- Revision 8649 committed by gbuesing on 2008-01-16 20:07:10 Introducing DateTime #utc, #utc? and #utc_offset, for duck-typing compatibility with Time. Closes #10002 M /trunk/activesupport/CHANGELOG M /trunk/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/date_time/calculations.rb M /trunk/activesupport/test/core_ext/date_time_ext_test.rb TEST FAILURES AND
2011 Sep 18
Rails 3 and postgresql
I have a simple project created around a very, very simple database: one main table packs with just three rows Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval(''packs_id_seq''::regclass) nombre | character
2006 May 28
ActiveRecord: FK constraints problem
Hi all. I have has_and_belongs_to_many association between models: Section and Content. class Section < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree has_and_belongs_to_many :contents belongs_to :default_content, :class_name => ''Content'', :foreign_key => ''default_content_id'', :dependent => :nullify end class Content < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to
2006 May 04
create databases with rake
hi, is there a way to create the database (say development and or production) specified in database.yml with rake? thanks, Enrico -- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke
2004 Aug 06
[Re: icecast2 ??]
Behold, hath decreed: > > Well, I think saying that doesn't care about its users at all > is too harsh. On the other hand, there's some truth in this, and I > highly appreciate it. If you want to stick to MP3, Icecast1 is for you - > nobody forces you to use it (or not), and you're also free to use > something else., i.e. Jack